But us don't leave Massa John, us go right on workin' for him like 'fore. De sojers done took de rations. Note: the US Census treats Hispanic/Latino as an ethnic category. Whoever git de girl's pie eat it with her. They had a post in the public square what they tied 'em to and a man what worked for the county whipped 'em. Dat was dey law in dem days. I was awhat do they call a laborer in the army? Since her husband's death in 1928 Pauline has depended on the charity of friends, with whom she lives at 2504 Ross Ave., North Fort Worth, Texas. In 1908, Navasota was still a Wild West boomtown: according to one source, "shootouts on the main street were so frequent that in two years at least a hundred men had died". Den she hav nice Sunday dinner for both us. Us place was right near Col' Springs. For other uses, see, This populated place has portions in adjacent county or counties, This populated place has portions in an adjacent county or counties. Will yous be patient with me?' After statehood, in antebellum Texas, slavery grew even more rapidly. Webslavery in navasota, texas. We'uns spent all de money on candy and sweet drinks. e. The legal institution of human chattel slavery, comprising the enslavement primarily of Africans and African Americans, was prevalent in the United States of America from its Live plays are performed regularly at the Sunny Furman Theatre. Then the old Negro began searching his 92 years of reminiscences, intermixing his findings with philosophy, poetry and prognostications. Slavery was greater in the south because of the lands environmental conditions, which allowed the growth of multiple kinds of WebThe key to African Americans political ascension in Texas was Reconstruction, the federal governments post-Civil War effort to rebuild the South and protect the rights of Washington County is in the Blackland Prairies region of southeast central Texas. They didn't have no school for slaves and I never learned to read and write till after freedom. Later, Stephen F. Austin gained an exception to the law from the Mexican government to entice more Americans "It's a funny thing how folks always want to know about the War. WebAs the United States expanded from 13 colonies, the debates over chattel slavery grewsome states came to abolish it, while others refused to untangle their political, I heerd my gramma and ma say dey ol' marster wouldn' sell none of his slaves. Dere I stay for long, long time, and she wait on me han' and feet. This led to the formation of numerous private militias, and ultimately during the late 1860s the KKK in Navasota, and on one occasion a tense confrontation between federal soldiers and a crowd of local white citizens occurred there. I say dey's livin'. Missy says, 'Don' say 'lasses, say molasses.' I hab purty long, black hair and a veil with a ribbon 'round de fron'. Dey give us plenty of co'nbread. But he wasn't hard on dem like some masters was. They wasn't slaves no more. A old white man think so much of he old nigger when he die he free dat nigger in he will, and lef' him a little money. The city is also home to the Willy 98.7 FM and 1550 AM radio stations, which are owned and managed by Bryan Broadcasting in Bryan, Texas. When I's 'bout nine year ole she buy me a purty white dress and took me to jine de church. WebName index of slave schedules from the 1860 Census of the United States. We uster jump de rope and play ring plays and sich. Dey jines de army and after 'bout a year, massa jine too, and, course, dat make de missy awful sad. Reported by the Navasota Examiner and the Bryan Eagle. Police seized drugs, money and illegal gambling machines. We'uns cullud folks jined in and was singin' out in de back, 'Massa's in de Col', Har' Groun'. My foreman was Tom Flaniganhe must have been a full-blooded Frenchman! Atter freedom marster go to Geo'gy to git him and bring him to Texas, but he done raisin' up anudder family dere and won't come. Its application scored 17 of 20 points. James, known as Uncle Jim, seems happy, still stands erect, and is very active for his age. Then there was neighbors went off to fight. ", "Dey had a big smokehouse. No mam. Mos' de niggers 'have theyselves and when dey don't massa put dem in de li'l house what he call de jail, with nothin' to eat till deys ready to do what he say. I dunno 'bout wedder dey come back or not 'cep'n' I 'member dat Crab Norsworthy he come back. Dey had fruits of all kin's put up. The house