- QC'd SDAP roster; rectified 30 Start/Stop actions/turn'd<36 hrs/#1/26 sqs--shielded $94.2K entitlements for 78 mbrs, - Rebuilt sq UPMR; scrutinized 625 funded manpower rqmts/solved 526 pos mismatches--erased 2-yr shortfall <10 days - AFPAAS SME; Led COVID tracking/status updates for 565 sq & family mbrs--ensured well-being/NC3/NAOC msn, - Revitalized UCA program within squadron; created tracking database--yielded 100% service member retention rate, - Rapid deployed 38 med prsnl in support of COVID; orders in hand/on plane w/in 48 hr notification--set new standard, - IPR "go to"; trained 2 NCO s/mobility folder review/DCAPES--averted msn degradation during work-center turnover, - AFPAAS SME; oversaw 208 POC s/3 JBMDL wings/13 GSUs--confirmed 100% accountability f/5K+ mil/civ prsnl, - Est'd initial FS Services during Hurr Michael between US NORTHCOM & AFRC; led to search & rescue miscap, - Tracked 1.8K proj'd gains; monitored 350 unfilled ULNs/coord'd w/42 IPRs--ensured AEG deployed requirements met - Led CSS SAVs; insp 9 sqs/19 prgms/57 observations id'd/provid'd gudance/COAs--ensur'd msn focus/AF compliance, - Led sq's FY21 SDAP updates; mng'd 17 new prgm allowances--expedited $40K in annual pay incentives f/3 AFSCs - Ex COLD SNAP PDF mbr; verified mobility rcrds/mng'd discr rpt--readied 245 deployers for warfighter msn - Vol'd w/Yellow Ribbon reintegration; assisted 300+ mbrs w/info and svcs--increased resiliency for NJANG membrs. - Supports AFELM/CC, advises leaders, facilitates/initiates/tracks personnel updates maintaining HR systems integrity - Oversaw unit SDAP Prgm; advised/validated/processed/updated 20 prsnl pay rec--$72.7k in payments received on time - Spearheaded gp recall/accountability program; MXG recognized as "the standard" for wg recall rosters - Led AOR's lgst PERSCO tm; 1K DEERS trans/acct'd 23K pax/67 E-lv/averted 70 deports--saved DoD $140K - Mng'd SITREP; scrubbed 1.5K recd's, id'd/created 28 missing personel files--acct'd f/ 9 Sqs/10 locations/1460 inbound - Dev'd sq tracking sys; reconfig 6 stud status docs f/250+ PCA/PCS -- sync d data entry w/MPF & red process by 2 days Mediocre Performance Reports 12 7.1. - Managed monthly ETS roster; Coord/tracked 246 reenlistment and extensions; ensured operational goals cont'd met - 51 FW lead for civ evacuation ops, NEO; led 140 Amn/briefed 28 ldrshp tms--Wing primed to evac 2.4K US citizens. - Monitored and processed over 11,000 enlisted and officer performance reports--reduced late reports from 30% to 5% Willingly learned DepCon operations--ensured products were pushed during PSM absence, - Completed 30 hrs of MPF trng; enhanced knowledge of personnel programs -reduced errors in MPF processes, - Trained MPS personnel on PERSCO block II & V objectives--enhanced knowledge & CFETP completion rate, - Completed RAPIDS 7.0 cert w/99%; secured systems to meet DOD standards--enhanced section productivity, - Revamped UIF program; disc'd/corrected missing docs from folders--legal reviews comp'd, zero discrepancy found, - Meticulously tracked 26 Art 15 actions; MilPDS updated to prohibit erroneous entitlements; system error free, - Managed 52 invol separations w/WG CC approval; mbrs notified in 24 hrs--exceeded AF standard by 15%, - Completed TBMCS training; ensured C2 system fully operational--critical contingency response function, - Completed 2 wk DCAPES crs; maintained 95% test average/finished in top 10%--role model to peers/Jr Amn, - PDF LOGMODF lead during Ex (ALL CAPS EX NAME); processed 176 Amn--ensured 100% on time departure, - PDF Team Lead; verified mobility currency of over 400 mbrs/5 real-world deployments--100% qualification, - Verified mobility currencies & eligibility of 600 deployers--mbrs 100% mission ready/deployed