The independence of Venezuela produced the armed conflict known as the Venezuelan War of Independence between the independence army or Patriotas ("patriots") and the royalist army or Realistas ("royalists"). Consequently, he ordered the divisions to modify their march on the left and go to the royalist right flank, which was uncovered; that is to say, Bolivar conceived a maneuver tending to overflow the enemy right wing, operation executed by the divisions of Jos Antonio Pez and Cedeo, while the Plaza division followed the road towards the center of the defensive position. "Nuestras armas, por siempre triunfales, humillaron al fiero espaol, del clarn a las voces marciales que oy en sus montaas la tierra del sol. An opposition movement began to develop in 1840, however, when Antonio Leocadio Guzmn, the leading spokesman for dissident merchants and professional men, founded the Liberal Party. Rafael Mara Baralt describes him as cruel and bloodthirsty for the application of the law of talion with which he responded to Bolvar's actions. Overview. He was told to harass the Spanish along the Magdalena River. [5] The regulations also provided that elections were to be held in two stages: first, the voters appointed the electors of the parish; and then, these electors, meeting in an electoral assembly in the capital of the province, appointed the representatives to Congress, at the rate of one deputy for every 20,000 inhabitants.[5]. Favorable pronouncements were given in Cuman and Barcelona on April 27, Margarita on May 4, Barinas on May 5, Mrida on September 16, and Trujillo on October 9. It also inadvertently caused the death of Simn Bolvar's brother Juan Vicente, who died in a shipwreck while returning from a diplomatic mission to the United States in 1811. Spanish-American War: Causes, Battles & Timeline - History The original Book of Minutes of the first Congress of Venezuela is in the Federal Legislative Palace in Caracas. Colonel Manuel Villapol was placed on the right; Colonel Florencio Palacios in the center and Lieutenant Colonel Vicente Campo Elas, with the Barlovento battalion, on the left. Spain, its resources drained from the devastating loss at the Battle of Trafalgar, was unable to send any help and the citizens of Buenos Aires were forced to fight off the British on their own. The document is kept at the museo de la Casa de las Primeras Letras Simn Rodrguez. When the USS Maine sank, the United States believed the tragedy was the result of Spanish sabotage and declared war on Spain. But civil war followed. For that reason, the Junta called for elections to install a Constituent Congress before which it could decline its powers and decide the future fate of the states. His detractors emphasize his tyrannical ruling methods, financial chicanery, monumental vanity, superficial educational reforms, and unwarranted attacks on the church. The call for the Congress was made in June. In the disorder that followed, the patriots embarked hastily, leaving on the beach most of the park they had, as well as 600 men under the command of Gregor MacGregor. The hostilities were initiated by Boves, when he went out with his column to confront the one commanded by Colonel Bermudez, who was able to reject the attack. Regional rivalries broke out in Gran Colombia while Bolvar was off leading the final campaigns, and his prestige was not enough to hold the country together after his return. In exchange, the royalists would respect people and goods. By the time Simn Bolvar led his Admirable Campaign, the country no longer had a dependence on its Spanish colonizers, and independence was inevitable. The Supreme Junta of Caracas sought the adhesion of the other provinces of the Captaincy General of Venezuela to the movement. A new constitution was enacted in 1864 to incorporate the federalist principles of the victors. Caracas, predictably, exploded: people took to the streets declaring loyalty to Ferdinand. By early 1810, Venezuela was ready for independence. His six-year rule was troubled by continued political turmoil, growing economic difficulties, and the nations first serious diplomatic problema dispute with Great Britain over the boundary between eastern Venezuela and western British Guiana. After New Granada was liberated and the Republic of Colombia was created, Bolvar signs with the Spanish general Pablo Morillo, on 26 November 1820, an Armistice,[19] as well as a Treaty of Regularization of the War. In September 1813 the royalists received reinforcements from Cdiz extending to armed confrontations throughout the country, while the successes of the patriots continued until the end of 1813. She is presented before the captain general of Andalusia, who protests against the arbitrary decision of the Spanish authorities in America and gives her the category of confined, after she pays a bond and commits herself to appear monthly before the judge. [5] On March 5, 1811, the Supreme Junta of Caracas ceased its functions.