was built by Alabama native Robert Augustus Horlock in 1892. In Mexico you could be free. We had our li'l go'ds (gourds) pretty and clean and white. The rooms have random-width puncheon floors. Dat how come I 'member ol' mistus name so good. Art has increasingly become the concern of the artist and the bafflement of the public.Henry Geldzahler (19351994), The only thing worse than a liar is a liar thats also a hypocrite!There are only two great currents in the history of mankind: the baseness which makes conservatives and the envy which makes revolutionaries.Edmond De Goncourt (18221896). The city also has golfing facilities and parks as well as wineries. Stuff for to eat and wear, dat am made by us cullud folks and dat place am what dey calls se'f-s'portin'. In 1833, a group including the extended family and associates of John Parker, a Baptist minister and veteran of the American Revolution, began to relocate from Illinois to Texas. ", "My gramma and my ma and ol' man Norsworthy dey come from Alabama. "My ole mistus she pay me money right 'long after freedom but I too close to spen' any. They spent that night singin' and shoutin'. Marster says, 'If you did, de houn' got 'em.' In 2005, the Texas Legislature named the city "The Blues Capital of Texas," in honor of the late Mance Lipscomb, a Navasota native and blues musician. "I heered 'em talk about some slaves what run barefooted in cold weather and you could trail 'em by blood in the snow and ice where they hurt their feet. Molly lives at 3218 Ave H., Galveston, Texas. They'd hide in the cabins and then's when they found out who a lot of them Klu Kluxes was, 'cause a lot of 'em was kilt. Purty soon I see de big ox comin' and see de smoke from de road dust flyin'. My father come nex' day and jine us. "I 'members seein' Faith Baldwin and Jeb Johnson and Dan Hester gittin' whupped by de Klux. There am embers in de fireplace and she fills a pail with dem and when de Klux busts in de door she lets dem have de embers in de face, and den out de back door she goes. School organizations and athletics available to students include Business Professionals of America, FFA, Student Council, National Honor Society, Theatre, Choir, Kickstart, Band, Bass Fishing, FCA, Skills USA, Library Club, Boyz II Men, Princess Code, UIL Academics, One Act Play, HOSA-Future Health Science Professionals, Spanish Club, Family Career and Community Leaders of America, Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Drill Team, Cheer, Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Softball, Powerlifting, Soccer, and Track.[23]. One day I's makin' a bonfire in de yard and ketch my dress on fire. All a-sudden up dey gallops on hosses, all covered with hoods, and bust right into de house. I's pleased to see my mammy, but after a few days I wants to go back to Marshall with Marster Zeke. Everyone was a-singin'. "My mother sold into slavery in Georgia, or round dere. "He lived in a brick house in town and had two-three slaves 'sides me. "I was born way back in 1851 in North Carolina, on Mr. Subbs' plantation, clost to Snow Hill, which was the county seat. I don' care so much 'bout leavin' dis yearthly home, 'cause I knows I gwineter see de ole mistus up dere and I tell her I allus 'member what she tell me and try lib dat way all time. Dat one of de chillun' hats. The Horlock Art Gallery and History museum has history exhibits relating to the citys past. As of 2018, the population of the town was an estimated 7,715 people. But when dey was livin' in Geo'gy, my ma marry a man name' Hawthorne in Geo'gy. They didn't care what color you was, black, white, yellow or blue. One thing about 'em, they get educated, but there's not much for them to do when they get finished with school but walk the streets now. Us stay right on de place. I stops four years ago and comes out here to wait till de good Lawd calls me home. De preacher, he was big, jolly man, he come to de house 'bout one Sunday in every month. I buys goods for sheets and table kivers and one nice Sunday set dishes. I seen the dogs on the trail a whole day and still not catch 'em. All during the Civil War, all the marketable goods produced in the region were brought to Navasota, then the furthest inland railhead in Texas, to be shipped south to Galveston, where it could be transported by steamboat from the Texas coast and up the Mississippi River to the war effort, or exported to Mexico or overseas to Europe. But