on schedule, - PDF accountability NCOIC; verified eligibility of 240 deployers--mbrs 100% msn ready & deployed on-time, - Rectified 1-year DCAPES scanner system outage; cut 5.8K man-hrs yearly--enabled POTUS-directed BOG accuracy, - Validated integrity of nuclear surety prgm; coord'd/tracked 9 PRP certs--100% verification prior to departure, - Processed 15 PRP perm decertifications/25 certifications; ensured timely processing/appropriate code updates, - Aggressively verified/updated 350 PRP status codes; confirmed codes were commensurate w/job requirements, - Laboriously completed annual PRP audit of 470 e-records; passed 22 discrepancies to CO--0 reliability defects. - Supported cleanup of Harvey aftermath; hauled 2k+ lbs destroyed cubicles to dump--freed ANG 80+ hrs in labor cost Penned 8 nomination packages/mentored SNCOs--6 Sq/3 Grp Qtrly/2 Sq annual awards. - Provides management, execution and oversight of unit budget allocation and distribution of days for MSG personnel - Manages ARCNET, performs review of unit training prgm, and ensure ancillary training requirements are met timely - Performs admin and prsnl functions as directed by the MSG/CC, train new Airmen, assists on CSS-related matters - Counseled mbrs on SGLI coverage; verified application accuracy--safeguarded $248M insurance entitlements Mng'd billeting for 154 personnel, 3720 rooms over RD/AT days--saved SQ $2K per year - Implemented discrep tracker; educated 9 MPFs on PSDG/fixed 59 contracts--stopped invol seps/recoup'd $3M in SRBs - Admin'd mass inoculation Ex; sched d 71 personnel/reached 94.8% unit currency rate--bested Wing's 86.7% response. - Authored 1 ECEG SOP; lias'd w/AFCENT/A1/Gp/Sq ldrshp--defined admin/prnsl operations/efficency increas'd 30% This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. - Mentored CSS on new processes; steered 3 amn on flight prgms--increased w/c task knowledge/proficiencies by 30% AFSC 3F5X1 Administration Vote. Personnel functions encompass classifying, assigning, promoting, base reenlisting and separating military personnel; MilPDS management; controlling, administering, and interpreting personnel tests used to measure general learning ability, specific aptitudes, job proficiency, interests, and other pertinent human variables; processing officer Management EPR Bullets - Led mil prsnl file review/archive; flawlessly updated 421 officer rcds--cut process time by 25% Talk to your superintendent or chief about how they plan on rack and stacking and thats how you know what is necessary. CSS inspectors identified zero findings--received "Excellent" rating, - Handpicked for ABW SAV; ID'd problem areas/shared insight--FSS secured UCI success w/ "Excellent" rating, - Takes charge! Instructor EPR Bullets - Air Force Writer - Prepares, standardizes, and enforces proper governance on all incoming and outgoing official communication, - Leads multi-service, civilian & joint team of 16, supporting six divisions & 120+ joint officers, enlisted & civ - Maintains, reviews and updates personnel deployment records and tracks availability status of 373 personnel. The best and most extensive collection of U.S. Air Force EPR bullet examples sorted by AFSC and additional duties. - Initiated asgmt's f/CAA trng relocation; authored process & created 40 CMS sites/orders--facilitated 35 low cost PCS - Demonstrated subject matter expert; qualified 5 enlisted prsnl on AFSC specific--increased unit deployment readiness, - Designated section SME 1 month after hire with limited hand off--led to successful CSS Ops Gp cohesion and - Advises sr ldrs on prsnl/awards & decs/force mgmt/mil evals/SDAP/UHM prgms; ensures data integrity/msn readiness AFSC 3F5X1, Administration, EPR Bullet examples. - Led PIF overhaul; mng'd