Sturges (Fallout) Companions Companions React Summary Saving (or condemning) the Commonwealth is hard work. Nick: Nick feels lucky that he doesnt get sick, due to being a synth. Just stuff like that, all of which Sole is happy to answer. As Sole found out more and more about the Institute, Mac kept trying to push Sole to share information with the Minutemen or the Railroad so they could start figuring out a plan to bring this place down for good. Deacon: He was a goofball when it came to him teasing Sole about never being out of their power armor, and they found it pretty fun that Deacon came up with the most ridiculous things like Sole having alien legs, or maybe they had pirate peg legs! Curie let out a high pitched scream as she fell but suddenly felt a strong grip squeeze around her and the breeze of the wind against her face. Curie would even beg Sole like a small child if Sole would fly her around sometime just so she could experience it once, and Sole was more than happy to oblige her request over and over again much to Curies delight. He quickly sat the medicine down to comfort them. :) Warning: Long and mention of vomit. He found it nice to see someone have such optimism and see the good in everything around them, and he found that Soles way of seeing things was starting to rub off on him which he didnt mind the slightest. And Sole liked having Danse as a friend and didnt want him to think less of them for something they had no control or choice over, so they did their best to keep the wings stuffed into their b.o.s uniform and ignore the ache of wanting to stretch out their wings. But rest assured I had fun writing it up! MacCready: Sole reminded him so much of Lucy always being affectionate and putting others first even if that meant putting themselves in danger, they were constantly going out of their way to help him and his son even when he had nothing to give them in return. Hancock: He would have followed Sole to the ends of the earth, and for now he was content following them around as they tried to locate there Son. Danse: His power armour protected him from a lot in the Commonwealth, but he knew he wasnt going to survive a fall this high up from a vertibird. Here is the finally part of the request, thanks again for sending it in and I hope yall enjoy reading! Hancock(Pre-romance):The mayor was first exposed to Soles wings when they where both getting up to to some shenanigans around Good Neighbor after one to many drinks at the Third Rail. Instead, it's full of mutants, robots, and airships. Overtime Sole started to get more comfortable with having the mask off and soon stopped wearing it all together as they realized no one was staring at their scars or making comments about them, no one cared and it was the biggest weight off their shoulders, and they were glad Preston had encouraged them to do this. Piper (Romanced): Being in a relationship with Piper, Sole knows its pointless to even attempt to hide anything from her so as soon as Piper starts bugging them about how they dress Sole decides to tell her. Curie could see this and gently took there hand and lead them over to an area to sit down never letting go of them and patiently waiting for them to gather their thoughts and readying herself to answer all the questions they have. To others she did a good job of hiding away what she really was, but to those who knew the brutality of the Institute first hand there was no shying away from it. Deacon wondered how long Sole had been trapped here before he got the note. fallout 4 companions react to sole telling them that they think their name is beautiful please and thank you Cait She turns into a bit of a blushing and stammering mess for a moment before finally finding her words again to thank Sole, and coming up with some excuse about how she didn't get to pick her name, it was given to her and she never . All he could do was be awed and marvel at how beautiful the wings where, causing him to reach out and stroke the feathers wanting to feel their softness. Deacon did his best to comfort Sole, but this type of pain was something he had never experienced, finding out you couldnt have kids with the person you loved was one thing, but finding out you missed out on your whole kids life and would only be round to watch them die and knowing they where the bad guy, thats some different shit all together. Hancock: The Mayor had always despised The Institute they where a plague that had always haunted the Commonwealth turning people against each other and destroying whole communities. His heart about came out of his chest though when he felt himself being grabbed in midair by what felt like claws. He even felt inspired to start writing love poems back to Sole, even though they werent nearly as good as Soles poems they still appreciate the sentiment behind them. MacCready: Him and Sole were one and the same when it came to wanting to protect their kids at all