we'uns had plenty to eat and us slaves didn' know what de War was 'bout. January 2002, Navasota city council default on revenue bonds, withdrawing the city from financial participation in the project known as the Pecan Lakes Golf Course, located near the citys airport off of Highway 105. I don' 'member dat dey give us no presents. [13] A statue of Frank Hamer stands in front of city hall, honoring the time he served as city marshal. Den she make me say de Lord Prayer for her jus' like she allus make me say it for a night prayer when I lil' gal. If he cotch dem tryin' play off sick, den he lay into dem, or if he cotch dem loafin'. It swelled up my head and stuff came out. Mid 1860s skirmish between Navasotan disgruntled freedmen and Confederate veterans broke out in the Brazos Bottoms near Millican, after a race riot there threw the whole region into a panic. And us better leave eb'ryt'ing clean and no litter 'roun'. "Right over on Massa Ditto's place, am a killin' of a baby by dem Klux. I ain't no flour-bread eater. "I come to Texas in 1877 and Galveston was a little pen then, a little mess. I'll never be a slave If I live till December, I'll be 102 years old, and dis ole heart have been pumpin' and pumpin' all dem years and have missed nary a beat till dis las' year. Hispanics/Latinos can be of any race. A survey Dey go in de barn and holp deyself. [4] In 2005, the Texas Legislature designated Navasota as the "Blues Capital of Texas" in honor of the late Mance Lipscomb, a Navasota native and blues musician.[5]. I druv all through Pennsylvania and Virginia and South Carolina for the gov'ment. "De marster takes good care of us and sometimes give us money, 'bout 25, and lets us go to town. Old cotton, old corn, see you since I's born. They'd go to the jails and take the cullud men out and knock their brains out and break their necks and throw 'em in the river. I don' 'member anything 'bout my pappy, but I 'member Marster Henderson jus' like 'twas las' week. De women folks don' talk much and no laughin' like 'fore. For her, it am trouble, trouble and more trouble. The only misery I had was when a black spider bit me on the ear. When he git here dey tek care of him 'till he die right dere at Olive. They fit till the war was over and a lot of 'em got kilt. All de time de men's away, I could tell Missy Elline and her mamma was worried. Cotton, gunpowder, and shoes were made, processed, and stored in Anderson for the Confederacy during the American Civil War. I went to school and learned to read and write, then worked on farms, and fin'ly went to Columbia, in South Carolina, and worked in the turpentine country. If someone gets caught by his shirt on a limb of a tree, he had to die there if he weren't cut down. My daddy was a field hand and my mother worked in the fields, too, right 'longside my daddy, so she could keep him lined up. And ripe red cherries Daddy come by when I was cleanin' the yard and said, 'Pierce, go 'round side the house, where nobody can't see us.' The gov'ment give me $30.00 a month for drivin' a four-mule wagon for the army. to the Harper family, who lived in Snow Hill. But Massa Buford told me how durin' de war a slave trader name William Hamilton, come to Village Creek, where Massa Buford live. ", "My pa was Len Norsworthy. Eb'ry chile hab a side of watermilion. It didn't seem to make the whites mad, either. Dey has de power, and it am done for to show dey has de power. Horse mint breaks the fever. He treat dis lil' darky jus' like he own chile, 'cause he never hab any chillen of his own. ", "When Crismus come 'roun' dey give us big eatin'. Then they was ready for 'em. Marster never crowded us 'bout de wo'k, and never give any of us whuppin's. The bust was donated to the city by the French government in 1978. "Right after de baby killin', sojers with blue coats comes dere and camps front of Massa Buford's place and pertects de cullud folks. Marster asks us to come in and sing dat for de white folks, so we'uns goes in de house and sings dat for de white folks and dey jines in de chorus. "Everybody talk 'bout freedom and hope to git free 'fore dey die. Dey uster hang asafoetida 'roun' us neck in a li'l bag to keep us from ketch' de whoopin' cough and de measles. Den he die and lef' me wid eight chillun. High Point Elementary earned distinctions in ELA/Reading, Mathematics, Top 25 Percent Closing Gaps, Top 25 Percent Student Progress, and Post-Secondary Readiness. But here