People can vote for representatives, who make policies that will determine how much they have to pay in taxes and who will benefit from social programs. 37, pp. In addition, they did not have Political orientation, and they did not care about party or civil society activities. 213-221. 94-99. The survey on students of the three Jordanian universities (Al-Al Bayt University, Jordanian University, and Mu'tah University) was conducted to explore the impact of gender, age, family income, and regional affiliation on the students voting. This practice excludes almost 4 million people from the voting rolls (Human Rights Watch and the Sentencing Project, 2000). Some political activities, such as boycotts and protest movements, involve many people working together to attract the attention of public officials. WebIn democratic Female politicians are more likely to concentrate on problems that matter more to women such as daycare, gender equality, reproductive rights, elderly care and childrens welfare. Americans are more likely to make a financial contribution to a cause or a candidate than to donate their time. The study examines the impact of gender, age, family income and regional affiliation that represent important social and economic factors affecting political participation on the voting of Jordanian university students. Gender and voting of Jordanian university students in national and local elections, Age and voting of Jordanian university students in national and local elections, Family income and voting of Jordanian university students in national and local elections, Regional affiliation and voting of Jordanian university students in national and local elections. 1, pp. In the context of responding to the question Have you ever voted in previous national or local elections? It was noted that the number of students (Jordanians) was a total of (450) including (314) participated in the voting with (69.8 per cent) in the same category. People can also participate outside the electoral processvoting and election campaign. In the light of the democratization, especially in many developing countries, political participation forms expanded and diversified to include voting, participating in the campaigns, community participation and expression of opinion in society related issues (Childs, 2004, p. 422). So, the research problem is concerned with examining the impact of social and economic factors (gender, age, family Income, and regional affiliation) on voting of Jordanian university students in the elections. For example, refugees in any country, who are granted the right to vote in elections, while they are suffering from the shortage of basic services, they would feel discontent and in turn they would disregard voting in the elections. WebFactors Influencing Political Participation: 1. The reason for the low voting ratio of the Palestinians in Jordan was due to the fact that they saw the candidates inefficiency. Pyeatt and Yanus (2018) have also concluded that the difference of regions within the same country and the ethnic or racial diversity affect voting in elections. Human Rights Watch and the Sentencing Project, Losing the Vote: The Impact of Felony Disenfranchisement Laws (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2000). Psychological analysis Examining what causes an individual to run for office, decide to The process by which a person develops political values and beliefs, including through interactions with family, friends, school, religious and civic groups, and the media. The reasons for the low voting ratio of less than 500 dinars category in Jordan was due to the fact that they saw the candidates inefficiency. Moreover, the law determines a quota of 15 seats for women in Parliament (Article 8). This is a problem problematic because one-third of the Jordanian people are young people (Jordanian Annual Statistical Report, 2018, p.7). This made them feel political alienation, which led them to be reluctant to vote in the elections. Homana, G.A. 109-122. Psychological or cognitive traits 2. Registered voters meet eligibility requirements and have filed the necessary paperwork that permits them to vote in a given locality. The 2008 presidential election sparked high levels of public interest and engagement. 560-568. Activities like voting, campaigning, etc., are some of the important modes of participation. Prohibited Content 3. Organizing a demonstration, protesting, and even rioting are other forms of participation (Milbrath & Goel, 1977). In the same context, Pyeatt and Yanus (2018) asserted that the difference in regional affiliation affected the political orientations of individuals. Some regions have an established culture of political participation. In addition, there are political factors which lead to marginalize students participating in the political sphere. Even activities that on the surface do not seem to have much to do with politics can be a form of political participation. Meanwhile, the political participation of youth, particularly in developing countries, plays a vital role in bringing political change. (2018), Youth political engagement in Australia and the United States: student councils and volunteer organizations as communities of practice, Journal of Social Science Education, Vol. In the context of responding to the question Have you ever voted in previous national or local elections? It was noted that male students were the most Jordanian university students voting in the elections with (66.2 per cent). 