If your dog isnt crate trained, I strongly recommend working on it before surgery. They x-rayed her knees twice and they were fine. They may need to take some x-rays just to see what the TPLO hardware looks like at this point. Hello. It would be best to have her examined by your vet. If the CCL tears, it prevents a dog from being able to walk properly. Often with the TPLO surgery the dogs feel good. I thought it was initially muscles and have been massaging her hip and thigh. Im optimistic. This would be a great thing to discuss with a veterinary rehabilitation/physical therapy professional. As a result, the end of the femur scrapes painfully against the back part of the top of the tibia. She has been confined (small area) and resting as prescribed the last 11 days. However, I have noticed that her surgery leg tends to push outward at the knee a bit when she puts too much weight on it. I am so sorry your senior dog is struggling with these severe mobility issues since his TPLO surgery last August. Before TPLO surgery, your vet will place your dog under anesthesia so that they are asleep during the procedure. They can also evaluate him to see if he is progressing normally or if he is falling behind. Can you still hear the popping noise today? Your dog Dale has probably tore his Meniscus, some vets remove it while doing the TPLO maybe you should get this checked out. It will be up to your vet to determine if the degree of movement present in your dogs knee joint is normal or if some investigation should take place. Is recovery longer when both knees are done at once in comparison to only one? The first 12 weeks following the TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) surgery are the most critical time for recovery yet as with many major orthopedic injuries full recovery can take up to 6 months. Only have one stifel done at a time if both stifels (legs) have been diagonised. Hi Cindy, Are long car ride bad ? I apologize for the delay in responding. TPLO surgery costs more than other procedures because of the specialized equipment and the required training . Any time you notice the recovery process taking a step backwards, it is a good idea to inform your veterinarian of the change. With that being said, I am suspicious that Happy is not progressing as would be expected for almost 2 weeks post-op. Hang in there itll come out all right!! We are in the Killeen area and our 2.5 year old boxer mix is needing bilateral tplo (although we are deciding on cblo, a newer version of the tplo). I recommend creating your dogs recovery space in an area of the house where he or she normally hangs out. Cost of the surgery itself is usually around $700 plus the price of the metal plate and screws . Since I havent examined your dog myself, it is difficult to make specific conclusions and recommendations. Your vet can also guide you if youre not sure. We have also made a lot of changes to our home to make it easier for him to get around. He is also going to give her some muscle building steroids. The vet said it is most likely a pressure sore or infection of the plate. Dont get any Vet get an Orthopedic Specialist. Theyll be able to determine if the knee was reinjured or not. A word of caution about warming your dog up. My 100# Doberman had TPLO 4 weeks ago. Every time the antibiotics would reduce all of that and then boom all of a sudden back after 5 days off the antibiotics. Cruciate ligament injury in dogs. Veterinary Partner. Make sure you cut back on Deramaxx/pain meds as she starts to feel better. I am hopeful this can be improved, and your sweet boy will have many happy years ahead. Without examining your dog, myself, I cant tell if this urine dribbling is normal or not. Today he starting holding his leg up again. Praying for a positive outcome and some comfort for your nerves. Im just monitoring & keeping an eye out, ice, rest & meds. Hello, I have a stand schnauzer who is 1 year old . Unfortunately, cruciate ligament tears usually occur because of degenerative changes that are genetic. First, my Siberian Husky mix had TPLO surgery on November 30, 2022. Is this a long time to still be favoring the leg? Hi Alicia, Do you mind me asking who did your pups surgery? It is possible that arthritis from her previous injury could play a role in her healing process. I am so sorry you are in this frustrating situation. Hi Peter, She also went home on a weeks worth of antibiotics because of the increased risk of infection. The average cost breaks down as follows: United States: US$2,500 - $5,500. The damage from the torn CCL could worsen their condition. I understand how this could be worrisome for you. Thank you. Feel free to leave an update as things progress. After much research on bilateral TPLO recovery, its good to find someone in a similar situation even if just to compare notes. Hi Fatima, (Its also way cheaper.) This tends to be the case because when outside the dog is excited by all the signs, sounds, and things to sniff. Theyll typically stay at the hospital or clinic until the day after surgery. Zoe is my first pet and I am a mess right now in knowing what to do. Contact your vet immediately for instructions. How are things today? To all contemplating TPLO surgery. I understand your concern about your pups chances at returning to normal function post-op. I will make another appointment with the vet, but they cant seem to tell what is wrong with him and the pain killers are not improving his situation other than making him sleep all the time. Hi Stephanie, Hopefully underwater treadmill exercises are the answer Ive heard thats the best option after this type of surgery. Privacy Policy | Return Policy | Shipping Terms Katie and Paddy x. Hi Katie, Give lots of praise and some treats when your dog calmly tolerates wearing the E-collar. I am planning to get the surgery done for his right knee next year. I understand your concern about this new rear limb weakness in your dog after just having surgery a couple weeks ago. He looks like he is fine when he is walking. In general, this will involve strict exercise restriction at first. The fit