I is talking 'bout myself when you want to hear me talk 'bout slavery. Lawmen had to hide and watch, and often were afraid of the streets at night. Such goods were shipped south by rail to Galveston, where they could be transported by steamboat along the Texas coast and up the Mississippi River to the war effort or exported to Mexico or overseas to Europe. Not long afterward, the town was struck by a deadly cholera epidemic. Brenham, the seat of government, is near the county's center and seventy-five air miles east of Austin. They taken him and destroyed his stuff and him, 'cause he was making some money. Throughout the Civil War, all the marketable goods produced in the region were brought to Navasota, which at the time was the furthest inland railhead in Texas. Cotton was twenty and thirty cents a pound then. He had to stay in the woods and travel at night and eat what he could find, berries and roots and things. Course, I don' want to go back into slavery, but I's paid for my freedom. Beaumont, Jefferson, Dist. The population was 7,643 at the 2020 census. Lawmen had to hide and watch, and often were afraid of the streets at night. "There was some cullud young men went to the schools they'd opened by the gov'ment. MOLLY HARRELL was born a slave on the Swanson plantation, near Palestine, Texas. Drug dealers, prostitutes and drunks could not be seen standing around this area anymore. She weave all de time for ol' marster. My ma was name Ca'line after ol' mistus. 'Bout 20 year since us come here from Georgia and works de truck farm. I reckoned everybody know old Pierce Harper. "Durin' the Spanish-American War I went to Washington, D.C., to see my sister and got in the soldier business. I marry Hyman Hawthorne. A Grimes County grand jury convicted two suspects in August 2012. The city of Navasota earned a 2011 Gold Leadership Award from the Texas Comptroller's Office for efforts in transparency. Dey hab big hog killin' time, and dey dry and salt de meat in a big long trough. And I ain't goin' to get whipped any more. Mos' time she leave all de wo'k stan' in de middle of de floor and read de Bible and pray for me to git heal up and not suffer. I was handling pipes. Navasota sits approximately 20 miles south of Bryan-College Station. A new municipal building was completed in 2011 and continued downtown improvements are under construction, with completion scheduled for 2023. Since I's been free, I sometimes have heaps of frettin'. "I only 'members after de war, and most de cullud folks stays with Massa Buford after surrender and works de land on shares. Leavin' the thicket, Most everybody else go with us. De baby am in de mammy's arms and a bunch of Klux ridin' by takes a shot at de mammy, and it hits de baby and kills it. Washington County. Some old folks went in the woods for herbs and made medicine. Pauline We couldn't help stick to our masters. 1850 Slave Schedules Grimes County (Source: Explore Ancestry for free) ($) 1860 Slave Schedules (Source: ", "When any of de slaves git sick ol' mistus and my gramma dey doctor 'em. Our master parceled out some land to 'em and told 'em to work it their selves and some done real well. But he never give 'em a patch to work for deyself. When dey took her away, I's powerful grieved. WebOn the banks of the Navasota River, Civil War veterans met for reunions from 18891946. Navasota is a city in Grimes County, Texas, United States. Hamer faced down, chased down, and beat down the Navasota toughs until the streets were quiet, and children could once again go downtown. stockport council wards map; 0 comments. "Somebody run 'way all de time and hide in de woods till dere gut pinch dem and den dey have to come back and git somethin' to eat. Visit our sister site at Grimes County, TXGenWeb Table of Contents Maintained By: Just like that, we was free. "But the War didn't change nothin'. The master had to give 'em a half or third of what he made. ", "I tell dese chillun here dey ain't know nuffin'. 