Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. by Jeremy Burns | Sep 25, 2014 | Blogs, The Plumb Line. You are not helpless, you are not a victim, but you are more than a Conqueror in Christ. What was this spirit of Python/divination really? Explain. ___The python spirit tries to keep us from reading Gods Word by distracting us, making us feel tired, and even causing us to fall asleep while reading Gods Word. But in the moment, I felt, do it!. This is the power of gracethat when we dont have the strength to act or speak, we can cry to Him in Jesus Name and He hears us. Is God Raising You Up to be a King Solomon? Paul had to wrestle against pythonand so may we. That is python who wraps himself around his victims backbone and causes infirmity]. The enemy knows that and hates that about you. Physical & emotional exhaustion. Hi Hilda, Im praying for you right now and that you will have discernment and wisdom in your relationship. If you have seen someone who was died because of sickness, python was involved. It rules and operates from the water and is therefore a water spirit, and also has a kingdom for itself under the waters. Way on November 29, 2018 This spirit is very aggressive. Alternatively, you canview all online courses here. The enemy wants you to ignore him and pretend he doesnt exist, but the battle is very real. As per Apostle Pauls article, please contact him directly at his personal email address as follows: Glory to God!! If you have been at one post in your workplace for years without promotion [or promotion without extra pay] python is involved. Those who have connected to arc international for prayers over this have seen major changes taking place in their lives. Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. (Gen 2:7, NIV). It will try and create lethargy and a prayerlessness and an inability to worship. Dont forsake the power of partnership when youre under attack. And she constrained us. And it is a powerful truthtruly the Presence of God does break bondages! *Particularly the spirit of Python is a spirit that doesnt kill by its Venom. This Sunday at apostolic revival church [Mfangano Trade center, 3rd floor, Mfangano St.] I will take time and hold a special session for all who have been oppressed by this spirit. Some who connected, who were unfairly fired, received much better employment after prayers. 15And when she was baptized, and her household, she besoughtus, saying, If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and abidethere. If you have debts which you are unable to clear, python is involved. yes my name is lisa i have a python spirit in my life containing fear aniety and afflictions in my body i need immediately deliverance its having me not want to go to work. Are you feeling sad, guilty, mad, hurt, or depressed? I pray for a release from the pain of rejection and betrayal. 7. Do not suffer bondage while there is grace given by the lord to set you free. Major miracles will be taking place in your lives. Where your dreams dont come true. I do not want to take this mess with me in 2016! You either wont want too or there will always be distractions. Apostle Paul A Williams Many times you feel limited or unproductive in your prayer and praise, and in your walk with Christ. Given these gruesome qualities which Python, serpents and Cobras possess, there is no way this archenemy of humankind and God can be sympathetic towards his victims. There's a whole lot of baptism going on these days. They were slandered and maligned. Heres How to Break It! This battle is not fought with human hands, this battle is fought through prayer and fasting and the Power of the Holy Spirit it is the Lords Victory to win, and every eye shall see Him do it! b) Python collects the information and announces it to stir up opposition that squeezes people out of the move of God. Python spirit is one of the principal agents of Satan, under Leviathan. It operates by infiltrating individuals and organizations, often disguising itself as a source of spiritual wisdom or guidance. Please use Google Chrome or Firefox. Glory be to God in the highest!!! The Bible says he spoke in tongues more than anybody else in the Corinthian church (1 Cor. a God dream of like a Soul breath like dunimus type of explosion today. Receive by faith a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit! When Satan Gives Judas the Financial Seat at the Table, A Challenge For You In English, Welsh and Gaelic. Jennifer LeClaireis news editor ofCharisma. I now know what I have been dealing with. Here are some of the traits of a spirit of python that are obvious in this narrative. You may also search for a particular topic in the search box at the top right. On his deathbed in 1993, Lonnie Frisbee made a revelation to Pastor Greg Laurie that left Laurie in disbelief. Webthat I have used the python spirit and all other demonic spirits including seducing, beguiling, divination, domination, controlling, manipulating, Apollyon spirits to control, manipulate or damage other human beings and my relationship with You, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Editors Note: This is Part 2 in a 2-part series. Wow, this came just in time. When a person performs the proper spiritual techniques, this spirit is stretched throughout the body in an awakening. This supposedly results in dramatic occurrences including out-of-body experiences, physical movements and sensations, hallucinations, and so forth. On 1 January. If you are adding years to your life but not adding life to your years, python is involved. They seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities (Acts 16:19). Pay Attention to the laws that are being passed! To be sure you dont miss any of my future blog posts, you may wish to subscribe to Matters of the Heart. Change). I am pregnant so I cannot have this toxic emotion. b) To mark people for demonic pressure and to squeeze out unwanted and threatening ministry in a city or a region, especially if its apostolic level authority thats coming into the city. Lonnie Frisbee Deathbed Prophecy Comes to Pass On his deathbed in 1993, Lonnie Frisbee made a revelation to Pastor We are in a worldwide financial wilderness. When it comes to spiritual warfare, it can be a helpful metaphor to see that there are two main types of attacks you can see from snakes. The first time I ever heard of the Spirit of Python it was through Kim Clements prophecy. You may be going through the motions but you feel dead on the inside because python has squeezed the life out of you. Free Chapel is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thanks for being an ear. The heart is the programming center of our lives. There is so little discernment today that many churches in the modern charismatic/prophetic movement would probably have put this young woman on their prophetic team, for what she prophesied was accurate and positive. The medicine man eventually came to hear Brainerd preach and was powerfully convicted by the Holy Spirit and eventually accepted Christ as His Lord and Savior. Now, I am grateful for those who have instilled the truth of Gods Word into my life; a truth that has set me free, and given me a different perspective. (LogOut/ There is, of course, the possibility that she had actually been to Delphi and that is where she picked up this false spirit. From the food to the beautiful landscapes of the Holy Land, there is How are you feeling today? Python is a principality [one of the chief spirits in the kingdom of darkness] and not just a mere demon. The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. WebThe python spirit is often characterized by its ability to manipulate and deceive. Learn simple steps you can take to recognize and defeat the enemy in Jentezen Franklins message, Spirit of Python: Recognizing you are under spiritual attack. Demons communicate amongst each other and people with receivers can tune in and get information but pass it off as revelation. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I believe God blesses our rest as well as our work for Him. I love him and want us to move beyond where we are now, into a greater bond in the Word and God. Web32K views 2 years ago In this powerful teaching, Apostle Edison & Prophetess Mattie Nottage unveils how to recognise signs that you are under an attack from the serpentine Python spirit tries to pressure, squeeze and push people out of a life-giving apostolic ministry to stop a move of God in a region or city. The python spirit seeks to stifle the breath of the Holy Spirit and to cut off our prayer life, which is our lifeline to God. One of the only named spirits in the Bible, the python spirit is a coiling spirit that works to squeeze out the breathe of life (the Holy Spirit) and cut off your lifeline to God (prayer). Inside the church, it manifests through prophetic people who refuse to submit to authority and without them knowing it, they begin to receive 2nd Heaven revelation and they begin to prophecy what the devil would like to do. If you have ever been deceived by those who claimed to be men of god but you later found out that they were diviners, python was involved. Our bodies are now the Temple where The Holy Spirit dwells in us to guide, teach and comfort us and show us the way to go. His testimony was, When the Word of God came into my heart, the power I had known went out. His conversion and testimony had a powerful impact on the Delaware and other tribes in the region. God created many people with gifts to receive revelation, but when those people choose not to follow God and tune their heart into Gods heart, that receiver gift still works and those people can tune into other demonic channels where information is passing around and their receiver is still on, theyre just tuned to the wrong channel. As citizens of Christs kingdom, we declare we are free from ungodly authority in every dimension. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. You dont have to be in sin to find python trying to slide under your door. He hinders, debilitates and destroys both the spiritual and physical life by slowly depleting one of breath through constriction. Ancestral ties to those who were involved with witchcraft. Its scared to death that someone may wake up in the night and pray! (Ask the Lord to disrupt demons communication about me ask the Lord to send the Blood of Jesus through their tracking mechanisms). Your email address will not be published. You can email Jennifer atjennifer.leclaire@charismamedia.comor visit her websitehere. A sister in Christ. Adults range drastically in length and weight. Some who had their jobs terminated and their pay withheld had all their dues paid after prayers. If you look at it in the natural, it seems silly but the oppression is real. Here's a quick rundown of the top stories 6 Ways to Prepare for Spiritual Harvest Last week I preached at Freedom Point Church, a small congregation in Carrollton, Georgia, 50 miles west of Atlanta. Do you recognize that you are battling a python-like spirit? It loves to manifest among Believers well camouflaged and all about me. Somebody, you need