will last about a minute. The problem is, with normal walking, the joints only use a small portion of their possible range of motion. Of course if they cant be there for the dog having any surgery isnt a good idea imo. Today she is noticeably holding it up. Now, youll enjoy a streamlined experience created specifically for healthcare providers. Still, no toe-touching. I have to make sure he walks on the grass because he tends to drag that leg or knuckle. The exact progression can vary from dog to dog, but this is approximately what we would expect: Sometimes dog parents will notice that their pup will walk on all four limbs well when outside for a potty break and then hold the leg up again once back inside. Your best bet is to schedule a consult with an orthopedic specialist and possibly a veterinary rehabilitation professional and get their expert opinions and advice. I highly recommend you contact a veterinary rehabilitation professional and have them evaluate your pup. I have a couple questions. Let him or her know if your dog seems to be in pain constantly or if it tends to be around the time the next dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or other pain medication is due. I personally would not do both legs at the same time. Having said all that Daisy is doing amazing!! But the only way to know for sure is to have your dog examined. This is not typical for 5 months post TPLO. One of the main advantages of TPLO is that it is a procedure that most veterinary surgeons are most familiar with. Were keeping him quiet and hes not running or jumping, its just the lack of grip he has on the floor. Your dog's breed and weight. With that being said, large breed dogs are at a higher risk for arthritis due to the increased weight on their joints. Some hospitals may even include post-surgical physical therapy available at their hospital. you will need less rehab if you do one at a time as your dog can help support itself with the other leg, after surgery REST NO EXERCISE, get pain relief and antibiotics week2 you can walk your dog SHORT distances 2 times a day for 2 weeks and then increase distance each week for up to 8 weeks and Zoe should be good as gold. How are things today? Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO). Together these superstar ingredients reduce inflammation and promote joint healthtwo things that are very good for post-op dogs. Since I havent examined your pup myself, it is hard to make specific conclusions about why her leg trembles during and after exercise. More specifically, it keeps the tibia (i.e. It is a good sign that your girl doesnt seem to be in any pain. Required fields are marked *. Luna is 2 and its been almost a year since shes had her surgery. He rarely runs and is wiped out after a 1 mile walk. We have a Rottie, who had a TPLO four weeks ago. Im just hoping that his not standing on his own is a confidence issue and that one day soon hell realize he doesnt need to be so dramatic and can actually do it without assistance! The cost of TPLO surgery in dogs varies depending on the region and who is performing the surgery. I can not say enough about the care, communication, and support we received from them. Then he shared that there as also a slight possibility it was a bone tumour. Sometimes things just happen despite everyones best efforts. That being said, you the mom, or dad also need to take it upon yourself to get informed on how you can play an active role in helping your dog recover. The rehab vet can also let you know if hydrotherapy is a good option or if they do have concerns about the surgical site/hardware. Cruciate rupture: TPLO <25kg: 4800 >25kg: 5100: Total hip replacement (non-custom implants) 8500* Hemilaminectomy: 7300* Advanced imaging: MRI scan: 2000 - 2600: CT scan 1200 - 1400: Puppy or kitten heart murmur investigation* *Asymptomatic patients less than 6 months of age. . A better grip means your dog can walk with confidence. Hi Brandon, Also, the swelling in her knee is roughly the size of a childs fist. He goes regular to the vet for his laser therapy. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Unfortunately, since I havent examined him myself, it is hard to accurately understand what the issues are and how to advise you to proceed. But it can happen, especially if a dogs activity isnt restricted. This can help reduce the normal post-op swelling. Hopefully your boy will continue to heal and respond to the massages and rest. I do notice that he still doesnt put full weight on the leg, is this to be expected? Learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate, thorough, and unbiased by reading our. With only actives, no fillers or binders this is a great solution for dogs that are on a whole food or RAW nutrition diet. Hi Joyce, Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a71ff907a8f630fe1ecdc1c1728ab11a" );document.getElementById("ca59815ad4").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); NEW! I live in the Texas Panhandle and his surgery was in Albuquerque, so Im not sure if we have underwater rehab options nearby. I hope you can find the answers you need, and you receive good news at the recheck. Although the TPLO is a great surgery to repair a torn ACL in dogs, it is not the only option, therefore it is best to have a conversation with your veterinarian or veterinary surgeon and discuss which option would be best for your dog. I also have a full time job. Hes just not himself. You can also get acepromazine (sedative) if you need some help keeping your pup quiet in the crate. They have since grown back. Your dog is like a family member so you want to make the right decision regarding their health. Whatever you choose, ensure that your dog doesnt have access to anything to jump on. You may end up with a dog who has arthritis and has limited mobility if the surgery is not done. My soon to be 12 yr old Belgian Malinois/Lab/Chow mix dog had TPLO surgery on his right leg in 2020, and it went well. Text: (843) 781-6430. I understand your concern about this weakness/neurological issue in your dogs good leg. But it could also