At Human A/B, the privacy of our visitors is of utmost importance. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information received and collected by Human A/B, and how it is used.


To improve your experience on our site, we may use cookies. Cookies  are an industry standard and most major websites use them. A cookie is a  small text file that our site may place on your computer as a tool to  remember your preferences. You may refuse the use of cookies by  selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note  that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of  this website.
Our website may contain links to other websites. Please be aware that  we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites.  When you go to other websites from here, we advise you to be aware and  read their privacy policy.

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, a service which transmits website  traffic data to Google servers in the United States. Google Analytics  does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any  other data held by Google. We use reports provided by Google Analytics  to help us understand website traffic and webpage usage.
By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about  you by Google in the manner described in Google’s Privacy Policy and for  the purposes set out above. You can opt out of Google Analytics if you  disable or refuse the cookie, disable JavaScript, or use the opt-out  service provided by Google.
If you require any more information, or have any questions about our privacy policy, feel free to contact us.

Copyright Information

Everything written on this site, unless otherwise indicated, is  property of Human A/B. Feel free to take pieces of our work and  replicate it online or in print, but please link back to If you want to use more than a few paragraphs,  please contact us.
Many of the photographs on this site were taken by Human A/B. All other  photos have been purchased for use as stock photography, or they are  being used under the Creative Commons license. Any use of copyrighted  photos is unintentional. If you believe a mistake has occurred and you  own the copyright to any of the photos used on this site, please let us  know and we will happily remove the questionable photo immediately.


Some of the links on this site are affiliate links (e.g., links to  books on Amazon), which means Human A/B earns some revenue, at no additional cost to our audience, from some of the products and services  recommended.
Mentors are not licensed attorneys, therapists, psychologists, or  psychiatrists: their services are based solely on their personal life  experiences, and any guidance or advice dispensed should be treated  strictly as subjective opinions—not facts, objective truths, or legal  advice. Moreover, persons considering changing their diet or exercise  regimens should first consult a physician.