digital upgrade f/754 docs/streamlined EPR prcs--enabled geo-sep supervisor viewing capes, - Led Trusted Agent Drug Demand Reduction prgrms; enforced strict 2hr timeline--80 mbrs test'd w/100% compliance - Surveyed SAR codes against UMD; fixed 4 major discreps/initiated 2 upgrades--mitigated potential security violation As Assistant Security Manager, adroitly reviewed and tracked X security action items, ensuring 100% DoDCAF compliance. - Directorate GPC cardholder; manages budget/purchasing, and maintains supply requirements for J5 directorate, - Provides personnel support to 78 units/GSUs/NAF/5 MAJCOMs servicing 5.2K Airmen across 17 locations - Sound leadership of admin functions directly aided MDG's Excellent rating during 2012 HSI/JC inspection, - Spearhead'd San Jacinto Monument scavenger hunt; removed barriers/promoted teamwork; improved espirit de corps Prepped 305 AMW for several 4-star and DV visits; perfectly executed--no show-stoppers Executed vital UCC duties; relayed alarm conditions/mop lvls/situation reporting; msn efficiency increased 3S0X1 Personnel EPR Bullet Examples - eprbulletsafsc.com - Systematized Gp Staff Mtg slides; maint'd current info from flt to gp lvl--enhanced ldrshp alignment w/ Wg Priorities, - Tackled 3 MBA courses; amassed 3.0 GPA/18 credit hrs shy of degree-- honed skills to manage unit $2.2 mil budget - Processed over 200 patient records requests at 452 AMDS clinic; enforced 100% HIPPA compliance standards, - Propelled sect unity/processes/15 mbrs; attend'd 4-day PCMH crse--garnered 100% EOC test/2 creds f/CCAF - Produced KAF DPDRT reports; levied data trend analysis f/ 146 discrep's--delivered crucial SA to HHQ & AEW/CC - Managed leave program; authorized/reconciled 2.5k leave/PTDY requests--enriched unit productivity/Amn resiliency, - Managed MDG SharePoint webpage; assisted site users/contributors--streamlined flow of info for 250+ pers - Drove special duty assignment pay; tracked 36 rosters f/7 sqs; ensured $9K pay entitlements/zero discrepancies noted AF Mentor - Earned Professional Managers Certification; completed 6 credit hours--broadened management/supervisory skillsets - Effectively managed 4 sections inspiring best performance; supported 4 ops squadrons & Dets--enabled 300+ sorties - Equipment custodian; Managed/tracked 35 pieces of equip valued over $34K--100% accountability of ADPE items 3F0X1 Personnel. - Excelled as NCOIC f/3 wks; mng'd high tempo ops/supv d 6 Amn--catalyst behind 1 awd win & 3 coined f/excellence - Proc'd 261 PTARs/21 early releases/16 exts/224 delay'd rpt's; coord'd w/ CCs & AFCENT/A1--ensured unhindered ops Enter contributions below and click Send. - Advised military members on formal training classes needed to progress--no lost advancement opportunity, - Advised/compiled three Article 15s; briefed Wing CC on Status of Discipline--enforced professional standard - Accountable for timeliness, accuracy, and maintenance of published content to Air Force Portal and SharePoint - Manages Agent requests, Join-Spouse/Citizenship Applications; processes address changes/marital status updates - Steadfast oversight as Wing SAPM! - SharePoint lead admin; provided trng/granted permissions/modified sq/gp sites--pages compliant w/base CS - Distributed 944+ identification cards; validated benefits/entitlements IAW DoD policies--100% data integrity, - Drove $6M COVID response; prep'd 39 tons cgo f/2 POTUS #1 pri msns--distro'd 1.5M tests/cut dlvry time by 72-hrs, - Efficiently signed in 90+ mbrs manually when unit sign-in system not responding; exceptional customer service - Oversaw DoD Name-in-System pgm; monitored 500 taskings/700 LNR--cleared 1.2K Amn/spt'd 5 COCOMs/3 AORs - Restored delinquent ADPE acct; resolved 7 month