Have fun on the computer on a Friday night. MY BROTHA I AGREE WITH YOU 100%!!!!!! Rocco does not have unorthadox views on Asians, Mexicans, or Europeans. AND A FAGGOTU STILL WRITE LIKE A FAGGOT Smith, Martin and Alderidge flashed the Eight Trey Cowboy Crips sign in photos posted online, prosecutors said. AND THERE IS KNOW ONE NAMED ROCCO AT THE COMPTON SHERIFF STATON. And everyone knows ur a cunt who fingers himself everyday to gay porn! That, and somebodys Mother ( who you dont even know). You sound like a jealous bitter little girl, you fucking Illiterate Asshole Nobody. !,.Lastly,again,youre a bullshitting Honkey!!!!! Hiding out in Chicago somewhere OR They also feud with theDenver Lane Bloodsand the Crenshaw Mafia Bloodsalong with all Brim Gangs. Building a wall to stop illegal immigration IS NOT PERSONAL. We already have to deal with Rocco on this site, and that is enough we dont need another. Thats why there is a big REVOLT going on in this Country RIGHT NOW. So, Shut The Fuck Up with all your Bullshit Crip Nigger talk because you are a Fucking Bullshitting Liar. If you are tied to the police\ law enforcement in some capacity or another, I dont see the point of using the N word so much! As blacks we are angry and upset that these gangsters are causing violence and ruining the community! !,I might hate Certain gangs Cut not all blaCC people I dont love or hate all non gang related blaCC people,.Cut sinCe you hate all blaCC people while you Continue to pretend not your afraid of none of us prove it too me after, all you did so Called aCCept my Challenge to fight me to prove yourself to me right? LOL, Thats all you Niggers talk about every fucking day 24/7: Black men are chosen to be killed by other Niggers. The83 Gangster Crips (ETGC) also known asEight Tray Gangster Crips or 8-Tray Gangster Cripsare primarily an African-American street gang located on the West Side of South Los Angeles (formerly known as South Central, LA)California. HES GOT SEVERAL IN THE rocco wishes niggers didnt exist just like almost everyone else except dumb assholes like you who married one of them. See HAHAHA, you are from the ghetto, you will more then likely stay in the ghetto, collecting welfare, food stamps, and saying you could have become something and but became nothing. Eight Tray Gangster Crip war. LETS see how long you Grape Street Watts Crips: So thats cool. Thats the difference. Look dude stop being a suburban terrorist ok!! LMAO. M8v3n gang! One sorry, lying pile of worthless garbage!! I call the shots young man. Fact is you seem to know a lot about this particular set and we are not looking for Ken Mcgriff, we are looking for you, the little boy who likes to use his name and shout nonsense. They are also the most copied Crip set across the United States. Larry Pagett, the East Coast leader of the Eight Trey Crips street gang, was sentenced today by United States District Judge William F. Kuntz, II to life imprisonment for murdering a member of the rival Folk Nation street gang as part of a gang turf war. lol joke. Same was true of Law school Applicants. Eight Trey Gangster Crips; West Boulevard Crips; Main Street Crips; Long Beach Insane Crips; The Roll'in 60's is the Largest Crip set in the city of Los Angeles, CA. I always admired them and thought wow they really paved the way for a lot of our people today . Dont have to read that shit. I have been in the present of hard core people. No bother to me. Call me what you will, calling me a spic does not make you tough, or get you a paycheck, or even keep you out of jail, in one ear and out the other. But there is always hope. And there are only 2 types of BLACKSones who are EITHER an ASSET or a LIABILITY!! Look up the factual statistics by the Government. I dont recall everyone Ive met. I think law Enforcement Guys who are Black are generally very fine gentlemen. Been smoking too much of the profits? Name one Neighborhood That is 100% Black, not 10% or 20% or 30% or even 50%, I mean 100% Black that is NOT A SHITHOLE of some sort. First of all I started my career at 17 years old. Then, you dont sleep, because you can not stop thinking of this child you had to look at. Fag Shit BULLSHIT. Foe i can slang her this dicc like old times. However, they became full-fledged enemies by the mid 1980s. This Site was NOT put up by some stupid Nigger living in the Ghetto. If you went near ANY Police station and pulled out a gun, you would be so fucking scared that not only would you shit in your Nigger pants, but you would also