[4]. The seven provinces were Caracas Province, Cuman Province, Barinas Province, Margarita Province, Barcelona Province, Mrida Province and Trujillo Province. In 1806 Francisco de Mirandawho had earlier fought under George Washington against the British, served as a general in the French Revolution, and fought with the French against Prussia and Russiatried unsuccessfully to land on the Venezuelan coast with a group of mercenaries whom he had recruited in New York City. In breach of the agreement with Miranda, he began a repression against the patriots in order to prepare the ground for the execution of his plans to invade the Republic of New Granada, which had been declared independent from Spanish power. It also implied the replacement of the absolute monarchy by the republic as the form of government in Venezuela. The Capital of Gran Colombia would be Bogot. Coron nuestras cumbres de gloria cuando Ribas la espada blandi, y a su homrico afn La Victoria con sangre opresora sus campos reg." It was part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada, ruled by a Viceroy in Bogota (present-day Colombia). Minster, Christopher. After the fall of the Second Republic, the patriot leaders took refuge in the islands of the Caribbean Sea, especially in Jamaica, Trinidad, Haiti and Curacao. In 1807 the Spanish king, Charles IV, granted passage through Spanish territory to Napoleon 's forces on their way to invade Portugal. ThoughtCo. The Mantuanos, who did not tolerate the patriots, appointed the Marquis del Toro as commander to confront the Valencian uprising, but on July 15 he was defeated. The result of the Act of Independence was immediate. Such an offer is not accepted and the emissary receives as an answer: "Tell the Spanish chief that without a country I don't want a wife." After the offensive he reached Carpano, after the royalists had abandoned the square, on September 15 he established himself in Cariaco and from there, with the support of Juan Bautista Arismendi's squadron, he opened operations against the city of Cuman, first-born of the American Continent. The Libertador requested help from the neo-Granadian government through the Cartagena Manifesto, which was conceived for the actions he had already carried out in that country. [7] Juan Escalona, who presided over the first independence triumvirate, issued a proclamation to the inhabitants of Caracas letting them know that the Congress had voted for absolute independence. A division was in charge of going through the battlefield, which was covered with corpses and supplies of all kinds, while Bolivar himself was in charge of the pursuit of the defeated. The Armistice of Santa Ana allowed Bolivar to gain time to prepare the strategy for the Battle of Carabobo, which secured Venezuelan independence. The republic of Venezuela celebrates its independence from Spain on two different dates: April 19, when an initial declaration of semi-independence from Spain was signed in 1810, and July 5, when a more definitive break was signed in 1811. The historical period between 1810 and 1830 has been divided by Venezuelan historiography into four parts: First Republic (1810 -1812), Second Republic (1813 -1814), Third Republic (1817-1819), and Gran Colombia (1819 -1830). That day is celebrated in Venezuela as its national day. The character of the Supreme Junta of Caracas as "Conservative of the rights of Ferdinand VII" did not allow it to go beyond the autonomy proclaimed on April 19. History of Latin America - The independence of Latin America After Pez is promoted in San Juan de Payara by the Libertador to major general, he fought the Apure campaign together with Bolvar against Morillo's troops that had invaded Apure. Americans, count on life, even if you are guilty.". Seven out of the ten provinces that belonged to the Captaincy General of Venezuela declared their independence and provided justifications for doing so, among them that it was undesirable that a small European nation ruled the vast swaths of the New World and that Spanish America regained its right to self-government. Economic reforms, such as restoration of the nations credit by means of new bond issues and generous concessions to foreign investors, gave further evidence of Guzmn Blancos apparent devotion to Liberal Party principles. The most feared royalist force was the "Infernal Legion" of tough-as-nails plainsmen led by cunning Spaniard Tomas "Taita"Boves, who cruelly executed prisoners and pillaged towns that had formerly been held by the patriots. The governors of the three Departments would also be called vice-presidents. The cause of Civil War break out in 1826 was