WebZongzi ( Chinese: ) or simply zong (Cantonese Jyutping: zung2) is a traditional Chinese rice dish made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo On another nearby track there is only one person working. This study presents clear modern logic analysis of the debate; it can also provide a more reliable logical basis for the discussions of Zhuangzi and Huizis related philosophical thoughts. 2003. In Western thought experiments although there often are elements that defy reality as we know it, it is understood that that kind of setup is necessary to bring out certain features of a problem that do correspond to our reality. They are used in all branches of philosophy, including ethics, metaphysics and epistemology. Sign up to the Wild Isle Mailing List for exclusive previews, updates, and opportunities. Middendorf, Ulrike. 9One answer could be that sometimes the position that the philosopher wants to advance is easier to see in a contrived (even if rare or humanly impossible) situation than in an actual case. A Complete Translation of the Zhuangzi [in modern Chinese] . WebZhuangzi is criticizing his friend Huizi for smashing giant gourds because he couldnt find a conventional use for them. Our text offers three additional examples: Nie Ques conversation with Wang Ni; Huizi and Zhuangzi about gourds; the story of Cook Ding (sometimes called Butcher Ding); and the story of Wheelwright Pian. 2005. A Didactic Annotation to the Zhuangzi . Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 1981/2001. Chong, Kim-chong. China. Or consider the story of Huizi and the yard-long gourd that was too big to be a ladle so Huizi smashes it because it was useless.20 Zhuangzi then tells a story about a smart traveler who knew how to make good use of an ointment for chapped hands. 2007. So I smashed them.2. WebHuizi, speaking to Zhuangzi, said: The King of Wei gave me some seeds for a giant gourd. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. One could, for example, think here of Zhuangzis famous butterfly dream that concludes chapter 2 of the Zhuangzi or of his testimony about his reaction to his wifes death in chapter 18. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. At this point one might reasonably ask: why bother stretching peoples imagination? Fraser, Chris. Wang Bi and Xuanxue. In Dao Companion to Daoist Philosophy, edited by Xiaogan Liu. Are happy feelings and experiences all that humans are ultimately after? On the other hand, youre certainly not a fish so that still proves you dont know what fish enjoy!, Zhuangzi said, Lets go back to your original question, please. over 2,300 years ago He taught the Tao, or way, an approach to life based on effortlessness and harmony with ones nature. 2012. Chuangtse . Forthcoming. Levi, Jean, trans. Jena: Diederichs. 2012. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, philosophy - U.S Elite Tutors What a habit, to obliterate possibility and potential in the mind out of bitterness and arrogance. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Zhuangzi and Huizi were strolling along the dam of the Hao Waterfall when Zhuangzi said, See how the minnows come out and dart around where they please! In Les pres du systme Taoste. 1968. [Solved] The Stories Of Chuang Tzu - Write My Essay For Me Guiyang : Guizhou Renmin Chubanshe . One effect of this is encouraging the reader to think outside the box and see things from various perspectives. ______. Does that mean Zhuangzi approves of Master Chariots accepting attitude? Chuang-Tzu: The Inner Chapters. Tang, Yijie. 12With Western thought experiments often the goal is to bring us back to a truth or situation about human life. 1993. Graham, A. C. 1981. For one, the hypothetical thought experiment involves a situation or type of person that is often simplified and underdescribed, meaning we might not know in the imagined case what the right thing to do is. And between one individual and another, and another, each will be in some ways Huizi, and in other ways Zhuang Zhou. And if one makes his opponent from steel rather than straw, giving said opposition the most convincing and charitable positions possible, then he might learn something as a product of the conflict between his own preconceived notions and those notions in disagreement. stream This so-called Trolley Problem was originally introduced by Philippa Foot5, but arguably was made famous by Judith Thomson6, and it is used in many discussions of either utilitarian moral theory or the ethics of killing versus letting die, with regards to certain scenarios in bioethics. 