shoot yourself in your leg. !,I guess when you got tired of me exposing you foe tha Cowardly lil bitCh!!!!! Rocco, come on man tell the truth you are the kid in high school that had no friends, played no sports, and went through the lunch line twice. I have really been considering joining a gang but I dont know if I wanna be a crip or blood yet. It was the Niggers Trash Mouth, False Accusations and False Bragging that was his biggest problem. Lol, Jealous of what?? Shiiiiiit dont know who the fuck you think your talking to bitch but I dont know you and you DEFINANTLY dont know me. FOR POLICE BRUTALITY ATTEMPTED MURDER ON A INNOCENT CIVILIAN POOR BLACK GUY PREME. Than you say you didnt VILOATE Your mixed up. 1). Let me know when you want to come by so you can see what a pussy I am. I just saw what you said and i reacted in the wrong way! The Broadway Gangster Crips consist of two sub-sets the 52 Broadway Gangster Crips and the 112 Broadway Gangster Crips. YOU SICK FUCK I could see if this suburban tough sorry ass said come to Compton or L.A. then that would hold some weight!! The Broadway Gangster Crips (BGC) are an active African-American street gang in located on the West Side of South Central, Los Angeles, California. I was waiting for you with a couple of witnesses so you could threaten me, throw the first punch, and then I could legally tear out your Nigger throat. What it boils down to is this, we know your in, near, and around Roseland neighborhood (thank you Mr. Rocco) and because of how much you know, whether a lie or not, some people want to talk to you, and they are looking. The truth is he is actually nothing. Blacks Officers are fine gentlemen. I just hope and pray that they do and become productive citizens, Oh, and by the way Im a girl (lol!!!). The pussy Rocco will get mad at us for spelling his gay ass name wrong. How do you think I knew that? Black people wake up!!! Black. Take care brother! Also, learn how to spell words and write coherent sentences. Per the informational memo in his federal case, a field intelligence agent was notified that members of the "8 Trey Cowboy Crip, 90's G-Stone Crip, Slattery Boys, and Vice Lords" would be in . Im at work. And remember dumb ass you challenged me to meet you there!! The Silent White Majority is fed up with Political Correctness. The remaining 90% are ignorant, somewhat uneducated niggers (some of course, worse than others). you admitted that you wouldnt fight me whiCh I 100% knew anyway and I even told you that Im pretty sure and Celieve my 4irst Comment to you or at least one of my earlier Comments I told you wit 100% ConfidenCe that sinCe your an Honkey!!!!! My daughters high school class mates almost all went to in league colleges. And fourth the only revolt is the one thats going on in your head! Youre completely Full of Shitand you know exposed yourself. You just dont understand the psychology of what Im doing which is part of the Job. LOL, I dont get it what are you trying to say Rocco the butt sniffer, Then you must be stupid, because its quite obvious. Listen to the pain hidden behind ones eyes. Like I said before Rocco is the guy that was punched in the arm and made to smell jock straps by the cool kids. Im sure youll still feel that way when that other Nigger points his gun at you and blows your Nigger brains out all over the sidewalk. But, I am Hispanic, chicano actually, and I have had my fair share of bigotry aimed at me for the sole purpose of my ethnicity. I hate all gangs regardless of there color! WAS ONE THE WITH THE THREATS Im from Compton when I was about that life I spent many years in the penitentiary. In his stay at Boiling Broke Penitentiary, He built himself up to become the Keyholder of the 3x/Gangster Crip card and now politics on the mainline while keeping members of the 3x Card in check. And i am proud to be Democratic and i dont need to yell and scream!! JUST WAS WALKING MINDING HIS BUSINESS . They kind of throw up NH but sideways. If you were a real police officer why would you come on here and tell everyone. I HAVE NOTHING 2 WORRY ABOUT YOUR THE ONE THAT CANT COME OUT ..BUT IF U DO U WOULDNT SAY YOUR NAME IS ROCCOLOL SO TRUE SO TRUE I HOPE MY BROTHERS SAVE SOME FOR ME.U WHIMP, You walk the streets with two more eyes that grew out of the back of your head to see which Nigger is coming to kill you. Fucc twinkiesk and HA! This message is for the white boy from hb. Dont be mad!!!! Sometimes, in order to learn, we must first stop and listen. They are the dumbest, most