because of the election of Abraham Lincoln and slave and non slave states.The effects were seen on the economy and assassination of the president. Luisa remains seated night and day without moving so as not to attract the attention of the guard. Great Britain repeatedly refused Venezuelas requests to refer the matter to arbitration, and in 1887 Venezuela suspended diplomatic relations. Venezuelas Declaration of Independence in 1810, Biography of Francisco de Miranda, Venezuelan Leader, How Latin America Gained Independence from Spain, Biography of Simon Bolivar, 'Liberator of South America', Biography of Jos Francisco de San Martn, Latin American Liberator, Chile's Independence Day: September 18, 1810, Top Ten Villains of Latin American History, Hugo Chavez Was Venezuela's Firebrand Dictator. Although their effort failed, it forewarned of the revolutionary movements that were soon to inflame Latin America. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. The Complete Story of Venezuela's Revolution for Independence. The aim of the document was to change public opinion about the Venezuelan war of liberation, so that instead of being seen as a mere civil war in one of the colonies of Spain, it would be seen as an international war between two countries, Venezuela and Spain. [5] On February 15, 1812, the Congress suspended its sessions and agreed to move to Valencia, designating it Federal City on March 1 that same year, when it resumed its sessions.[5]. Bolivar quickly established an independent government known as the Second Venezuelan Republic. Marshal Sucre drafted this Armistice and War Regularization Treaty, considered by Bolvar as "the most beautiful monument of piety applied to war". Monteverde withdraws to Puerto Cabello and Bolvar returns to Caracas after sending Urdaneta against Coro. The church lost its tax immunity and its educational monopoly, and the army was shorn of its autonomy; thus, state supremacy was achieved. The following year he is named Supreme Chief. Colonel Atanasio Girardot joined Simn Bolvar in the so-called Admirable Campaign of the Libertador and fought gallantly at the head of several battalions that managed to occupy the cities of Trujillo and Mrida. 1810 - Venezuelans take advantage of Napoleon's invasion of Spain to declare independence. The "Republic of Colombia" is created, which would be governed by a President. On April 19, 1810, Venezuelan Creole patriots held a meeting in Caracas where they declared a provisional independence: they would rule themselves until such time as the Spanish monarchy was restored. 15 Years of Strife and Violence end in Freedom. In the first six months of 1813, the resistance of the royalists collapses. Spain declared war on the United States on April 24, followed by a U.S. declaration of war . In 2 hours of fierce combat the action was decided, which opened the way to negotiations with Captain General Francisco Toms Morales; the following August 3, he was forced to surrender the rest of the royalist fleet, the square of Maracaibo, the San Carlos Castle, the San Felipe Castle in Puerto Cabello, as well as all the other sites occupied by the Spanish officers. On July 2, 1811, a motion on independence was presented in Congress. Seven of the ten provinces belonging to the Captaincy General of Venezuela declared their independence and explained their reasons for this action, among them, that it was baneful that a small European nation ruled the great expanses of the New World, that Spanish America recovered its right to self-government after the abdications of Charles IV During the royalist attack, Francisco Toms Morales took possession of the sugar mill while one of his columnsgoing down the Los Cucharos rowtook the "high house". Then, Francisco de Miranda, at the age of 61, was named Commander in Chief of the Army and left with his troops for Valencia on the 19th. Some cities and regions opted for a limited independence: they would take care of their own affairs until such time as Ferdinand was restored. The Declaration lasted until November 26, 1820, when the Spanish general Pablo Morillo met with Bolivar to declare the war of independence as a conventional war. General Pez recognized Bolvar's authority and on February 12, 1818, with the Toma de las Flecheras where the llanero lancers crossed the Apure River and jumped into the river on their horses swimming before the confused sight of the royalists and took the Spanish boats. When news reached Caracas that a loyalist Spanish government had been set up in Seville in defiance of Napoleon, things cooled down for a while and Las Casas was able to re-establish control. The independence movement A group of Venezuelan Creoles boldly proclaimed their country an independent republic in 1797. A ruling junta was proclaimed and Juan de Las