2, pp. Political environment 4. They can post their views on blogs and energize their supporters using Facebook groups that provide information about how to get involved. Based on the above, the present study examines the impact of (gender, age, family income, and regional affiliation) on the voting of the university student in elections, because of the reluctance of Jordanian university students to vote in elections. The results showed the following: First: The more the gender varies, the more the voting in the elections differs in favor of male students as there was a gender gap between the voting of male and female students in the national and local elections. Turnout varies significantly across localities. What is the probability of the child becoming a strong democrat or strong republican? In addition, some women's organizations (Arab Women's Union) demanded more equality, freedom, and education for Jordanian women (Atiyat, 2017, p. 109). In addition, the main reason for not voting by females students was inefficiency of candidates for such councils with (42.2 per cent) was the Ineffectiveness of the performance of elected local councils against (11.9 per cent) for male students. The democratic transition in Jordan started in 1980. Atiyat, F. (2017), Jordanian women participation in the parliamentary elections of 2016: field study in Albalqa governorate, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. It deepens the political awareness and increases the sense of political effectiveness. Although the youth represent the largest number in these countries, their voting in elections is very poor. 121-133. Three factors seem to affect political participation among Native Americans a history of violent conflict and deep distrust of federal, state, and local actors ( Peterson 1997 ), a widely dispersed population ( Herrick and Mendez 2019 ), and few federal, state, or local officials representing tribal interests ( Schroedel and Aslanian 2017 ). Over time, residency requirements were relaxed. It was made clear to the participants that their participation was voluntary, that their decision to take part in the study would not affect their routine care and that they were free to withdraw from the study at any point during the process. The study population contained three Jordanian universities. Moreover, university students are reluctant to vote in elections, because of their feeling of alienation within the society, especially young female students. In this political system, participation by the individual in political activity is considered a virtue, a sign of political health and the best method of ensuring ones private interests. The low voting turnout was with the young people group, especially university students. The full terms of this licence may be seen at Berikut faktor-faktornya: 1. (2009), Studying oil, islam, and women as if political institutions mattered, Politics and Gender, Vol. However, young people participation in voting remained low (Dababneh, 2012, p. 215). Posted 6 months ago. Every day, millions of people voice their opinions to members of Congress. Potential candidates for public office must gather signatures on a petition before their names can appear on the ballot. 3, pp. Our study contributes to e-Participation platforms literature by seeking to understand factors affecting the use of e-participation platforms by the citizen. People salute the flag and recite the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of a school day, and they sing the national anthem at sporting events. The America First Action is a super PAC led by former administrator of the Small Business Administration. Homana (2018) and Oliver (2016) indicated the impact of age on political participation. Moreover, the voting ratio of the family income group (less than 500 dinars) was low; it was problematic because this group covered the majority of university students. can these political beliefs be made but can be stolen if suggested by the opposite sex(Woman suggests man takes idea as his own)? Kang, A. In addition, unemployment high rate of female makes them reluctant to vote in elections (Roth and Saunders, 2019, p. 574). the individual needs money to be able to participate in political activities. (1997), Knowing and caring about politics: gender and political engagement, The Journal of Politics, Vol. They concluded that the sociopolitical interest of young females could help to overcome this problem, education could be one of the solutions, as political participation of females increases, when they are aware that political events would directly affect their lives. Beauregard, K. (2014), Gender, political participation and electoral systems: a cross-national analysis, European Journal of Political Research, Vol. Therefore, this study examines the factors affecting the voting of Jordanian university students in national and local elections, focusing on some social and economic factors and examining the reasons for voting or not voting, which relates to the performance of the elected councils and the effectiveness of their members. Moreover, they concluded that high income and wealth encourage individuals to political participation and engaging in government. Some are directly associated with the electoral sub-system and some are with other political activities. Generally, about 15 percent of Americans participate in these types of campaign activities in an election year (Verba, Schlozman, & Brady, 1995). 17 No. People also can engage in symbolic participation, routine or habitual acts that show support for the political system. Which of the following best explains how the organization can operate to influence. Although the percentage of people running for and holding public office appears small, there are many opportunities to serve in government. E-mail has made contacting public officials cheaper and easier than the traditional method of mailing a letter. One is an individuals substantive political identification on a left-right spectrum and the other is on an individuals engagement with the process of politics that is revealed by their acquisition of information on candidates in an election and their willingness to vote in an election. Measuring gender differences in political knowledge, The Journal of Politics, Vol. This made them reluctant to vote in elections. The survey was conducted in the academic year 2018-2019 and the questionnaire was used to collect the data after being reviewed by two jurors Peer Reviewers from Cairo University and Al-Al Bayt. The pool of eligible voters has expanded from