oversight/located 36 missing items--averted ROS/recovered $33K Recognition/Award EPR examples. - Administers jt human capital mgmt svcs; coordinates/reviews mil personnel policy/pgms f/10 SES & 3 GO Directors, - Mngs records thru admin of 30 prsnl prgms & in/out-prcs'g actions f/3.5K TFA/dependents ISO C-MAJCOM mission Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC. Primary, Additional Duty EPR Bullets - Air Force Writer - Piloted PCS retention req's; expedited 47 DEROS ext's/10 EFMP assignments <30 days--crushed AF's 60-day std/50%, - Piloted SRB/SRP prgm; verified 390 Amn records/fixed 35 errors--secured $500K in bonuses/saved 12 Amns careers Acronyms - afpc.af.mil - Provides personnel functions on 21 admin prgms to 7 sqs/3 GSUs/404 DoD sites/4K remote mil/civ across 2K sq miles Administrative EPR Bullets - Expertly mng'd sq's sponsor prgm; incorporat'd key spouses--info crossflow facilitat'd smooth transition f/32 families - Updated 5 AEFI changes via MilPDS; aligned mbrs in bands//UTCs--solidified 100% rotational integrity f/11 GSUs - Instrumental to BRM team; tracked all unit trng for 394 RCs/284 CORs/49 FARMs--PACAF's largest RM program Personnel EPR Bullets Job Description/ Key Duties - Leads unit CSS, manages commander's prgms including Evals/Decorations/SDAP/Duty Status/Trusted Agent for 3 sqs - Advises CC/sq leadership on all personnel issues, coordinates and schedules calendar for all front office & sq activities - Facilitated progress of unit "Combat Dine Out"; setup/teardown/cleanup of accommodations-- 90+ personnel served - Maintain INTRO prgrm, assignment process, Duty Status, Special Duty Assignment Pay & Drug Demand Reduction - MPF trng prgm ld; execut'd CFETP updt/guid'd 5 Amn/3.5K JQS cplt--CMSgtAF top priority met/100% EOC pass rt, - Natural Leader! - Assisted CS w/no-notice urinalysis; gathered 200 samples/4 positive results--supported AF zero tolerance drug policy As supervisors of Air Force personnel, one of our most important jobs is ensuring we accurately document the performance of our people in the written word. - Valuable member! - Auth'd 168 SITREPs; track'd crit COVID vax data f/asgn'd/transient mbrs--dlvr'd real-time stats f/4 Wg agencies daily, - BRSCP SME; verified 28 Amn recrds/develp'd notification tracker--updt'd/secured $40K in/bonus's & retained 9 mbrs, - CCF/MPF liaison; advised 42 pers/30 FTA/14 EPME waivers processed--barred 2-mo delay/$33.6K back pay received Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. Readiness EPR Bullets. - Re-established 20 AMXS Personal Information File program--squadron personnel files safeguarded/regulated - Oversaw Overdue Gains; liasi'd w/4 CSSs/verifi'd 54 docs--cleared 18 records/2 month backlog/benifits uninterrupted, - Oversaw production of TDY assignments; 303 TDY orders >2697 trng days w/$235k in travel--zero msn degradation, - Penned CSS continuity; merged 14 pgms/primed Sect Cmdr successor--prep'd future 3F0s for career field skills shortage COVID EPR Bullets - Acting Section Chief; supported 180 shifts during COVID crisis--no outbreaks/protected 19 lives/100% mission suppt - Adjusted Flight SOP promptly to reflect COVID OPSTEMPO; asst GT w/P&D--over 2K assets valued at +$500K del - AFPAAS SME; Led COVID tracking/status updates for 565 sq & family mbrs--ensured well-being/NC3/NAOC msn - Organizational master! - Creat'd 13 RFFs/CR/DU; rv'd 445 ERMD pos/ID'd 57 DNFs/37 LNR changes--enabled PSAB bare base $13.7M proj - Established filing sys procedures; generated 20 permanent training folders--aircrew training continuity assured, - Tackled NGB/A1 Stu Flight Initiative project; implemented strat comm for mvment of 79 stu flt mbrs w/ 6 Gp/CSSs - Revamped eval/dec prgm; mng'd 5 SCODs/201 evals/124 TRs/15 Decs--amassed 