ignorant and uneducated people in America. Shut up blonde. Its a necessary thing for ANY COUNTRY. "Hand Signs" Michael "Bishop" Brown . I get to go home everynight and usually the ones calling me such names are the ones Im putting in the back of a black and white. !!!!! YA YA YA YA YARN !YOUR GOING TO CRACK THE WHIP ON ME AFTER YOU POINT ME OUT LINE UP TAKE THE FUCKING STAND ON ME SQUEALING TO THE JUDGE FROM IN THE IDAHO W.P.P OK STOP IT ROCCO THE RAT AKA AN BY THE WAY ITS JUST THAT EASY! Race relations are getting better everyday but its whites like you that make things worse but its ashame your to blind to see it!!! Bloods Hand Signs 2. Me thinks the Rocco will rock this punks world.. 2 hit fight Rocco hits him and he hits the concrete I know Id lay the fool out myself with my uppercut, brothers dont have chins out go the lights when daddy throws this hooknone of you want any of this stick to tongue wrestling the tiny rascals gang.. DICK VOTE:: IF MY MAN ROCCO WAS IN THE ROOM WITH THIS CLOWN I KNOW MY MAN ROCCO DOESNT HAVE THE BIGGEST DICK LIKE A BLACK MAN.BUT I KNOW HE CAN WORK IT BETTER.HE ROC MY LIL RASCAL ASS ALL DAY.YOU KICK MY ASS EARLIER BUT WHATS UP NOW.YOU NIGGER YOU DIDNT EVEN SPELL WHAT RIGHTBESIDES THE POINT MY MAN ROCCO & ME LIL SLOPPY TOP RASCAL WHAT TO FIGHT YOU NIGGERSO MEET US AT OASIS GAY CLUB FOR WE CAN FIGHT.PS THAT BLACK KARATE BELT YOU GAVE ME WAS TO SMALLIM A 2X NIGGER, I know you aint talking to me BOY because I didnt tell you to speak Get bAck on mommas nipple where you belong before I pull down your pants and spank the black off your ass BOY, YES I AM BOY.IM NOT GAY & YOU WILL NEVER GIVE ME SLOPPY TOP ROCCO, You must miss it from your days in prison with the other Monkey Animal Niggers who were there with you. And then I think to myself Who do I hate worse?!? FUCK ALL PIGS whitePIGS.. BLACKpigs..mexicanPIGS.. FUCK ALL COPS.. Also, Mr Rocco has been a tremendous help not only locating you, but collecting your email, social security, address and any identifying marks or tattoos you may have. When I respond to a call, and I have a mother collapse in my arms cause her only son who wasnt a gang member, was murdered by gang members it breaks my heart! In that fleeting moment, the Nigger getting killed understands. Im going to have some other people check your I.P. Take care buddy. Read the Government statistics about poverty in America. But thanks for it hes poision a lonely dying bitch missary luvs company. ACCORDING TO I live in a big House in an upper middle class White area with no Niggers like you there. AS A SEX OFFENDER ! Incest Tell us again how big your dick is and that you dont belong to any Set. Maybe all these guys on this site are fake, I sir have the power. And I am not that klan member u were talking about fat boy. God bless, I read the Post Office is hiring for tractor driver, carrier, clerks, etc. Im the one who wrote that paragraph about my daughter who is a doctor and was raised in south central. Black, white, pink, polka dots, I dont care what color you are, my partner was gunned down by a 14 year old 2 years ago and have a personal vendetta about getting these scumbags off the street. U love fags and u love illegals. Keep that in mind. You will never reach them that way. So you support these fucking Niggers who belong to these Neighborhood Sets and VICTIMIZE their own people. I do not believe your an officer and I believe this is a case of stolen valor. That is the dumbest fucking thing anybody could have EVER DONE. Your Bitch Rocco has been busy in Court helping to put more Fag Talking, Dope Pushing, Incest Breeding, Rape & Robbery Niggers in Jail. AKA (MARINA) Don j trump should be president! Donald Trump has helped bring all this about finally. LMAO. There wasnt any black man who own a cracker. FYI If you can follow the guidelines of your club, you can go to school and educate yourself, so that you elevate your self out of the situation youre in and help your community and strengthen your community economically and make it safer for you. Rocco. fuc u Nast white hillbilly hockey! Then i come on this site for the first time and i come across your comments. Fucc Sissys-strollin Hoes -Rollin Skates.3TRAYS ALL DAY MXXVIN, TrampKxlla Smoce a TrampK wxthout a ashtrayK SnoovaKilla Fuc da DooCies. AT COMPTON, CITY POLICE STATION I spoke to a lady named Officer Green (sound familiar). This guy is a fake dont listen to him he was a nerd in school and still nerd on here I see lol, And thats exactly what Im talking about.