The solar return chart is calculated based on a number of factors 1) your time of birth 2) your birthday (month and day) 3) the current year 4) and your location as you celebrate your birthday that particular year. Under the influence of Jupiter, there is a tendency to gain weight, particularly in the hips and thighs. You will be more sensitive and inclined to have your feelings hurt over things that would normally not bother you. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We have Solar Return computerized reports that examine any given Solar Return chart piece by piece. Your personality will be favored by the public and you will make a very good impression. You will announce an important union during this year. If you are naturally calm and easygoing, you will find yourself being more demanding and explosive. You cast a return chart at the moment the sun reaches the exact degree and minute in the sky when you were born [] If you have your sun in 3 Libra, then you cast a solar return chart for when the sun reaches that exact place in the sky again., The reason for casting this kind of chart is to help dictate what kind of year is ahead of you. Lets say that you had Saturn on your midheaven, then work could be a total slog that year., Birth Charts for Beginners: 5 Things to Know, If You Have These Aspects in Your Birth Chart, Youre Probably Psychic. Brainstorm: Uranus / Descendant Astrology Aspects - ASTROFIX During this year, you will want to make your dreams a reality and will develop definite objectives which will improve your future. Whatever the case may be, you have donned a strong persona in order to deal effectively with the changes that you know need to take place in your life. You will be interested in developing your whole personality, including your physical body and the characteristics of your temperament. You also could be attracted to games of chance and can expect a certain amount of luck. Now is the time to make the effort and to even sacrifice in order to realize your most important goals. Be discerning and evaluate everything. For example, if the Solar Return Ascendant is 14 degrees Cancer, and this degree is found in the natal fifth house, the natal fifth house is effectively brought to the Ascendant, and will be another area of focus. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. It is advisable to alternate periods of rest with your intense activity and spend some time outdoors with nature, especially in places where there is clean air and water. In dealing with relatives, neighbors and people in your everyday environment you should use care, for it is possible that they may try to influence you with their ideas which may not always be in your best interest. In Libra, this is a year when you find the need to compromise, deliberate, and accommodate. You will be looking at what has up to now been important to you and want to discard some of it because your interests are changing at this time and you will be drawn to the new and unusual. This chart can be read much like a natal chart, except that it must be kept in mind that it is in effect only for the course of a year-approximately from birthday to birthday. The natal Moon conjuncts the Solar Return Midheaven. If you dont understand why something should be done, you are reluctant to do it. Uranus conjunct Ascendant transit brings an impulsive urge for change and personal freedom. Planets in Solar Returns: Yearly Cycles of Transformation & Growth by Mary Fortier Shea. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. However, it is not a good year to have surgery if it can be put off to a later date. Uranus conjunct/sextile/trine natal Venus or ruler of the 7th house; . You will be dealing with the results of your past actions. This general uncertainty has the same effect on your love life, where it could produce changes or even new conquests, infidelity or seduction. When growing up, you perhaps were sharply made aware of how you don't fit in any neat boxes. It will not be an easy task, but it is certainly not impossible either. becomes a Pisces rising for just one year, for example, so the natal Ascendant should be considered. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 1st house. This will help you to relax and get a restful nights sleep. posted May 22, 2012 11:50 AM. Friendships and social contacts go well. Your attention turns to your home front, your family, and domestic issues. Sun Conjunct Uranus Celebrities. Due to this condition, there may be many changes and modifications that could impel you to become involved in projects that you never dreamed of. Solar Return Chart: Meaning and Interpretations | This could be something that was started before your birthday and is now completed. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Solar Returns: Sun Aspects | Cafe Astrology .com Your sex life will be very intense. how do you make wheel in little alchemy; what does miss honey describe as her greatest triumph Open menu. Solar Return Sun conjunct Solar Return Uranus. You will be more tenacious and persevering in pursuing your dreams. Your attention span may be short, however, and you might have your finger in too many pies. It is hard to relax and calm your mind. In Pisces, this could be a very dreamy, possibly directionless year when you tend to prefer to live in a dream world rather than attend to picky details of everyday life. We have Solar Return computerized reports that examine any given Solar Return chart piece by piece. Example Solar Return Reading. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 7th house. Impatience and anxiety will be your worst enemy this year. Short trips and more moving around than you usually do will be favorable during this period. The individual will take pride in this part of his or her life, and a big ego investment lies in this area. It could also cause insomnia, brought on by too much mental work and excessive worry. Planets in aspect to Uranus and the ascendant add a bit of their own flavor. What kind of aspects does the Sun make? A strong need for personal self-expression will be characteristic of the year, and emotional ups and downs are likely to occur in this area of life, simply because this is where your heart isthis is the area of life that you have the biggest emotional investment inand you may not be completely rational and in control in this area. Your increased need for stimulation can . Your social life will flourish this year. You will find yourself having the desire for comfort and ease rather than wanting to get involved in sports or physical exercise. The Solar Return Sun and Solar Return Moon form a tight square. Any legal or bureaucratic problems can be resolved swiftly and smoothly. You should select your friends carefully and try to keep cool and calm when a difficult situation presents itself. You will find yourself listening to the opinions and suggestions of others, not able to decide. -SR Mars conjunct Natal Ascendant -SR 5th house is Pisces, SR Neptune conjunct SR Uranus, opposite Mars, square Mercury, sextile Pluto, trine Chiron Second born (younger brother, born same exact day as me 5 years later, Aries sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, 4 planets in 10th house Taurus, dominant planet is Uranus in 7th house) [Some astrologers believe the Solar Return is in effect for a longer period of time.]. Your mind will be very alert, clear and quick, enabling you to find immediate solutions to the problems that may arise. Sun Conjunct Uranus Synastry denotes a person who is inventive, nonconformist, and progressive. The square between SR Sun and SR Moon is tight and angular, which in and of itself promises that the year will be a critical and transitional one. One of your principal interests will be communication, both in writing and in conversation, particularly in your immediate environment. Uranus hates compromise. During this period you could be confronted with an act or circumstance that touches you deeply. They are created by the intersection of your personal space with the universal space. She effectively escaped death by a hair, and with treatment, managed to survive the accident without any nerve damage, paralysis, or any other serious consequences. Your mental or intellectual activity will increase considerably this year. One solution is to bring the new friends you make home to meet your partner. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 11th house. In Cancer, you wear your emotions on your sleeve this year. It will be a good year for social relationships and friendships. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 9th house. The following is the natal chart of Ann: The Solar Return chart for the year we are studying is presented below, along with Anns natal chart in the outer wheel so that we can easily see which natal planets conjunct the Solar Return angles. Julia Michas, astrologer and creator behind @juliamichasastrology, chatted with us about what it is and why you should care. It would be a good time to take care of any health problem that arises. Here are a couple that Michas finds helpful. Your sensitivity will increase considerably and you will be more susceptible than usual to sudden, unexpected mood changes. This is a year of opportunities, in that you will be more adventurous and you will have the courage to make changes. Material matters will be very important to you this year. The four important angles on a chart are the Ascendant (cusp of the 1st house) Descendant (cusp of the 4th house), Midheaven . Mars is at 0 degrees, Uranus is at the very end of Aquarius, and Jupiter is at 4 degrees of Virgo (a classic critical degree). The conjunction morphs and blends the energy of two points or planets together. Later in the year, when she resumed normal activities, she felt her life to be bustling too fast ahead of her, simply because she didnt have the energy to keep up. James A. Eshelman, in his book Interpreting Solar Returns, describes this aspect as Sharp, intensive alterations in life situations; dramatic transformationsExperiences elicit a profound, climactic emotional response (crisis, shock)Encountering the unlikely, improbable, unbelievable. (1). Purchasing real estate or a new home, redecorating or otherwise improving your present home, as well as strengthening love bonds and family ties, are all very favorable now. It will be a year of great activity. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 10th house. This placement suggests an enormous internal tension that can burst out in destructive ways. He or she has the opportunity to rejuvenate this area. In general, this will be a happy time and you will be in good humor, providing that no one opposes you; otherwise, you may respond in an impatient and sometimes aggressive manner. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In Aquarius, your need for independence and individuality is strong this year. You are stubborn and opinionated. However, you will find that, in one way or another, the things you do for the benefit of others will bear fruit for you in the future. However, the relationship will probably not turn out to be long-lasting. Be sure to eat foods that are rich in minerals. This will be a year of internal regeneration. Remember that public will mean different things for different individuals. The natal chart is cast at the moment you were born. Someone who wants to be with you all day would annoy the hell out of you. Natal Mars is tightly conjunct the SR Ascendant. If you integrate it properly, Uranus here indicates out-of-box thinking and authenticity above all. You can count on that angel on your shoulder to get you through this year. What placements in a Solar Return chart could indicate pregnancy You may wish to change your hair style or buy new clothes. Today, you will experience an illumination of your authenticity, drawing you to engage in activities that make you feel passionately alive. If you are already in a committed relationship, it will be a year of pleasure and enjoyment. And we're not talking