to listen to me very carefully, for I will speak to you concerning the python spirit. It is the river dragon. Some signs you may be battling this include: An overall sense of weariness for which there seems to be no natural cause Losing your desire or hunger for God You THE ITALIAN CHRONICLES: The Complete Trilogy All they can do is pass on information that everyone knows. The python/divination spirit will cause you to feel grieved, frustrated, and distracted. The same type of 3 legged tripod that we recognize as the masonic tripod. WebThe python spirit is often characterized by its ability to manipulate and deceive. You may contact her atinfo@maryanndiorio.comto request permission. Podcasts for Writers, The Mark of the Beast: What You Should Know and Why. Only our God, however, is omniscient, i.e., all knowing. Attacks on prayer life and worship. Even the slightest pressure from this kind of demonic attack must give way in Jesus Name! "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.". How can you know? When you rise up in your Christ-given authority against python, the battle ensues. Does yhis happen to you? 16And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:17The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. This year was a the most horrible year.I do not want to take this mess with me in 2016!! CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER. Grant us discernment to know what, if any, evil spirits are operating in our lives so that we may cast them out in Your Mighty Name. -It has a triangular head and a body that is long and thin, with a small round body. comment:
, Christian Prophecy, Prayers & Bible Sharing Updated Daily. Luke uses spirit of python in regards to this slave girl probably because the spirit operating in her was like the one at Delphi. I forgave him. Python spirit tries to destroy this redemptive purpose. It is also very haughty, arrogant, and prideful. Although we can learn about how prophecy and spiritual gifts function, it is dangerous to think that we can learn how to prophesy of our own initiative. If you have never been promoted since you joined your workplace, python is involved. AN INVITATION TO YOU: To follow this blog, click here. You may learn more about Dr. MaryAnn at the "Meet MaryAnn" tab on this website. from the fowlers snare; Characteristics of a python spirit The word divination in this verse comes from the Greek word for puthon, which translates in English as python. Vines Dictionary explains how Greek mythology believed the Pythian serpent guarded the oracle of Delphi until Apollo slew it (and then took on the name Pythian). Thank so, so much! Is God Raising You Up to be a King Solomon? Are You Being Squeezed by the Python Spirit? In next weeks article, well take a closer look at the python spirit and what it takes to combat it in a region. Connect me as soon as possible. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. Speaking the word of God over your life, your possessions, your body and your situation. They are hysterical and will resort to brutality rather than let someone get more of God. All these entities together are Dolly Parton Credits Faith for Massive Success of Charity, Morning Rundown: Lonnie Frisbee Deathbed Prophecy Comes to Pass, How a Christian Gains Life by Choosing Death, Lonnie Frisbee Deathbed Prophecy Comes to Pass, From Beaches to Prisons, Holy Spirit Jolts America Into Revival, Morning Rundown: 6 Ways to Prepare for Spiritual Harvest, Jonathan Cahn: Return of Pagan Gods Responsible for Americas Brutal Culture Wars, 7 Spiritual Consequences From Breaking Gods Boundaries. Your email address will not be published. Hi I am suffering mental illness and always work problems. I feel it is a spirit of phyton! Pythons are not poisonous and are generally not aggressive unless provoked. He limits his victims to a certain level spiritually and physically. Save almost $4.00 over the purchase price The Lord spoke to me concerning the need for deliverance among his people. It Given these gruesome qualities which Python, serpents and Cobras possess, End of excerpts, please read the entire PDF here: Many people have fallen into that trap. Python would rather distract you with attacks, trials and persecutions than see you press into a gracious God for deliverance. 8 Keys to Breaking Free From a Python Spirit, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). For those of you who are in Kenya, you need to be there. If you have gone for countless job interviews but you still do not have a job, python is involved. They attack where the light of Some in the charismatic movement are tapping into New Age writings with the excuse that all truth is Gods truth. If this had been Pauls approach, he would never have confronted the python spirit and cast it out, for what was being said was true. When I am fasting, the Lord reminds me that my bodys hunger is what my spirit feels when I dont consume spiritual food. I am a born-again Christian saved out of the Catholic Church. Be filled, filled, filled.. Hi prophet Helen. Again, pythons ultimate goal is to put you in bondage and thwart your purpose. Following are snippets of the top stories featured this week on Your breath is being released! The spirit of the python is the spirit behind divination. (LogOut/ We first encounter the python spirit in Acts 16: 16. It is You are breaking out, in Jesus Name! Its not just this but other things at the back of my mind, causing me to have stifled breath. and we have escaped. Manner of Activity of python spirits (Characteristics) Luke uses spirit of python in regards to this slave girl probably because the spirit operating in her was like the one at Delphi. Following are some possible indicators that one is being squeezed by thepython spirit: Now, just because one may be experiencing the symptoms listed above does not mean that one is a victim of the python spirit. 