20Zhuangzi here seems to be criticizing Huizi for not being creative enough, for being limited in his understanding of the varying uses something can have. Chapter One ends with Zhuangzi ______. I planted it, and when it matured it weighed over a hundred pounds. The Philosophy of Life: A New Reading of the Zhuangzi. Commentary and Subcommentary on the Zhuangzi . Neuchtel: Peter Lang. Eno, Robert, trans. Zhuangzi - Chapter 1 (Carefree Living) - Huizi's Giant Gords. Again on Qing: With a Translation of the Guodian Xing Zi Ming Chu. Oriens Extremus 47: 97159. Anecdotes and thought experiments in Zhuangzi and Western Legge, James, trans. Chen, Guying , trans. There is no neutral fence on which to sit, but neither is there land immune to the shifting sands of the constantly changing universe. A Complete Translation of the Zhuangzi [in modern Chinese] . It is to Zhuangzi that we now turn. 2009. One reason Liu, Qingping. 30Perhaps if only Zhuangzi and others didnt come up with such memorable traps. Zhuangzi on happy fish and the limits of human knowledge The Writings of Kwang-Tze. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11712-020-09765-6, https://www.academia.edu/35172330/Zhuangzis_Doctrine_of_No_Emotions_forthcoming_in_Dao_Companion_to_the_Philosophy_of_the_Zhuangzi_Kim_Chong_Chong_and_Kai_Yuan_Cheng_eds_final_draft, https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/23427, http://www.terebess.hu/english/chuang.html. Even though the lessons are in story form, that doesnt mean that they are easy to decipher. Zhuangzi, the Taoist philosopher, lived in. Please read this book to learn how to take advantage of the abundant language resources and opportunities for communication that surround you. This admittedly is a different kind of similarity, one involving the similar, Jackson has actually since changed his position on the thesis of physicalism and he no longer think, Roy Sorensen 1992 has a discussion of several criticisms on the use of thought experiments, stories, This is uncharacteristic of Western thought experiments where the philosopher presents the imagined, One could, for example, think here of Zhuangzis famous butterfly dream that concludes chapter 2 of. Do computers understand things the way humans do? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Zhuangzi and Hui Shi on Qing . Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, New Series 40.1: 2145. Zhuangzi. What is there to dislike?There is no commentary from Zhuangzi himself on this story23, except that he writes of other people who also testify that whatever Heaven does to them, they do and should receive without resisting. Chuang Tzu. 3099067 2003. 2010. The maker of things is really knotting me up.Master Sacrifice said, Do you dislike it?He said, Not at all. Chuang-Tzu. I used them as water containers, but they were so heavy that I couldn't lift them. Guiyang : Guizhou Renmin Chubanshe . In fact, in Zhuangzis case, the featured voices are often non-human. Beijing : Zhonghua Shuju . The manual is thorough and accurate enough to cause Searle to produce answers that make a native Chinese speaker outside of the room think that Searle actually understands the questions being asked.17 The question is, does Searle understand the Chinese language the way a Chinese speaker does? Paris: ditions de lencyclopdie des nuisances. In both, finding the message of the work or the intention of its creator is not necessarily the purpose of the piece as much as is engaging with it and walking away with something even if that something is not an understanding of the actual work but rather a broadening of the mind, an interesting question, or a pleasurable experience. Zhuangzi: The Inner Chapters. Price excludes VAT (USA) Zhuangzi summary | Britannica Lynn, Richard John. Zhang, Gengguang , trans. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11712-020-09765-6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11712-020-09765-6. The debate between Zhuangzi and Huizi has profound epistemological significance, however, the main body of their debate comprises logical inferences and refutations. Thats what fish really enjoy!. Revisiting the Exchange between Zhuangzi and Huizi Eifring, Halvor. Machek, David. volume20,pages 133148 (2021)Cite this article. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11712-020-09765-6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11712-020-09765-6. Zhuangzi does write that Master Chariot is of sound mind. 1995. Chen, Guying , trans. <> crits de Matre Wen , . Wang Bi and Xuanxue. In Dao Companion to Daoist Philosophy, edited by Xiaogan Liu. How extraordinary of the maker of things to knot me up like this. The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu. Other times the humans might be in a very ordinary situation, but the humans themselves are altered or have some special background. He hobbled over to look at his reflection in the well. Zhuangzis Doctrine of No-Emotion (pre-production draft). Sheesh! Other philosophers have subsequently offered slightly different variations of the trolley problem, but in all of these it is assumed that the humans involved are human beings with normal capabilities and desires who just happen to be in a very unfortunate situation. His epigrams and parables praised those who achieved mastery through constant practice of a skill, following their own inclinations, He scorned complicated explanations and theories. However, what he does not realize is that he cannot assume that his premises are right, that each point is itself necessarily true. The Philosophy of Life: A New Reading of the Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi on Qing: Lack of Qing, Giving Free Reign to Qing, and Setting Qing at Rest :. Philosophical Researches 4: 5059. 4This paper has two main sections. Part of Springer Nature. Morgan, Jeffrey. On Anger: An Essay on Confucian Moral Psychology. In Returning to Zhu Xi: Emerging Patterns within the Supreme Polarity, edited by David Jones and Jinli He. And most of all just enjoy yourself! 2014. 2004. You get something when its time. Jinan : Qilu Shushe . Levi, Jean, trans. 2008. Zhuangzi and Huizi | Cloud Temple Forum What is he trying to do? This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. For example, Nozick claims that no one would actually plug into his Experience Machine for life, and he uses this to argue that there is something wrong with utilitarianism, the view which states that all we should care about is maximizing pleasure. I cannot stress enough the importance of being an independent individual in order to achieve success in language learning. 25 One could, for example, think here of Zhuangzis famous butterfly dream that concludes chapter 2 of the Zhuangzi or of his testimony about his reaction to his wifes death in chapter 18. Whereas the trees in the industrial forest are straight and look alike, the crooked tree grew alone, or with a mixture of other trees of different ages and species. Or in Searles Chinese Room, Searle argues that because he is functioning just like a computer running a program but understands nothing of the meaning of the inputs and outputs (in Chinese) that he is manipulating, so artificial intelligence, just in virtue of running a certain program, does not have understanding. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The Tradition of Emotive Writing in the Zhuangzi and Its Echoes in Later Generations. Frontiers of Philosophy in China 10.3: 340352. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Instead, you worried that it was too wide to scoop into anything, which I guess means the mind of our greatly esteemed master here is still clogged up, occupied with its bushes and branches! (Zhuangzi 7-8). Ray Sorensen writes that analytic philosophers make heavy use of thought experiment because it is the natural test for the clarificatory practices constituting conceptual analysis: definition, question delegation, drawing distinctions, crafting adequacy conditions, teasing out entailments, advancing possibility proofs, mapping inference patterns (1992: 15). Zhang, Mosheng, , trans. He is sabotaging the very tools he might have used to explore his unconscious self and discover something useful. Hui Shis questions reflect a narrow empiricist epistemic approach while Zhuangzis replies intimate that Hui Shis notion of how one knows is too restrictive (even Cheng, Anne. Giles, Herbert A., trans. Wandering on the Way. Chinn, E., 1997, Zhuangzi and relativistic skepticism, Asian Philosophy, 7, 3: 207-220. In the story, Huizi was talking about this tree to Zhuangzi, the early Daoist philosopher. WebAnother storyHuizi and Zhuangzi about gourds starts when the king of Weis large gourdgives Huizi gourd seeds. His logic must be correct, as proven by its consistency with itself; therefore, he feels justified in taking vengeancein mocking, destroying, demolishing, and abolishing all those things which make him too keenly aware of the conflict. He points out that imaginary cases reveal moral principles to us which we can then use to determine our attitude in a new case10, and this can be especially useful when something about certain features of real cases distracts us from what is actually morally important. 