Casas, the Captain-General of Venezuela, was deposed. On September 16, enemy reinforcements arrived, so Bolvar decided to retreat to the town of Naguanagua. Venezuelan Revolution Flashcards | Quizlet Santos Molano, Enrique. Early in 1813 the revolutionary junta appointed Simn Bolvar commander of the Venezuelan forces. Venezuela broke away in 1829, and Ecuador soon after. He established a nationwide system of public primary education and promoted state support for secondary and higher education. Shortly after, he went to the Ports of Altagracia to repair the damage to his ships. The defeat of the first Venezuelan Republic in 1812 left in the Libertador the deepest mark, but above all, the deepest lesson about the cardinal importance that unity had for the triumph of the revolution. The white inhabitants had abandoned the city: the houses had been looted and in the streets there were only beggars and corpses. Armed only with spears they attacked the battalion Numanciaone of the best Spanish battalionsand managed to disorganize their cadres, forcing them to retreat.[13]. To further humiliation, the battalion received spears instead of rifles as combat weapons. An international tribunal handed down a decision in 1899 that failed to satisfy Venezuelas demands. The Congress declared Venezuela's independence on 5 July 1811, establishing the Republic of Venezuela. Revolutionary leaders recalled him to Gran Colombia four years later to take charge of a ruling junta, which drafted a constitution and established an independent nation. Once the retreat was over, the six hundred rejoined the eastern patriot forces under the command of Manuel Piar with renewed confidence. With this declaration, Venezuela became the first independent republic of Spanish America, and the fire of that declaration, fueled by external conflict, would spread the ideals of independence throughout all of the lands of Latin America. Bolvar had formed the Republic of Gran Colombia, which included present-day Venezuela, Colombia,Ecuador, and Panama. Ferdinand VII, theheir to the Spanish crown, was a prisoner of Napoleon of France, who became the de facto (if indirect) ruler of Spain. The Battle of rica was a tactical military action of the Venezuelan War of Independence fought in the town of rica in the current state of Anzotegui on December 5, 1814, between the Venezuelan field marshal Jos Flix Ribas and Jos Toms Boves who was recognized for his extreme cruelty, both on and off the battlefield. (accessed May 2, 2023). The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1986. What was the effect of Venezuela declaring independence from Spain? General Pez returned in 1861 to restore Conservative hegemony for two years, but in 1863 final victory went to the Liberals, led by the generals Juan Falcn and Antonio Guzmn Blanco. In spite of the setbacks suffered by the expeditionaries and by the Libertador himself in Ocumare, the historical importance of the Expedition of Los Callos lies in the fact that it allowed Santiago Mario, Manuel Piar and later Jos Francisco Bermdez to undertake the liberation of the eastern part of the country, and MacGregor with Carlos Soublette and other leaders to definitively enter Tierra Firme, to open the way to the definitive triumph of the Republic. Bolvar died in Santa Marta, Colombia, in 1830, penniless and disillusioned. The republic of Venezuela celebrates its independence from Spain on two different dates: April 19, when an initial declaration of semi-independence from Spain was signed in 1810, and July 5, when a more definitive break was signed in 1811. [7] On July 5, the vote was taken. [20] The Treaty of Armistice was: "Whereby war shall henceforth be waged between Spain and Colombia as it is waged by civilized peoples.". On December 17 of that year, Bolivar died. Immediately, the president of the Congress, Congressman Juan Antonio Rodriguez, announced that "The absolute Independence of Venezuela [was] solemnly declared. Herring, Hubert. Venezuelans suffered greater casualties and endured more privations during the wars than did any other Latin American national group, because of the ferocity of battles on their own soil and the large number of Venezuelan troops who carried the struggle to other regions. Then in the Battle of Calabozo, Bolvar is victorious over Pablo Morillo, Paez takes charge as commander of the vanguard to pursue the Spaniards and defeats them in the Uriosa on February 15, 1818. Bolvar writes the Cartagena Manifesto where he analyzes the reasons for the failure of the republic and the future of the countries participating in this process, which would later form Gran Colombia. . Venezuelas Declaration of Independence in 1810. He went to Colombia, where he was given a commission as an officer and a small force. In the years leading up