primarily white, male property owners at the founding to include black men after the Civil War, women after 1920, and eighteen- to twenty-year-olds after 1971. The reason of the low voting ratio of 18 less than 23 category in Jordan was due to the fact that they saw the elected councils ineffective within society. Voter registration laws were implemented in the 1860s by states and big cities to ensure that only citizens who met legal requirements could vote. Political participation in Jordan is the practice of citizens for their right to influence the political decision, by running for elected councils such as the chamber of deputies, the Council of Trade Unions, the municipal councils and administrative bodies in civil society organizations, as well as voting in elections, whether they were parliamentary or local elections. Results show that only the intrinsic motivation has a significant impact to the political participation of the SK officials. The research analysis reveals that, lack of political knowledge and adequate education, youth political interest and apathy, economy, socio-centrism attitude and familys pressure, fear, partisan attachment and the incumbent government performances, age and the existing institutional structures of Democracy are the major factors affecting the In 2010, only about 23 percent of eligible eighteen- to twenty-nine-year-olds cast a ballot (Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement). Community activism is thriving among young people who realize the importance of service that directly assists others. Residency requirements limited access to registration offices. Voter turnout is a mix of two factors: Internal (motivation, eagerness, knowledge) and External (eligibility, mobilization, voter suppression). In March 1991, KTLA News at Ten in Los Angeles interrupted programming to broadcast an eighty-one-second amateur videotape of several police officers savagely beating black motorist Rodney King as he stood next to his vehicle. Third: The more the family income varies, the more the voting in the elections differs in favor of the high-income students, as there were differences in the voting ratio in the elections according to the level of family income. While one of the studies atrributed it to the negative perception of women regarding their role in leadership positions, their low self-confidence and lack of their equal rights with men (Dababneh, 2012, p. 215). In the USA, the turnout has been declining since 1972, especially in presidential elections. Citizens can show their unhappiness with leadership choices by the symbolic act of not voting. Turnout was lower in the 1980s and 1990s, when the political climate was less tumultuous. 617-634. Some barriers to voting are informal. Women turnout during Indias 2014 parliamentary general elections was 65.63%, compared to 67.09% turnout for men. People can work in an election campaign, contact public officials, circulate a petition, join a political organization, and donate money to a candidate or a cause. A positive side effect of fundraising campaigns is that people are made aware of candidates and issues through appeals for money (Jacobson, 1997). Milbrath, L. W. and M. L. Goel, Political Participation, 2nd ed. 3, pp. So, the Palestinians had the right to vote in Jordanian national and local elections. The social environment definitely has an impact on political participation. 48 No. Modes of participation 7. (2011), Studying gender in US politics: where do we go from here?, Politics and Gender, Vol. In the USA, the participation of the youth in elections is very low. The ethnic diversity impacts cultures and political orientations. It says that blue collared workers are more likely to be affiliated with the Democratic party, and it says that the Southern region is more Republican. The right to participate is a defining feature of democratic political systems but is not fully exercised. Want to create or adapt books like this? Participation in election campaign or other campaigns is another mode of political participation. 271-294. In all states except Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts, inmates serving time for committing felonies lose their right to vote. WebThere are many social factors that affect the political attitude and behavior of the individual in this frame. (1976), No Easy Choose: Political Participation in Developing Countries, Harvard University press, Cambridge. Introduction Political participation is the core component in democratic politics and is the essential requirement in the construction of socialism political civilization (W. Gao, 2008). 4, pp. Lawless and Fox (2001) and Cohen and Dawson (1993) linked between income levels (wealth, social well-being, money and economic development) and political participation. Also, some social factors such as tribal affiliation affects students voting. Peter D. Hart Research Associates, New Leadership for a New Century (Washington, DC: Public Allies, August 28, 1998). These groups are as diverse as the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which supports animal rights, the Concord Coalition, which seeks to protect Social Security benefits, and the Aryan Nation, which promotes white supremacy. The CBS News report on the Rodney King incident included the following controversial video. They include sense of efficacy, sense of civic responsibility, sociability, sense of alienation and authoritarianism. Fourth: The more the regional affiliation varies, the more the voting in the elections differs in favor of the Jordanian students, as there were differences in the students voting ratio in the national and local elections according to regional affiliation. Gender equality in political participation is a fundamental aspect of modern democratic governance. American Government and Politics in the Information Age by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Some people believe that individuals who have committed a serious crime should be deprived of the privileges enjoyed by law-abiding