costs, and after Sole had helped him find the needed cure for his son he was determined to help Sole anyway he could with un-swaying loyalty. Codsworth: He was bewildered, to say the least, he had served Sole well before the bombs and he cant wrap around the thought that Sole was not human all this time. EPA where it is added as a mod [1] It is frozen in the frozen human storage located on the bottom floor (7th floor) of the . Hancock: Sole knew how Hancock felt about the Institute and what they did and she was afraid to even mention she had been a former courser they had become so close and he made her feel alive in ways she never even knew where possible, she didnt want to lose what she had even though she felt horrible for lying. "Oh. Mac quickly got to work taking off Soles coat and shirt to get to the wound, where he was met with the startling sight of Soles wings, and he was confused as hell but didnt have time to really gawk at them as he got to work stopping the bleeding. Okay, so for this one I'll assume that Sole told the companion of their newly-found powers and their reasoning . Danse(Romanced): Sole decided to reveal their wings to him when he learned that he was a synth, they saw how ashamed he had become of himself, so Sole wanted to show him there was nothing wrong with him and being different didnt make him any less of a human. For Anonymous who requested Fo4 Companions reacting to seeing Sole out of power Armourfor the first time and Sole has a really hot body! Piper really wants the story but sees that Sole is uncomfortable about it so she drops it, but she does ask questions like if the area where the metal connects to their shoulder still hurts?How do they keep up the maintenance of it now? If anything shed quarantine them away from everyone else especially herself to avoid getting sick herself. Anytime, Blue! Piper smiles, ruffling Soles hair. Hancock: He knew he shouldnt have taken so many hits of jet before coming out here and dealing with the super mutants lurking around too close to GoodNeighbor. Cait: She had never come across a courser before, she had only heard of them so when she fell in with Sole she just assumed they were as badass as her and had grown up all their life kicking ass and fighting their way through Hell. Curie greeted her and explained that Sole was feeling better. Blue, what are you doing? Danse had never heard of such a thing but was glad Sole had picked up such a relaxing hobby that made them feel better, because he knew living this life was never easy. He never hated synths though, it wasnt their fault that they were created and used to do the Institutes dirty work, after all, he was friends with Nick valentine and saw first hand how easily they created and disposed of there creations. Danse: Danse was not happy when he discovered that Sole was poisoned by a Radscorpion. Dogmeat: He doesnt know what medicine is or how to get it, so when Sole is sick, Dogmeat sits by them and licks them, hoping they feel better. Codsworth shushed them, telling Sole not to strain their voice because it will get worse. They gagged at the taste but still drank it. Hancock(Romanced): Sole actually showed him their wings for the first time when they were about to have sex for the first time, nothing kills the mood faster then unexpected surprises in the middle of the fun. So sheepishly they admitted they loved writing poetry. He gawked at how built Sole was, every part of them toned and muscular, hell they looked like they could take a hit and pack a punch without the power armors help at all! Anonymous: Companions reacting to sole telling them they were a porn star before the war? Companions react to sole getting their ass grabbed: Companions react to Hans Zimmer's "No Time For Caution", Companions react to radioactively mutated cat sole, Companions and their favourite cold weather activities, Romancee Companions react to sole runninv up and jumping on them after a while, Companions react to Minuteman becoming formidable miltary, An unexpected motivator (Maxson x SoSu NSFT), "Trust In Me" John Hancock x SoSu NSFT knifeplay, "Decorum certainly prohibits this.." (Danse x SoSu //Thigh riding//), Companions react to sosu romancing synth! Bigger than a house now. When Sole first found out Shaun led the Institute, they had tried to overdose. The Diamond City doctor gave Danse some medicine and RadAway, saying that Sole would be fine as long as they took the medicine and didnt do too much work. He was proud of the work and accomplished Missions Sole and Danse completed together regularly and he regarded them as the best and most skilled team he ever had the pleasure of working with under his command as Elder. Dogmeat: He could never understand what Sole was saying but he liked listening to them when they read their poetry out loud to him either in the early mornings or late at night laying in bed, he found their voice soothing. So when he learned that Sole