4 qtrly/1 HGOTY/Diamond sharp awd - Directed base in-processing; updated duty status for 100 newly assigned airmen--reached 100% accountability - Reviewed 85 evals; initiated use of Electronic Management Systems for evals--improved/streamlined process - Ushered Wg adverse action prem review; champ'd 52-red audits /id'd 25 discreps--cleansed process/max'd CC NIP capes, - Validated 96 leave/official travel; processed 8 TDY orders/46 duty updates--enabled $24K entitlement/100% liability - Oversees installation DEROS Program/Command Sponsorship Program (CSP)/51 FW's SrA BTZ central boards - Reviewed/updated 900+ duty info/decorations/TRs; ensured accurate career history--zero discrepancies f/228 sq mbrs Find Out More . - Executed GI/GS clinic daily ops; coordinated 375 visits/146 procs--averted $40K MTF ref costs/7K enrollees, - Expediently converted 800 incentive records to electronic media; cleared open discrepancy; 100% MICT compliance - ID'd 196 missing security docs/fixed 96% deficiency; validated 169 billets--secured $4.3M assets/15 ctrl areas - Corrected 12 Amn/officer discipline/legal issues; networked w/four base/local agencies--enforced AF policy, - Corrected bldg fire alarm malfunction; worked with base fire dept in isolating damage--prevented bldg damage - Clear'd BAH issue f/8 Officers; collab'd w/HHQ, mended 5 JS-HR PAScode locations--DFAS backpaid $46K to mbr September 25, 2021. - DEERS Mngr; scrutinized 2.4K ID cards issuance/dependent enrollments--catalyst f/base security/$2.5M med benefits Example 2 - bullets vs narrative. - Force Management SME; Managed 80 Unit Manning Document reviews--identified 78 proj vacancies for recruiting - Performed TPC checks f/2 clinics; verified DoD eligibility f/420 pts--MTF recaptured $52K f/unfunded prgms - Guided CC thru 3 promotion issues; synced w/MPF f/3 erroneous discharges--ensured mbrs considered for promotion, - Helmed Base Leaveweb Prgm; edu 23 UPCs on sys updates--cleared 637 unreconciled lv requests/restored 57 lv days, - Identified 31 quality force errors; pinpointed caused/repaired files/conducted training--records 100% correct - Refreshed duty status reporting; coord'd w/7 CC's/4 GSU's f/reps/authored TDY checklist--sec'd line of duty f/1K mbrs, - Rejuvenated duty status reporting; coord'd w/7 CC's f/reps/authored sq guide--secured line of duty/$500 SGLI benefits - Oversaw PERSCO ITEC account; inventoried 25 line items--100% accountability/$7.7K equip readied for next team Education, Qualifications and Training This is an entry-level enlisted position. - Directed sec incident response; conducted interviews/rpt'd findings--proposed corrective actions/updat'd trng f/24 prsnl - Resourceful--obtained two scarce regional RMS training slots--saved $7000, increased flight personnel qualifications . - Managed $25k budget; focal point for RA coord, TDY availability/feasibility--reconciled civilian/mil pay issues - Issued 90 ID cards/dependent enrollment--secured $64K DEERS/RAPIDS network assets/supporting 250 customers, - Key person in charge w/ Non-Profit Hopeful Liberia; 16k raised for Liberia cmmnty for greater quality of life, - Launched Salesforce testing; dedicat'd 3 wks/tested 27K rcds/175 LIMFACS found--postur'd f/roll-out/$218M contract - Streamlined spt f/404 DoD sites/11 GSUs; combined IACS/UK license/veh reg prgm w/orderly rm--1 stop f/4K mbrs - Analyzed 2 wg postures/workload rqmts; ID'd 12 billets f/force lvling--aligned assets & gained 20% manpower - Created monthly MSG/CC PowerPoint briefings; provided on-time statistical analyses of contracts trends/data, - Critical PDF/DCC member during training exercise Snowbird; processed 132 Amn; ensured 100% on time departure AFEPRBullets.com - EPR / OPR / Award Bullet database focusing