2002-2022 The Linguist Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu. Wieger, Lon, trans. Fundamentals of Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy. Zhuangzi. 27In comparison, Zhuangzis stories arguably fail as good thought experiments because there often isnt a clear question being asked, nor is it always evident what position Zhuangzi is trying to advance, what distinctions or aspects of the story he thinks are important, etc. MEDITATIONS: ZHUANGZI, CHAPTER ONE PART THREE XIVSwimming Happily in Chinese Logic - Oxford Academic We might glean this lesson from taking in a set of Zhuangzis stories, with the assumption that he has some consistent view. Because my conclusion follows logically, my premises must also be correct; therefore, evidence which contradicts my premises must be false; therefore my premises must be true; and therefore my conclusion also must be correct.. 24Alternatively, perhaps Zhuangzi thinks Master Chariot is crazy, and he is inventing a character who seems accepting of such ridiculous things happening as a way of questioning the sanity of a mind that is so calm and unperturbedMaster Chariot then would be an example of how Daoist passivity can go too far. The video below (Flight from the Shadow) is an example of the type of teaching he engaged in. My premises and conclusion follow from each other; therefore, me conclusion is logically valid. 21Van Norden makes the following comment on this story as it relates to an overarching theme we see in Zhuangzi about freeing the mind: By stressing flexible responsiveness to particular contexts, Zhuangzi encourages us to think in creative and nontraditional ways. Feng, Youlan, trans. Dschuang-Dsi. If there werent other places where Zhuangzi seems to poke fun at so many people and schools of thought, arguably including Daoist thought,24 then we could be more confident in making a straightforward conclusion about what Zhuangzi likely thinks of Master Chariots all-embracing and arguably excited attitude towards his dramatically changing body and life. In fact, there is more value in destroying it than keeping it around. Now imagine we were discussing an idea, say, a potential solution to a problem. Zhuangzi Emotionless in Confucianism and Daoism: A New Interpretation. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.1: 118133. What better carriage? Nothing Can Overcome Heaven: The Notion of Spirit in the Zhuangzi. In Hiding the World in the World: Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi, edited by Scott Cook. And insofar as part of what makes something good philosophy is that it sparks wonder and further questioning, Zhuangzis stories might even do better than self-standing thought experiments. Why else would he deem the gourd worthy of destruction? Changsha: Hunan Renmin Chubanshe. Correspondence to Albany: State University of New York Press. Chinese and Western philosophy in dialogue, Anecdotes and thought experiments in Zhuangzi and Western philosophy. Tang, Yijie. Xu, Bing . Chuang Tzu. https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/23427 (last accessed on November 27, 2020). Paris: Les belles lettres. Thomson, J., 1985, The Trolley Problem, Yale Law Journal, 94: 1395-1415. 2015. M7. Assignment- The Stories of Chuang Tzu.docx - Course Hero Although these differences arguably make Zhuangzis anecdotes poor thought experiments, according to Western analytic standards, it seems that if the purpose of a fabricated story is to encourage the reader to broaden her philosophical outlook, to see something more clearly that she might not have seen in a more realistic case, or to provide a more memorable way to retain a point, then Zhuangzis stories are highly effective pedagogical tools. Introduction: Emotions and the Conceptual History of Qing . In Love and Emotions in Traditional Chinese Literature, edited by Halvor Eifring. It is vital to note that Huizis acknowledgment that Zhuangzi is not a fish demonstrates some truism in the problem brought about by SR. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. 