was a synth it didnt bother him one bit what did piss him off though and made his blood boil is that they used Sole as some kind of experiment for there sick and twisted purposes. Preston: He didnt get why the General never got out of that suit of power armor and it kinda bothered him because if they went out to help settlements they did look pretty intimidating and he didnt want that image for the minutemen. Thanks for taking care of me. Sole hugs Piper, making the reporter laugh. It's been three days and we still haven't found it!" She kicked the dirt furiously, stubbing her toes. Cait: "Look at that scruffy-lookin' thing. Here it is Anonymous! Dogmeat: The poor pup was terrified as a raider he had been biting kicked him off the roof him and Sole had been fighting on, he yelped at the force of it and howled out as he started to fall. They couldnt wrap there mind around how someone could put someones memories into another body, give it feeling and then just discard them with no remorse. Sole had sympathized with him and the causes he fought for and was more than happy to become an agent for the Railroad, and together they had been helping escaped synths from the Institute. Hes glad he doesnt have that problem, but he still helps his friends if theyre sick. Okay so here it is all I can say is I tried yall and I hope peeps enjoy it! It also made him feel better about taking Sole with him on dangerous missions, because hardly anything phased them or could hurt them in the armor, and they could take out enemies faster. A week later, Sole was up and about, but they were still a little groggy. It has been almost a month since Sole had returned with the ill-fated news of what really became of Shaun, and Hancock still couldnt wrap his head around the fact how fast he had lost Sole to the Institute. He knew he was being selfish right now just thinking about himself and the agency when the real person that needed comfort right now was Sole, who was currently having a panic attack in a corner of there room. "They're sick bastards," Sole whispered, holding back tears. Nick: Sole had never judged him based on how he looked, which was a nice change since many would be glad to beat down an old, falling apart synth without a second thought. fo4 fo:4 fallout 4 companions react companion reactions cait piper wright curie paladin danse deacon john hancock robert maccready nick valentine preston garvey X6 X6-88 codsworth; Putting memories in their head that were never real, making them think they had a son that needed to be found, that they had a spouse at one point, it was a cruel joke and it was ripping Sole apart. Father said this will take your pain away. He fixes his glasses and is about to walk away when Sole smiles and says, Aw, you do care. When X6 freezes, they quickly say, Im just joking! Deacon knew how hard this was for Sole but he was reminding them that the person Shaun was now, wasnt their son anymore and if they really wanted to save him and set things right than they needed to destroy the institute and everything evil within it. Hancock: This man lived for Soles attention and affection because lets be honest he gave it right back and never got tired of returning Soles hugs, cheek smooches, and long cuddle sessions. Fallout 4 Fo4 fo4 companions Fo4 companions react Companions reactions blog Fallout 4 request synths Nick Valentine X6-88 Curie ghoul Mayor Hancock Piper asexual character asexual Piper Cait Deacon Paladin Danse MacCready Preston Garvey porter gage polyamourous sosu nsfw polyamourus sole Fallout 4: Companions React Kirrain Chapter 2: Pushed Too Hard Summary: Companions react to overworking Sole to the point of exhaustion. Stay here, Ill go get you some medicine. He leaves them and goes to Curie, getting some medicine and soup. Hancock finds the best medicine he can and gives it to Sole, persuading them to take it. That was before realizing the truth of what had become of Soles son if anything he assumed Shaun would be dead not the leader of the worst organization to ever terrorize the CommonWealth! Deacon: He had been watching Sole for a long time but was surprised to learn later on that they had mechanical legs, he almost thought Sole was some kind of old generation synth. Cait: Sole being in that power armor meant they were stealing all the action in combat and leaving hardly anyone for Cait to take her rage out on! Deacon(Pre-romance): When Sole first revealed the secret of having wings, Deacon assumed they were joking and just trying to pull his leg, but he ripped off his sunglasses to make sure he wasnt seeing things when Sole actually revealed the large, feathery wings.He told Sole he thinks they have him beat on keeping secrets and hes usually such an observant person so hes not sure how the Hell Sole managed to hide this from him for so long. Deacon felt the world crumble around him as he sank to the ground and started to cry everything he had ever wanted