cost as low as $2,000, depending on your dog, where you live, and where you go for the surgery. It is also ok for him to walk slowly around the room a bit. However, there are a few types of swelling that are not normal. So lets talk about solutions. date for your upcoming Scheduled Orders. Thank you. Her fur is also starting to grow back so that is helping as well. GoodRx is not offering advice, recommending or endorsing any specific prescription drug, pharmacy or other information on the site. Animal Surgical Center of Michigan. Without examining your dog, myself, it is hard to know for sure why he doesnt have full use of his leg. You may want to try to take some steps to cut down on your dog accidentally running or jumping. Limping is usually greatly decreased, but all activity should still be restricted. Best wishes! The procedure is unfortunately not new to us. Her recovery seems to be going fairly well. After she gets going that stops. Consultation + Radiographs + Surgery, Implants and drugs + Hospitalisation as needed + GA and Radiographs at 4-6 weeks. QLF surgery is simply a more natural approach and works because rather than attempting to redesign the anatomy of the canine stifle and reengineer the biomechanics of the joint (as TPLO and TTA surgeries attempt to do), QLF surgery simply re-stabilizes and reinforces what mother nature created in the first place . Like all of us, we would be filled with sadness should we lose her early. Primary healing takes a minimum of 8 weeks. Enter your email to sign up. Sometimes these therapeutic modalities can also be helpful prior to surgery. Many times, a popping or clicking sound in the knee can be an indication of a torn meniscus (cartilage that cushions the knee joint). Is still on Rimadyl, glucosamine, etc. But at first, that cut portion of the tibia is only being held in place by the TPLO plate and screws. It definitely wasnt being communicated to the vet properly. He only got it for the first four days after each surgery, but he wasnt doing well on the Deramaxx alone. This is an important issue that needs to be ruled out. Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy for cranial cruciate ligament rupture in canines: Patient selection and reported outcomes. In most cases, this total cost includes pre-surgery blood work, anesthesia, anesthesia monitoring, pain medication, the surgery itself . Plus we offer a variety ofresourcesandvideosto support you in whatever you decide. Im worried she totally messed up the surgery We have a post op appointment in 2 days but wondering if I need to take her earlier. He is a large dog (132#) and is 10.5 years old. Our vet is very holisitcally oriented, does accupuncture, etc, so I am hoping for a less invasive treatment than surgery. I understand your concern with this skin irritation since surgery. Good luck and best wishes! help@toegrips.com So, unfortunately it may take time, but that is good news. Or could it be an infection of the bone? Unfortunately, you may never really know what caused this surgical repair to fail. This allows the femur to sit more squarely on top of the tibia instead of slipping off the back. Hi Maranda, TPLO (tibial plateau leveling osteotomy) in dogs. Hello! Hi Eden, the only advice I can think of is be patient with the recovery process and use a harness religiously to help your Rottie get up from sitting. Foraminotomy Bilateral (after neurological investigation) Surgery and drugs + Up to 3 nights hospitalisation + Discharge with up to weeks analgesia + Follow up examination at 4 weeks if required. The dribbling could be a sign of another UTI. She is back to normal activity but yesterday we noticed a soft squishy lump on the inside of her one legs under where her incision was made. We live in British Columbia, but I was born in Edmonton, and lived there until I was 29. So you may want to take someone with you to your dogs discharge appointment and/or have someone available once you get home to help you get your dog in and out of the car. Attempting to escape from the crate or jump over a baby gate can cause serious injury to a recovering dog. The cost for TPLO surgery can add up to between $3,500 and $5,000. Be sure to restrict your pups activity, keep their incision clean, and help their mobility with gentle exercises. I feel like you may need to do some more investigation to get an answer. You are doing a great job of advocating for your dogs health and wellbeing. IS THIS SOUNDING CORRECT TO ANYONE? I understand your concern about this new lump that has appeared on your pup. Then, the vet will work to correct the CCL injury. I have contacted the vet and I dont think they are understanding what Im trying to communicate. I am glad the surgery was a success, and your pup seems to be healing quickly. As his recovery progresses, he will need to slowly start increasing his use of the leg and slow controlled walks are great for this! Dog Surgery Recovery Stories & Information | Best Dog Joint Supplements 2 years later and now he has a cyst like looking sore on his knee. Every dose includes up to 90+ fatty acids, including EPA, DHA & ETA, shown to have powerful natural anti-inflammatory benefits resulting in a more noticeable comfortable, happier & active dog. My lab turns 9 tomorrow and it is also the day of her birthday bi-lat TPLO. Is the end goal to make the trembling go away? Letting your dog be too active during recovery can bend or break the TPLO plate, cause the screws to loosen, or hinder bone healing. His left knee has healed up and his right knee hasnt been acting up. The slower your dog walks, the more likely he or she is to attempt to bear weight on the leg, which is what we want. Sometimes a dog just needs someone to be there with them. My heart goes out to you with such a difficult decision. If your hospital does not have a canine rehabilitation facility in-house then check our directory of independent facilities in your area. Thank you for the reply! Also if you can provide water treadmill exercise this would help her. I hope you can find the answers you need to make the best choice for your sweet girl.