to independence, the Creoles (those born in Venezuela of European descent) began to resent Spain for high taxes, limited opportunities, and mismanagement of the colony. In January of 1809, a representative of the Joseph Bonaparte government arrived in Caracas and demanded that taxes continue to be paid and that the colony recognize Joseph as their monarch. Although it was nominally loyal to Ferdinand - the official name of the ruling junta was "Junta of conservation of the rights of Ferdinand VII" - the government of Caracas was, in fact, quite independent. With the founding of the Sociedad de Agricultura y Economa, it did not take long for this organization to become the main promoter of the break with Spain. All over Venezuela, cities and towns decided either to follow Caracas' lead or not: many cities chose to remain under Spanish rule. He held the town of Coro for about two weeks before Spanish forces drove him out. "Our division and not the Spanish arms turned us to slavery," he had written in his famous Cartagena Manifesto, taking stock of those years. (2023, April 5). When the armistice expired on April 28, 1821, both sides began a mobilization of their forces, the Spaniards had a deployment that favored a combat "in detail", defeating the patriot divisions one at a time. Once the Admirable Campaign was finished with the entrance to Caracas, Bolivar re-opened operations against the Spanish reaction that soon made itself felt in great part of the country. When the heroine Luisa Cceres de Arismendi was taken prisoner and the royalist chief demanded the surrender of her husband who said, "Without a country I don't want a wife," she answered, "Let my husband fulfill his duty and I will know how to fulfill mine."[15]. This Treaty was signed for six months and obliged both armies to remain in the positions they occupied at the time of its signing. A cavalry corps was assigned as a reserve. This virtually uninhabited wilderness territory, in which gold was discovered in 1877, had been the object of alternating claims and counterclaims between Venezuela and Great Britain for more than half a century. A sentry watches even her slightest movements, and she is forced to eat the ranch that they give her as her only food. All throughout his many adventures in Europe, he dreamed of freedom for his homeland. For those who truly wanted independence, such as young Simn Bolvar, it was a half-victory, but still better than no victory at all. The government then began to reconstruct the war-torn economy by putting finances in order, establishing firm lines of foreign credit, and amortizing the national debt. General Pez was the main leader behind Venezuela's break from Gran Colombia. Meanwhile, Bolivar deployed his divisions in battle to resume the attack. Venezuelan Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia After that, the others generally accepted Bolvar's leadership. With Jos Antonio Pez and in Guayana with Manuel Piar. After making all the preparations for the battle, the patriot detachment marched during the night of December 4 to 5, to dawn in rica in front of the royalistsBoves had already joined the placedeployed in 3 columns in a great savannah. This remarkable military feat is known as the "Admirable Campaign" for Bolvar's great skill in executing it. Patriot warlords back in Venezuela, such as Mario and Pez, finally smelled victory and began to close in on Caracas. The military situation is complicated by the appearance of Jos Toms Boves, Asturian, who organizes an army that fights on the side of the royalists and revolts the black or mestizo population against the Venezuelan whites, that is to say, those who lead the independence process. From Caracas, he sent lieutenant colonels Toms Montilla to the plains of Calabozo that were threatened by Boves and Vicente Campo Elas to pacify Valles del Tuy, where a rebellion had broken out. On 3 May 1816, they touch Venezuelan soil on the island of Margarita, where on the 6 May, an assembly headed by General Juan Bautista Arismendi ratifies the special powers conferred to Bolvar in Los Cayos. Still, they made some quick decisions: they outlawed enslavement, exempted Indigenous People from paying tribute, reduced or removed trade barriers, and decided to send envoys to the United States and Britain. After several confrontations, Piar passed to the province of Guayana, where general Manuel Cedeo operated and united his forces, they advanced against the city of Angostura whose defense was held by brigadier Miguel de la Torre. Still, the nation was in ruins and there was a military stalemate between the patriots and royalists. The Capital of Venezuela would be Caracas. In the Congress of Valencia were chosen the deputies who met in this city from May 6, 1830, to discuss the dissolution of Gran