was taken away from him for a second time, but this time he wasnt sure he would be able to pick himself back up again. SFW (for now). Piper: Piper didnt like it when she couldnt see someones face, it always made her nervous and it was something she associated with a person being a raider. Youre sick! Piper frets. Hancock just rubbed his eyes at first thinking he hit the jet to hard and was seeing shit, but Sole assured him their wings where real and he reached out and let his hands brush along the side of their wings marveling at the softness of them. Sole could punch their way through a room of raiders without breaking a sweat and Mac wouldnt even have to break out his sniper. Hancocks eyes about popped out of their sockets as he took in everything that was Sole, being sure to do some double takes at certain areas. and I tried to fit in everything that was requested. So when Sole did get out of it Strong would always demand to know what they where doing and why they would expose themselves to attack like that! Also no X6-88.If you enjoyed this video, please. Sole saw the look on his face and winked at him asking if they liked what they saw, causing poor Danse to go red and try to mutter out an excuse with Sole just laughing and saying they were happy to flex for him anytime, making Danse hurry off in the other direction yelling about how he was late for something. It wasnt extremely bad, but Sole was having pain and scratching the bites, making them worse. When he returned to Sanctuary, he saw Sole harvesting plants. Danse: He knew how to read and had come across a few old poetry books in his explorations and missions across the wastelands, but had never really sat down and read one in his spare time. Sole was was quick to cruelly remind him that he wouldnt know anything about the pain of losing a child because he was never able to have any! Strong: It never bothered him that Sole was always in the power armor because it allowed them to keep up with the mutant in fights and they rarely got injured! He even told Sole he sometimes wished he could have their arms causing them to chuckle and say that they definitely had their props but getting them had come with a painful cost because with the arms they didnt come with any sensory to touch which made them a bit mournful to that loss, and when Shaun had first been born they were scared they might hurt him by accident. Fallout 4 companions react to the sole survivor falling SUPER ill from something and almost dying but making a full come back just barely from it? X6-88: He felt pretty pathetic right now that a superior fighter like himself had been taken by surprise by a rogue synth. Sole always had a hand somewhere on his body rubbing slow soft circles on his skin causing him to feel all tingly inside and making his insides turn to mush, Hancock would sling an arm around them and pull Sole closer to his side and let himself just melt into there touch while he rode his high allowing these soft moments between them to just consume him entirely. He asked Sole about the mask though while they were sitting around having a few beers and everything was relaxed, and Sole was nothing but honest with him about how they wore it because they felt self conscious of the scars they received from being in the military all those years ago. They even bet caps on who could take out the most raiders, but when the time came Cait was totally blindsided by how hot of a bod Sole was rocking and find herself distracted as Sole started punching their way through raiders and getting themselves covered in blood. Are you okay? He rushes to their side and moves their hair out of the way. In the end, it wasnt even an argument because Sole couldnt deny what they were being accused of and knew they had betrayed everyone, but for them, there was no going back now. As time went on and Sole learned more about the Institute and the cruelness they possessed and spread all in the name of science the more they hated them, and finding out that they were the ones responsible for there sons kidnaping installed a rage so fierce in them that they vowed to destroy the Institute given the chance. He actually took off his sunglasses to get a better view and whistled loudly when he got a good look at Soles backside. Their were even times when Sole felt like maybe she had known Nick at one point after all she had been with the Institute for decades before fleeing, it wasnt impossible that she had seen the creation and destruction of him at point, either way she was glad he was here with her now. Sole is always miserably failing but to be fair he certainly doesnt mind them trying and it gives him a chance to get his hands back on Soles body and with the way Sole gasp and wriggles around it can quickly lead to other things that require a lot less clothing and a lot more touching. To him and many others working in the institute Sole was a scientific and medical marvel, whom