19And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drewtheminto the marketplace unto the rulers,20And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city. It will compromise with the children of God and co-habit if the people will surrender their prophetic destiny. Python is a deadly spirit capable of causing physical harm when confronted. It may not be a coincidence. 2) Python spirit desires to work through people and give the appearance of revelation, discernment, prophecy and the ability to tell the future, to be accurate . Determination, no wavering, be consistent with prayers and fasting. To accomplish its deadly agenda, this spirit will remind you of wounds from your past, surround you with ungodly influences that tempt you to compromise the Word of Godor just barrage you with circumstances that knock the wind out of you. Python always hangs around the following: 4. Contact me via this e-mail: and let me know that you will be coming so I can prepare you for your day of freedom. If funds received exceed the specific need or goal of a project, or if the project cannot be completed, or at the discretion of JFMM, any funds donated may be used for similar purposes or other outreaches of JFMM such as helping preach the gospel, produce inspirational resources or continue support for other outreach projects of JFMM. The python spirit is a demonic evil spirit that tries to squeeze the life of Christ out of His saints by distracting them from study of the Word, from prayer, and from worship. It seems to have sprung up from taking a training membership that does not seem to fit. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. More on that next week. One ancient drawing pictured the prophetess in a disheveled, frenzied state as she gave forth her oracle. In respect to when the High Priest would go before the Holy of Holies to ask discernment on questions they could not answer. Following are snippets of the top stories featured this week on Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Book your space and be there! This is a religious spirit associated with witchcraft, sexually perverse dreams and is from the marine kingdom. This love and caring is what the church body is all about. For those who are in the international arena, I will also factor you in and will let you know how I will minister to you as you reach out to me via the same e-mail. {eoa}. I NOTICE A COUPLE OF THESE YOU MENTION IN MY LIFE. In the Bible, snakes and serpents are symbolically associated with the devil. SOFTCOVER Symptoms of a python attack may include weariness, a loss of passion to worship and pray, feeling pressured, overwhelmed, helpless and even hopeless. Your email address will not be published. On his deathbed in 1993, Lonnie Frisbee made a revelation to Pastor Greg Laurie that left Laurie in disbelief. Another day He said Look up like Paul I am coming to pivk you up in 2019 help me in prayers to Finish this sweet Journey. 50% OFF LEGACY BIBLE + FREE ACRES OF DIAMONDS. Hi Sashi, great to hear from you, and you also! When Paul and Silas dealt with this spirit [in Acts 16], the result was that they were arrested and beaten until their backs were full of stripes and much bleeding from them before they were next cast into jail. I did, but when I surveyed it, I felt not ready for what it entails and its not really what I needed to propel my ministry and calling forward. If you have any mental diseases [or even madness], python is involved. If you feel like your life is wasting away [being unproductive] python is involved. Pressure comes around your throat and (Do we charismatics have our own rituals by which we work ourselves into a prophetic state?). As their prey breathes out, the coils of the snake grow tighter, until it cannot breathe in any more. 6. Were saved so we can introduce Jesus to others, but how do we transfer the new life in us out into the world? Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyones chains were loosed (Acts 16:25-26). But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. The imagery in the Scripture is of a neck that has grown so strong and fat that the yoke has broken off it. It bites down and then twists. Rejoice in it. Like the young woman when she was delivered of the python spirit, he immediately lost all his supernatural powers. Let me show you this spirit in the Bible. The python spirit is very territorial and will use Here are some excerpts from a PDF on the Spirit of Python. Your continued use of this site constitutes your consent to our use of cookies. ofthe three individual novels. Neither can they stand against the truth of what Gods Word says, about who you are in Christ. Top of the Week: Lonnie Frisbee Deathbed Prophecy Comes to Pass. If you have worked for months but your pay [for the period] is still being held from you for inexplicable reasons, python is involved. The dealer promised to return my money and to date has not done so. I pray in Jesus name that you must not be away so that I can see Him picking me up. The word was later applied to diviners or soothsayers, inspired by Apollo. Required fields are marked *. These are the kinds of situations I urge people to journey with wise leaders who know them, and submit their prophetic guidance (what they believe God is saying) to oversight, because there is a lot at stake and emotions involved. All gifts are received and considered without restriction unless explicitly stated otherwise by the donor. in a single e-book! Know that bondage of the enemy cannot stay, it cannot contain you, because what God is doing in your life is GREATER. Having a photo with a snake draped around me is something I have always said I would never do! Paul was a man of prayer. 