on AF : Supervisor's Survival Guide - This guide was created by 690 IIS for use by all Supervisors and their troops. Thanks! - Validated 500+ dty pos#; properly aligned Wg manpower reqs-supt 200 combat sorties &10K mil & Civ flts, - Adept! Each Performance Statement will be a standalone sentence and includes 1) action and 2) at least one of the following: impact or results/outcome. - Overhauled sq retention prgm; administered 15 contracts/streamlined process w/MPF--drove $125K in SRB payments - Prep'd 39 wkly directorate staff mtg notes; info gathered, tracked, QC'd/readied--aided GP leaders' oversight abilities 0. - CSB/REDUX program POC; 50 eligibles briefed on entitlements--ensured 100% accuracy w/$1.5M dispersed, - DEERS Site Security Mgt; issued 120 ID cards/dependent enrollments--spt'd 4.5K cust/secured $20K DoD sys eqpmt Quickly fixed discrepancies/updated 153 duty status codes; maintained wing total forced sustainment, - Completed 1K+ 2096 actions/SEI/AFSC level changes; ensured accurate/timely upgrades of career data, - Stellar oversight; updated 500+ duty position/change of asgmt actions; properly aligned WG manpower reqs, - Managed casualty prgm; processed 28 rpts <4 hrs/coord'd w/ 32 bases--preserved critical timeline/NOK notif, - Drove Qatar Reporting Instr re-write; ID'd Jt Info Spt TF uniform/removed AF Form 245 rqmt--saved 1.5K hrs/year, - Coord'd w/ Mil Pers Dirct & 8A/G1; accompl'd 9 Army CSP pkgs within 5 duty days--preserved family unity, - Directed AUAB contractor accountability; authenticated 364 employees & 48 agencies--AF reimbursed $240K qtrly, - Teamed w/ 34 AMU; org'd FOD walks/10 Amn/4 hrs--safeguarded $1.9B B1 aircraft/aided 2K sorties ISO OIR/OFS, - Drug Demand Reduction Prgm Facilitator; notified/tracked 300 selectees--strict enforcement of high vis prgm, - Overhauled Grp BAS/SIK prgm; processed 25 requests w/FSO--secured mbrs $2K in overdue entitlements, - Aggressively monitored section TRs; developed procedures to update MilPDS suspense actions--zero repeats, - Overhauled "Base" BAS program; processed 300 requests--secured members $15K in overdue entitlements, - Led 3S0 WIT Phase I/II exer prep; inspected 12 PDF lines/612 PAX/124 sim casualty msgs--inspection ready, - Synched 20 FW SAV team for 480 ISR; 3 CSS'/6 evaluators & 13 prgms--readied Gp for AFISRA UEI success, - BNR'd to SAV USAFA/MPS by 10 MSG/CCC; 26 prgms evaluated--AFIA rated "in compliance" during UCI, - Supervised Adverse Actions self inspection; scrutinized 163 UIFs; rcvd "Outstanding" rating on legal review, - Performed UCC duties during Exer; relayed alarm conditions/mop lvls/situation reporting; vital to msn success, - IGEMS Team Chief; creat'd/assess'd 3 unit Compliance Inspections--id'd 43 shortfalls/averted potential msn failures, - Attended Silver Flag training exercise; best possible preparation for wartime role as PERSCO Team member, - Conducted MICT cross insp; val'd 120 checklist items/ID'd 14 errors/corrected 8 observations--unit insp ready, - Led BCEE team during 2013 AETC CUI! - Briefed 23 civ personnel on PII policy; emphasized command guidance--ensured 100% network accountability - Great Mentor! Contact admin@eprbulletsafsc.com Disclaimer. - Spearheaded never-done-before Official Passport waiver for FY20 Mobilization; 70+ passports applications accepted EPR Bullets by AFSC - Career focused; completed cross-training checklist ahead of schedule; accelerated school dates/unit proficiency - Directly supports/advises POTUS, VPOTUS, SecAF, CSAF & CMSAF staff on sensitive close-hold personnel issues - PDF accountability NCOIC; verified eligibility of 240 deployers--mbrs 100% msn ready & deployed on-time
General Confession Prayer Ame Church, Missouri Inmate Search Vinelink, Articles P