they wished to study and learn more about. "You're an adult, soldier." Despite Danse's retort, Sole insists he do this for them. He won't abandon his human, they still haven't found the milk of human kindness yet! He takes their temperature and spoons some medicine into Soles mouth, prompting them to jokingly call Nick their dad. Deacon, Ill be okay! They laughed. Nick: He knew Sole was a courser before she even said anything, he had seen plenty before and he recognized that brutally but precise style of fighting as the way only one of them could fight out here in the Commonwealth. There are no images or gifs showing self-harm. Just kidding..sheesh. Within his hazy, drug fueled mind he looked up and registered that he was being carried by one of Soles pet dragons, and he just laughed thanking his lucky stars that him and Sole raised these little devils to be so well trained and loyal. That never stopped Sole before though and they didnt care what everyone else thought so they kept holding his hand uncaring off the cold, metal digits laced between their fingers as they happily swayed their hands together back and forth, Nick thought he was going to go into a system overload from how sweet Sole was. It only gets referred to in the writing. If they werent out helping a settlement he could find Sole sitting up on the castle walls, staring out dreamily at the sunrise or sunset and writing some more. He's not one to treat anyone specially, but he broke for Sole. It had been his mission to bring it back in and now here he was falling to his death because he had underestimated the synths strength and abilities. They finally decided to tell him the story, but Preston was so embarrassed to be caught and quickly apologized saying he didnt mean anything by looking he just thought their arm was really cool. Once Sole explained themselves though, the Elder felt foolish for thinking so little of his lover and asked for their forgiveness which Sole gave. He noticed that Sole did spend a lot of their time typing up stuff on their terminal and he became rather curious what they were typing up at all hours of the day and night. Mac told Sole they could take the mask off and he would shoot anyone who dared to say one word about it. Wait here. X6 pauses before teleporting to the Institute. And when their alone together Piper loves to let the glossy feathers slide between her fingers as she gently strokes them which she knows is pleasurable for Sole and definitely uses that to her advantage. X6-88: He had heard of the concept of poetry but in his mind it was a pointless pursuit and a waste of ones energy. It wasnt until they had become close friends that Piper suspected there was something about Sole that they werent telling her and of course being who she was she was dying to find out what this secret of Soles was. ", "Hope you don't mind me prying, any reason why? Cait wishes she had been able to fly away from her abusive parents and wonders about what a different life she could have led if she could have escaped so easily. It wasnt till Sole saved Preston from an oncoming Deathclaw attack that he was made aware of their wings, when he realized he was rather far up in the air going in the opposite direction of the Deathclaw. Luckily for him though his fighting days arent over yet as Soles dragon came flying in grabbed him by his huge arms. Cait(Pre-romanced): A bit startled at first by Soles wings but soon after thinks they are pretty badass and wishes she had been born with a pair to. After the dragon was done turning all the raiders into pieces of charcoal bones and getting a meal out of few, Cait scratched the dragons neck for a job well done and was glad Sole had kept them around all those years ago. Piper was obviously more into writing news pieces with facts and what not and she found Soles poetry refreshing and kept wishing she could write as creatively as them! It wasnt till Sole was healed up that they talked about their wings and answered any questions Mac had about them. Currently writing for Cait, Curie, and Piper. He felt bad for always relying on them though so he opted to go out and help a settlement without one this time, and figured he could handle a few raiders on his own. Codsworth: Codsworth got really jittery when Sole told him they were sick. No matter what parts Sole had or didnt have and no matter how they looked, Dogmeat would always love them! Hope I did your ask justice anon. Let one of our doctors have a look at it.". Other times he would be a little naughty and eat the paper Sole had be writing on, and they would get a little mad at him but couldnt stay that way when he gave them the puppy dog eyes and lots of kisses. And there you have it folks once more thanks for reading and following me and supporting me in general to do this! Provided that you are healthy and can execute your duties effectively, carry on.
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