2. Amen. ____________________________________________________________________, HARDCOVER You may learn more about Dr. MaryAnn at the, An Open Letter to Women Suffering Post-Abortion Torment, Guilt, and Remorseand to Suffering Fathers Forced to Remain Silent, A Letter to Those Left Behind After the Rapture, My Testimony in French: Un Message pour Margo, THE BOOK TABLE MaryAnns Online Bookstore, A Moment with MaryAnn-Podcasts for Living the Good Life, Write Your Heart Out! ___The python spirit tries to mess up our finances and keep us in financial bondage. One characteristic of the Oracle at Delphiand all pagan prophecyis that it was self-induced. Discernment is lacking because, in this post-modern world, the lines between true and false are being blurred and even erased. In this way, the python spirit seeks to undermine the true teachings of God and lead people astray. Other pagan religions used music, dance, contortions and sex orgies to work themselves into a prophetic frenzy. To subscribe to my weekly blog, Winning with the Word, click here. It's something Laurie says he has never told anyone publiclyuntil now. Prayer for Today: Lord God, we thank You that through Christ, we have authority and power over every evil spirit. This course includes around 30 mini-lectures on video, and is full of Biblical wisdom and faith-filled strategies to help you overcome in time of oppression or spiritual battle. A lack attack! ), We want the authority of heaven in our lives, in our church and our city. I feel like he doesnt want to because he wants that infidelity door to stay open. ___________________________________________. Its selfish ambition, self-promotion, trying to take over, betrayal. WebThe python spirit is known for its desire to control and manipulate others, often causing individuals to feel oppressed and suffocated in various aspects of their lives. And whether or not you can relate to my experiences, I can tell you that you do not have to put up with demonic pressure, however it comes. Click here to download a free chapter of Jennifers new book, Satans Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. They get enough real information to look real. The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. It likes to manifest near water even physically. If you found this post helpful, please forward it to a friend. Python is a principality [one of the chief spirits in the kingdom of darkness] and not just a mere demon. Now, many think that deliverance is only for people who are seriously oppressed, but they are oblivious of the fact that to many people you can appear normal, but in actuality be very oppressed. If you are experiencing a chronic lack of finances, despite your great efforts to earn a living, python is involved. Learn how your comment data is processed. ____________________________________________. Because of early traumas I had with the demonic realm, there was once a distortion in my thinking. I encourage you to do that too. Jesus said to them, Loose him, and let him go. (John 11:44, NKJV). Thank You. It is also known as the spirit of divination. Those who were sickly have had their diseases completely disappear after prayers. If you cannot dream of anything positive, python is involved. The Lords eyes are in every place!! d) The fortune-telling aspect of Python spirit is in reality the tracking of a person through demonic spirits and the sharing of that information along with manipulation of ideas, thoughts and events to appear able or to appear gifted to predict the future to create a relationship of dependency, fear, slavery, manipulations and financial dependency. It was written in the sky through the cloud twice with different message. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); HTML tags allowed in your WebThe python spirit is very demonic They attack people mostly through evil foundation. 5. Enliven Ministries If its oppression, you may find praise and worship helpful but sometimes its great just to take a break, go for a walk, have some leisure time, Sabbath moments. [3], I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. (Psalm 118:17, NKJV). When a ministry has the ECFA seal, its donors can know that the organizations financial house is in order and can see where their resources are going. When Paul finally commands the spirit of divination to come out of her, she loses her power to predict the future and makes her masters angry because she can no longer make them rich. And that is a picture of this type of spiritual warfarebut dont be alarmed by this; instead, be filled with anticipation and faith. It operates by infiltrating individuals and organizations, often disguising itself as a source of spiritual wisdom or guidance. The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came over me; I was overcome by distress and sorrow. CAST IT OUT WITH HEARTFELT PRAYER! Receive help and prayer from others as needed. [remember that serpent that is on that medical logo? I didnt look deeper into it until Mark Taylor talked about it being a legion of evil spirits and Satan himself.