people. Also,somesocialfactorssuchastribalaffiliationaffectsstudentsvoting.Basedontheabove: Americans followed the riots surrounding the contested presidential election in Iran in 2009 on Twitter, as observers posted unfiltered, graphic details as the violent event unfolded. Lawless, J.L. 3, pp. Brooker (2013) concluded that in Australia, the ratio of youth participation in voting was low. After Arab Spring revolutions had broken out in the late 2010s, peaceful demonstrations and protests began in Jordan. The Jordanian decision maker realized the shifts in internal and international circumstances. New media provide novel opportunities for political participation, such as using Facebook to campaign for a candidate and Twitter to keep people abreast of a protest movement. Taking part in the political processes which lead to the selection of political leaders or determine or influence public policy is generally known as political participation. Democrat Barack Obama, the first African American to be nominated by a major party, generated enthusiasm, especially among young people. 107-123. The voting ratio of female students was lower than that of males. Table III shows the results of the analysis of public universities students views on voting in national and local elections according to family income. Myron Weiner (1962) restricts his definition to voluntary actionthe activity which is designed by the actor himself to influence governmental decision-making. Afterward, law No. Thus, regional affiliation affected the political participation of university students. This interest might take various forms such as support, rejection, protest or demonstration, etc. This study aims to identify the factors affecting the political participation of Jordanian university students, especially their voting in national and local elections. In the same context, the regional affiliation affected voting. Voter turnout in presidential elections is generally higher than for lower-level contests; usually more than half the eligible voters cast a ballot. (2017), The impact of social websites over Jordanian students intentions of active political participation: an application of theory of planned behavior, International Review of Management and Marketing, Vol. Property damage was in the millions of dollars. This problem gained attention during the 2000 election. Social psychologists have emphasized on psychological traits which stem from 2. (8) of 1974 was issued to change the political life for Jordanian women. Moreover, it was known that in some countries, such as Jordan, Palestinian refugees have been granted the Jordanian nationality. 4. Disclaimer 9. Social and economic analysis How a citizens living situation, weather, finances, or family issues affect their political behavior. It can be concluded that: The more the family income varies, the more the voting in the elections differs in favor of the high-income students. Milbrath, op. Not filmed at all was an intoxicated King driving erratically, leading police on an eight-mile, high-speed chase through crowded streets. In brief, political participation refers to all those activities which influence the decision-making process. McDonald, M., Voter Turnout, United States Election Project, It has been argued that there is a positive correlation between these two processes and the political participation. Direct link to madison.rawlins25's post depends on each person, Posted 5 months ago. Social environment 3. 1 / 19. Twitter, a social messaging platform that allows people to provide short updates in real time, has been used to convey eyewitness reports of protests worldwide. Report a Violation, Political Parties: The Functions and Role of Political Parties in Political Process, Lapses in Political Modernization: (6 Challenges), Voting Behaviour: Various Approaches and Determinants of Voting Behaviour. 3, pp. Psychological or cognitive traits:. Levels of political interest and apathy have often been taken as criteria of participation and non-participation, including party membership, expressed interest in politics and awareness of issues. 73 No. Verba, S., Kay Lehman Schlozman, and Henry E. Brady, Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American Politics (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995). People can act alone by writing letters to members of Congress or staging acts of civil disobedience. In addition, it does not discriminate between Jordanians and Jordanians of Palestinian origin (Palestinian refugees who were granted the Jordanian nationality in 1947 or 1967), where the law gave them the right to vote without discrimination (Article 3). Co-operative activity. Increasingly people are participating in politics via the media, especially the Internet. Participation in the 2008 presidential election was greater than usual, as people were motivated by the open race and the candidate choices. The major criterion remains voting in elections which is consistently somewhat higher than the other measures. Such political activities can support government officials, institutions, and policies, or aim to change them. In spite of the dissemination of civil society institutions after 1989, awareness of civil culture and political participation was still poor (Tillian, 2011, pp.1-2). WebThe aim of the study was to establish factors affecting youth participation in political governance in Ndirande Township in Blantyre, Malawi. Direct link to veighn.dangerfield's post depends on the situation , Posted 5 months ago. The study population contained three Jordanian universities representing the various segments of the Jordanian society: Al-Al Bayt University (Northern Region), Jordanian University (Central Region) and Mu'tah University (Southern Region). Given the development of the Jordanian women's political participation, before 1974, Jordanian women had no right to vote and run in the elections. There has been a steady increase in turnout since the 2000 presidential election, in which 51 percent of the voting-age public cast a ballot.