The one that should be there is the combat medic. At age 55, World War 2 Veterans were estimated to live 21.4 and 26.1 life-years, 1.4 and 0.3 more life-years for Korean Conflict Veterans, and 3 and 1.5 more life-years for Vietnam Era Veterans for male and female, respectively. I was a 2LT on Hamburger Hill and had 4 RTOs over a 7 day period (excluding the times I ended up carrying my own radio). Aboard ship, the troops, most of whom had never been on a ship before, endured crowded conditions, jammed mess halls with waiting lines of up to an hour, seasickness, and boredom. The men couldnt eat them anyway, so they made excellent trade items with the candy-starved French. The American army traveled to Europe by ship, and by a wide variety of ships including troop transports designed and built for the purpose, Liberty ships, converted freighters, and the great ocean liners of the Allies. The average life expectancy of a front-line soldier in eastern Ukraine is four hours, a Marine said. I had scary thoughts about myself humping the bush as a RTO, I was a real puny guy back then. All the comments and replies are of absolute truth, I was only 18 when I got to Nam ,Im a country boy from NC so here I am We ambushed and got ambushed, firebase got attacked who carried what or did what had no bearing. Thank You General Vessey for the almost 53 years I have lived since that day. He said when they were ambushed they took defensive positions, returned fire, called for assistance when needed, and retreated when necessary. Cameron Rogers from 1st Battalion, 66th Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, plots points on a map during the fire . Thank You Roger!!! Thanks for posting! And yes, please God, bless America. The young Americans soon learned the essential words in French to address their immediate concerns, such as mademoiselle, vin, biere, and other useful phrases and terms. The ASVAB is short for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery which is a series of tests that help you better understand your strengths in the U.S. Military. I think the number of Army and Hospital Corpsmen serving with the Marine Corp was very high, with the ratio of the number of them over there. Amen I was a machine gunner for 7 months 503rd infantry 173rd airborne and you hit the nail right on the head. Other severely wounded men and those recovering from surgery were sent, if necessary, to hospitals operated by the Army, the International Red Cross, or the medical services of the nation in which they were located. Our patrols were typically about 14 hours 24/7 We operated of old LSTs and large barges. Army Infantrymen are experts in both weaponry and machinery, so there is a need to maintain and store combat weapons of all types. It began just as, it was getting dark. Here are our sources: Company A, 276th Infantry in World War II, by Frank H. Lowry, 1991, Life in the Infantry, by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, The War, PBS online, 2007, Command Decisions: The 90 Division Gamble, by Maurice Matloff, Center for Military History, Department of the Army, 1960, online, The Infantry Organization for Combat, by Hugh Foster, April 26, 2000, online, The European Theater of Operations, ed. my left and saw this rice paddie farmer and his ox and I was trying to motion him to get down he just looks at me and starts What were the life expectancies of soldiers during the Vietnam War Comfortable with the results of his inspection, the soldier sits on a nearby log, powders his feet and inserts them into his damp boots, making sure to tuck his fatigue pants into the tops before tying the laces - a preventive measure to keep leeches and ticks from crawling up the legs. Of the American combat troops which served on the continent of Europe during the Second World War about 15% were frontline infantry. What were the life expectancies of soldiers during the Vietnam War? I was an Artillery Forward Observer with the Infantry. [1] However, this claim is as much an indictment of US Army personnel practices and miscalculations as it is an indicator of tank crew losses. In a strange country scared shitless .I was a minesweeper.My first time out on a mission they put me on the drag line fifty yards from the road which was route 1, Then all hell broke lose John Doever * Basic training and advanced job training are combined into a single course. The US Army Combat Lifesaver Course is an official medical training course conducted by the US Army. I applaud the courage and difficult and all so dangerous job of Roger Herforth when he served as an RTO for the Hawk Recon Platoon of the 101st airborne division in Vietnam.. They used the callsign MEDIVAC and were armed. However, Infantrymen may be eligible for bonuses, including an enlistment incentive of up to $41,000. When in close proximity to the enemy smoking at night was forbidden, as were cooking fires or open flames. I would suspect that stating with any accuracy the life span of a grunt like me, or any other MOS, would be pretty much pure speculation. It was a daily challenge to know who your real enemy was. You have to earn it, so hard work during your education and training is extremely important. They endured faulty equipment, inadequate clothing, the errors of logistics and judgment which found them being delivered winter boots in summer and the opposite in cold weather. The rifle was accessorized to become a grenade launcher, firing the Mk 7 grenade with the addition of a modified sight. Food: Allowance for the on-base dining hall and access to tax-free department and grocery stores. I loved it. So was the need to stay nourished, and despite the idea of eating unappetizing rations cold, due to the necessity of avoiding using cooking fires, it was better than nothing. Take out the power center, youve got the edge. Roman Soldiers - History And Facts - English History The system made the success of American infantry operations almost wholly dependent on the ability of the squad leaders to direct their men in the field. rice farmer who was still working with is ox like nothing ever The US Army needs to get this correct for the soldiers and Marines. Sleep was not a luxury but a necessity. Thats why I never understand people talking about survivors guilt it should have been me, why him? etc. It doesnt make any sense statistically/mathematically it is impossible. TONY DISAGREED> hE SAID TAKE A 19 YEAR OLD, WHO HAS JUST TAKEN TWO ROUNDS TO HIS BODY, And IS watching his best friend die from multiple, bleeding wounds he wont give a shit about the Geneva Convention. In addition to handling and processing POWs, an Army