2011. Klein, Esther. Overall, Zhuangzi clearly recommends open-minded flexibility as when he scolds Hui Shi for being tied to conventional thinking about how to use giant gourds. Foot, P., 1967, The problem of abortion and the Doctrine of Double Effect, Oxford Review, V. Hochsmann, H., Guorong, Y., 2007, Zhuangzi, Boston, Pearson Education. Uselessness. New York: Seven Bridges Press. The Background of the Mencian Theory of Human Nature. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 6.12: 215271. 2010. Virg, Curie. Puett, Michael J. Bradley, Scott P. 2015. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. Zhuangzi. Hansen, Chad. Nothing Can Overcome Heaven: The Notion of Spirit in the Zhuangzi. In Hiding the World in the World: Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi, edited by Scott Cook. In The Sacred Books of the East, edited by F. Max Mller. Revisiting the Exchange between Zhuangzi and Huizi on But one gained territory while the others never escaped bleaching silk because what they used it for was different. The Writings of Kwang-Tze. 2019. Each moment, the opportunity to switch between Huizi and Zhuangzi presents itself. new essays on wine, taste, philosophy and aesthetics, arte, psicologia e realismo. 1994. Leiden: Brill. Zongzi Facts for Kids Jackson has actually since changed his position on the thesis of physicalism and he no longer thinks its false. 22The above stories show that sometimes Zhuangzi is forthright on what he thinks about a certain creature, human or otherwise. It wasnt that they werent wonderfully big, but they were useless. 2011. Cao, Chuji , trans. Emotions and Genuineness in Chinese Native Thinking: A Response to Graham and Hansen ():. Journal of Beijing Youth Politics College 14.1: 4852. 28Traditional Western thought experiments and stories in Zhuangzi serve several purposes that might be harder to achieve with more straightforward argumentation or prose. Zhuangzi - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Wang, Rongpei, trans. ______. Zhuangzi and Huizi were strolling on a bridge over the River Hao, when the former observed, See how the minnows dart between the rocks! 2010. Huizi and Zhuangzi about gourds; the story of Cook Ding (sometimes called Butcher Ding); and the story of Wheelwright Pian. Afterwards, one leaves behind the fantastical elements of the thought experiment and is just left with a proposition about human morality, epistemology, etc. The great gourd. What should you do?1, Huizi said to Zhuangzi, The king of Wei left me the seeds of a big gourd. ______. Zhuangzi Then I will explain some differences in the way Zhuangzi presents and uses fictional anecdotes. A logical analysis of the debate on Hao River - Taylor & Francis 2013. Despeux, Catherine. Or in Jacksons case, why couldnt he just have stated that there are things about our experience of color that cannot be learned through propositions in science? 4 0 obj 2013. Mair, Victor H., trans. For example, in Chapter 1 of the Zhuangzi there is the story of a fish named Minnow turning into a bird named Breeze and being laughed at by the cicada and student-dove.19 Here Zhuangzi suggests that it is only because the little bugs have such a small perspective that they cant understand bigger things, so while its understandable that they laugh, its due to a short-sightedness on their part. Si, L , trans. Emotions That Do Not Move: Zhuangzi and Stoics on Self-Emerging Feelings. Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14.4: 521544. Our text offers three additional examples: Nie Ques conversation with Wang Ni; Huizi and Zhuangzi about gourds; the story of Cook Ding (sometimes called Butcher Ding); and the story of Wheelwright Pian. He was down to earth and had a tongue in cheek sense of humour. Searle, J., 1980, Minds, brains and programs, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, III: 417-457. Zhuangzis and Huizis stroll is described as rambling around, which is you () in Chinese. In Dao Companion to the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi, edited by Kim-chong Chong and Kai-Yuan Cheng. Napoli: Universit degli Studie di Napoli LOrientale.. Napoli: Universit degli Studie di Napoli LOrientale.. 2014. 2004. Zhuang Zi: De volledige geschriften: Het grote klassieke boek van het Taosme Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Augustus. Are we just engaging in irresponsible moral epistemology in using hypothetical thought experiments and taking them, at best, as tools of persuasion to belief in a certain claim and, at worst, as grounds of evidence for a position? Lenehan, Katia.
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