'Bout all my substance am gone now. I didn' use snuff nor chew 'till after I growed up and marry. Course, dey got beat, but dat didn't worry dem none, and it not long till dey gone 'gain. I goes over to dey camp every day and dey gives me lots of good eats. ", "I was bo'n up here in Jasper. I t'ink some of ol' marster's boys went to de war but de ol' man didn' go. His place was our home. "How did you know the end of the war had come?" We listen and de overseer whisper under de door and told my mother dat she free but not to tell nobody. "Did you ever stop to think that thinking don't do any good when you do it too late? Whereas nearby Washington on the Brazos protested the coming of the rails, the old historic town forfeited its geographic advantage, and it began to decline as many of its businesses and residences began a sure migration to the new railhead across the Brazos River at Navasota. ", "Dey was a gin and cotton press on de place. The eyes of the old blind Negro,eyes like two murkey brown marblesactually twinkled. I had a aunt what was de weaver. Don't you be a-mindin' him, mister.". The Inn is of clapboard-covered log construction. Exportation in the slave-owning areas of the state surpassed that of the non-slave-owning areas. NOVEMBER 8, 2011 Large numbers of Federal Law Enforcement ATF Agents move in on Armed drug dealing gangs. I was raise up in de fiel' all my life. Dey load up my sack and sometime dey bring me stuff in a car right dere to dat gate. Meow, meow, [19], The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) operates the O.L. "Don't you tell nobody dat I use to be a slave. You know everybody and everybody know you.' Us hab chicken and all kinds of good things. If every mother's son of a black had thrown 'way his hoe and took up a gun to fight for his own freedom along with the Yankees, the war'd been over before it began. She was Mrs. Ella Thompson, Felix' youngest sister, who had known only seven years of slavery. Dey have good times on dat place, and don't want to leave. I knowed you was white man when you comes up the path and speaks. "De place I am borned am right near Atlanta, in Georgia, and on dat plantation of Massa John Blackshier. After I's 'bout 13, I jus' peddles roun' de house for 'bout a year, den 'twarn't long till I hoes co'n and potatoes. Many buildings were damaged, including the post office. Brule Elementary exceeded state targets in Student Progress, Closing Performance Gaps, and Post-Secondary Readiness. Webhistorical and genealogical records of Texas; part USGenWeb. He tol' us we'uns could go if we'uns wanted to. ", "I heerd 'bout dem broom-stick marriages, but I ain't never seed none. She leaves de country fin'ly, but dey comes lookin' for her every night for two months. [citation needed]. Dat why I say I can't see so good. "Den massa come home and say, 'Yous gwine be free. A wild hog was trapped at the free food bank in downtown Navasota. The slaves Dat ledder was hard and lots of times it mek blister on us feet. JAMES HAYES, 101, was born a slave to a plantation owner whose name he does not now recall, in Shelby Co., two miles from Marshall, Texas. "After he was whipped my daddy run away to the north. WebA typical Southern plantation, Liendo was self-sufficient, and was entirely built by skilled slave laborers including brick and stone masons, carpenters, and smiths" At the end of They was took away (conscription). "I gits my fust job with Carter Cannon, on a farm, and stays seven years. And 'bout in a year, Marster Zeke fotches me to my mamma, in Johnson Station, south of Arlington. He come two mile every Sunday and us go to Lugene Baptist church. In 2013, the British documentary project known as Vague Direction visited Navasota and interviewed local residents Misslette The Singing Cowgirl and hog trapper Steve Stribling.[11]. Fur as I kin 'member I t'ink dey was 'bout 25 or 30 slaves on de place. I don't know what am dat blockade, but she say it. One day she tell us, 'De war am on us. Once, dey bang two whole days 'thout hardly stoppin'. Every Sunday morning the undertaker hitched up a buggy and went downtown to collect the bodies he expected to find after another wild Saturday night. So, on Christmas night, de chillen takes dem and puts dem on de stick. Ole mistus he'p me make my weddin' dress outta white lawn. All was white in jail but one, and he was cullud. We used to laugh at that. The whites always took good care of people when they was sick. "After breakfas' in de mornin' de niggers am gwine here, dere and everywhere, jus' like de big factory. All us cookin' done in de big kitchen. ", "Dey had cabins for de slaves to live in. The city is home to two statues of French explorer Ren-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, including a bronze monument, dedicated in 1936 by the DAR, to celebrate the travels of the famous French explorer. came through the window from sister Ella.