Infantryman might also need to evaluate terrain and select weapon emplacement. The next morning, the blasting could still be, heard. LUCK pure LUCK. Anyway I was wondering about the RTOs in a grunt platoon, was that their MOS or were they 11B that carried a PRC ? In my tour everyone had the same chance of getting shot. Thats my experience. Thanks. Instead, they were soon engulfed in the biggest battle of US Army history. I for one commend you for your courage and thank you for your service to your country. by John A. Haymond 2/7/2023. I was one of the many others I rode river boats in the Mekong Jan 68 to 69. There are a few other skills that are not mandatory yet go a long way in proving what makes an excellent U.S. Army Infantryman 11B: Related Article Marine Corps Tow Gunner (MOS 0352): Career Details. So was the increasing use of forward-deployed ambulances, and forward treatment stations, surgeries, and evacuation hospitals. As we were, steadily building up, our area for protection. His clothing alone weighed more than twenty pounds. Our Aussie Dust off choppers had door gunners, we worked on the theory if the Noggies would shot at Red Cross choppers, we would return fire, Aussie grunt, 60000 00 Aussies fought in Vietnam, Up the Old Red Rooster and more beer. Veterans of the 289th Infantry Regiment on the road to St. Vith during the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. An infantryman carried on his back and in equipment bags and pockets everything he needed to survive in the field during a patrol or while en route to an ordered destination. AS LEADERS IN AMERICAS SERVICES WE MUST BE PROFICIENT AND READY TO ACCOMPLISH OUR MISSIONS- For the most part, when they went home after the war they regathered themselves and used their GI Bill rights to get educations, buy houses, and create the baby boom and the suburbs. Over 600 Navy FMF Hospital Corpsmen were killed in Vietnam. I was wounded 3 times during the 10 1/2 months I was in-country before being medevacd out in Apr of 68. Some wounded received convalescent leave far behind the lines. The average age of the 58,148 killed in Vietnam was 23.11 years (Although 58,169 names are in the Nov. 93 database, only 58,148 have both event date and birth date. We then took all Trucks and equipment to the Port Of Saigon. For some reason, the written word of this article was somehow deleted and lost. The basic unit for any infantryman in the United States Army was his squad. So I guess I defied the odds. During the Second World War, the US military purchased about 1.9 million Colt .45 semiautomatic pistols, manufactured by Colt Firearms and under license by the Remington Rand Typewriter Company, Singer Sewing Machine Company, and other contractors. They were a great bunch. This was both damaging to morale and weakened the reliability of the unit, and was avoided as much as possible, but became necessary during the rush to contain the German counteroffensive in the Ardennes in 1944. For the infantryman, the war was limited to how it affected his squad, and the need to protect and defend it. I was over there twice serving as a Hospital Corpsman with a marine unit. An interesting essay, even more interesting are the comments. A much better approach would be/have been: of all the combat-casualties, what was their Thats what I figured but didnt know for sure. One out of every 10 Americans who served in Vietnam was a casualty. BUT WE MUST ALSO BE COGNIZANT OF OUR REQUIREMENT TO BE COMPASSIONATE HUMAN BEINGS. by Jeffrey J. Clarke, Center for Military History, February 26, 1992, Citizen Soldiers, by Stephen Ambrose, 1998, Ardennes-Alsace, by Roger Cirillo, Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, 2003, online, American Battle Casualties and Non-Battle Deaths in World War II, by the Combined Arms Research Library, Department of the Army, June 25, 1953. I felt the same way jumping off the chopper with my m-60, 300. rounds of ammo,grenades,sandbags and six canteens of water. On Sun, Mar 8, 2020 at 4:00 PM CherriesWriter Vietnam War website wrote: > pdoggbiker posted: A friend recently sent me the link to an article > claiming that the life expectancy of a radio operator in the Vietnam War > was only 5 seconds. The trailer for that video can be seen by googling the title, and it might still be sold on Amazon. For example, troops in the south of France were moved first by rail, then by Army trucks, to their destination blocking elements of the German army from reinforcing and resupplying the assault in the Ardennes. Walked point way to many times but never had contact. In Vietnam 70% 0f the casualties were Infantry BUT it might be 70% of ALL the Infantry that served in Vietnam. I was an Infantry Scout Dog handler. I carried the PRC-25 Radio most of that time. When they first arrived in Europe the squads had often been together since their basic infantry training, but casualties and replacements inevitably changed their composition. Such protracted exposure to the elements boded ill for his life expectancy. 1: physical position (in the field / column) I was a point man, M60 Gunner and squad leader. 10 Answers Out of thousands of men that invaded that town in southern Afghanistan, we have lost 19. Before you get started, it is important to determine right off the bat if you want to become a U.S. Army Infantryman 11B or Indirect Fire Infantryman 11C. Their experience as front-line combat infantry was invaluable in training new recruits in what they could expect when it became their turn at the front. I saw killed and wounded everywhere in our combat operations. My good friend who was a RTO was killed. Joining the U.S. Army has an overall rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars on, which is about as good as you will find on the career website. HOOAH!!! II The Americans who served in the Army in Europe were recruited and trained at various bases and camps in the United States before being sent to points of embarkation near major East Coast ports for transport to Europe. Related Article: Marine Machine Gunner (MOS 0331): Job Description And Summary. I look over to Soldier Life Expectancy in Ukraine 'Meat Grinder' Is 4 Hours: Marine Joe Medicine Crow, the last war chief of the Crow Tribe of Montana is profiled in The War, a film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. Each was an unknown quantity to the other. As mentioned, who kept track of that in the first place? SS America, renamed USS West Point, could carry nearly eight thousand troops and its speed meant it could sail without escorts, capable of outrunning German U-boats.
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