Colombia, with the separation of Venezuela. On the high seas, they are attacked by a corsair ship that seizes all the cargo and the passengers are abandoned on the island of Santa Maria in the Azores. He made a daring move: hecrossed the frosty Andeswith his army, losing half of it in the process, and arrived in New Granada (Colombia) in July of 1819. This intervention of Bolivar allowed the break of the enemy front, action that produced great confusion inside the defensive position, with the consequent triumph of the republicans. Two days later, the matter was resolved when Congress voted to officially declare independence 40-4. Guzmn Blanco came back again in 1886 to serve a final two years in the face of growing popular opposition to his policies. The provinces were represented as follows: Caracas 24 deputies; Barinas 9; Cuman 4; Barcelona 3; Mrida 2; Trujillo 1; Margarita 1. Bolvar established his headquarters in the city and from there planned an offensive on Caracas that would be executed after a concentration of troops coming from the regions occupied by the patriots: Apure, Guayana and Cuman. Alarmed Spanish officers in Venezuela called for a cease-fire, which was agreed to and lasted until April of 1821. Upon arriving at the site of El Areo, Ribas proceeded to the formation of 2 cavalry columns of 180 men, which received the names of Rompelneas, with Monagas and Zaraza as commanders. The resulting patriot victory secured Venezuela's independence, as the Spanish decided they could never pacify and re-take the region. The "War to the Death" was practiced by both sides. Simon Bolivar: A Life. The pro-independence army advanced from San Carlos to Tinaco covered by the advance of Colonel Jos Laurencio Silva, who took the royalist positions in Tinaquillo. Minster, Christopher. Although elected president as a Conservative in 1846, he soon gravitated toward the Liberals. It is in this dark and unlit dungeon of the fortress that Luisa's torture begins due to the mistreatment and humiliations committed by the Spanish troops, to which she never yielded. Once the first Republic was over, the main political and military leaders of the Independence went into exile. Patriot leaders such as Manuel Piar, Jos AntonioPez,and Simn Bolivar did not necessarily acknowledge one another's authority, leading to a lack of a coherent battle plan tofree Venezuela. What was the effect of Venezuela declaring independence from Spain? Bolvar ordered the confiscation of all the possessions of those who had emigrated, including their crops. He was a revolutionary who freed six countries, an intellectual who argued the problems of national liberation, a general who fought a war of unremitting violence. "Spaniards and Canary Islanders, count on death, even if you are indifferent, if you do not actively work for the freedom of America. Today, Venezuela celebratestwo independence days: April 19, when Caracas patriots first declared a provisional independence, and July 5, when they formally severed all ties with Spain. What was the result of the Venezuelan revolution? The park was not captured by that column because it was prevented by its custodian, Captain Antonio Ricaurte, who upon seeing royalist troops in a position to capture that deposit set fire to the gunpowder and blew it up on March 25, 1814, with which he and those who were inside the enclosure perished. Their incursions ended in failures due to the religious preaching against them and the indifference of the population. Bolivar took advantage of the momentary disorder that occurred among the attackers and launched a counterattack, with which he recaptured the "high house". He subdued ambitious provincial caudillos and ruled in cooperation with the large landholders and leading merchants of the Conservative Party. (accessed May 2, 2023). During her stay in Cadiz, she refused to sign a document in which she declared her loyalty to the King of Spain and denied her husband's patriotic affiliation, to which she responded that her husband's duty was to serve his country and fight to liberate it. On June 24, 1821, Bolvars troops, reinforced by llanero cavalry under General Jos Antonio Pez, defeated the main royalist army at the Battle of Carabobo. The Second Venezuelan Republic fell in mid-1814 and Bolvar once again went into exile. [26] Others think that the initial rejection of the independence process by a large part of the other social groups (pardos, Indians and blacks) gave it the nature of a social revolution, since these sectors wanted a transformation of the social and economic structure that would give rise to a more egalitarian society. Bolivar returns to New Granada, to try to repeat the feat of the Admirable Campaign, an action that is rejected by his supporters.
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