tweaking the edges here, outer planet changes are the real deal. Then, perhaps, a romantic relationship begins that year. On page 6 of our Solar Returns Feature, we discuss the importance of the Moon in the Solar Return chart, by sign, house, and aspect. You can interpret the solar return chart in a similar manner to a natal chart! according to Michas. You may have unusual, visually powerful dreams, or precognitive dreams. As we have seen, the first things I look for in a Solar Return chart are planets that are conjunct the angles. Decision-making is quick this year, and you are likely to be more physically active. Involved with Neptune and Mars, and we can easily see that it expanded or emphasized the Mars/Neptune issues of disillusionment. I do look at the classic critical degrees as well but as a secondary consideration. . There may be more involvement with children or especially romantic inclinations. Your intuition will increase and you may have experiences of a psychic nature. We also note that there is a conjunction of the Moon and Pluto in the Return chart, and that it trines SR Jupiter, and sextiles SR Mars and Pluto. If your Uranus is in the 12th house, you can feel that you have to hide a part of you and your true self is locked up or that you are a well-kept secret. There will be a tendency toward exhaustion and fatigue, and you will need to keep up your vitality. Uranus is linked with irregularity, unconventionalness, originality, sudden changes, unexpected events. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. If, for example, the Solar Return Moon is in Libra in the 5th house, you will likely to be emotionally tied up in, and concentrated on, love and relationship. Although the result may not be completely favorable, you will realize, without a doubt, that it is necessary for your growth. However, you will find the necessary strength to deal with them. The sign and aspects to the ascendant unveil more information about this conjunction, and planets in the first house also color the picture. You will meet worthy people whom you can trust and maybe someone older than you whom you can lean on. Although you will find them appealing, you could also be annoyed by their emotional approach. You should not neglect your diet during this time so as not to bring on any kind of illness. These are transits that are emphasized in the year of the Solar Return. This chart is cast from your natal chartotherwise known as your birthday. You may not know where it is exactly that you want to go, but a restless feeling is present. This can show a strong area of focus for the upcoming year. A natal Uranus conjunct ascendant suggests that you have a lot of energy. In respect to your health, Libra rules the kidneys and it would be wise to drink a lot of fluids to eliminate the toxins in the system. Be careful not to alienate those close to you as you branch out and feel the need to express your individuality. Solar Returns: Uranus Wherever Uranus lands in your Solar Return chart you can expect the unexpected for Uranus is all about change and, being a wholly impersonal planet, Uranus really doesn't care what that change is as long as it's change. You will be so involved in your dreams and visions that you will have a hard time operating in the outer world and taking necessary action. Nothing less will do. It may be the year you find that property you have been looking for. You should be aware of how you handle yourself and maintain control. It is radical, rebellious, uncontrollable. You wont be bored this year as it promises to bring a great deal of diverse activities, perhaps too many interests for you to choose from. A solar return chart calculates when the sun returns to its natal position in your birth chart. However, your impressions of people and situations will be unusually accurate and perceptive. On the other hand, you could be exposed to certain risks or accidents. Or you may have acted too aggressively in some situation. One of the other person's (OP) natal planets is conjunct one of your directed or progressed planets at the time of the meeting. Interpreting the Solar Return - Llewellyn Worldwide As a consequence, your friends and acquaintances may back away from you, not understanding your new attitude. On page 1 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offered our preferred techniques and key points to consider when interpreting Solar Returns, as well as an example Solar Return. On page 5 of our Solar Returns Feature, interpretations of the Solar Return Sun in aspect to other Solar Return planets and points. Solar return with neptune on the ascendant | Astrologers' Community "Angular planets are very important. It brings different circumstances and experiences and changes in your daily routine. You could also be impatient or impulsive in this area. Your physical appearance and your manner become very important, especially since Leo is on the first house and it rules the star of the Solar Return chartthe Sun. If you are not this kind of person normally, the change in your personality will be very obvious. It may be a rather unspectacular yeara year when you may be caught up in making adjustments to your life and/or worrying about problems. This is also true when the Sun is conjunct a Solar Return angle. The ascendant, sun, and moon are considered luminaries. Michas suggests giving them the most value in a solar return. Also, note the qualities of the dominant signs of the year (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). On the other hand, Aquarius in 12th house.This is a big opposition that your Solar Return chart wants you to overcome. That Uranus conjunct the SR Asc. Use good walking shoes and walk barefoot every chance you get. Very possibly, you will not be aware of your past errors. Learn about its meaning from astrologer Julia Michas. Solar Return Sun conjunct Solar Return Ascendant. This would be especially difficult at times when the affection you express for another is not returned. But there it was nagging at me. Your idealism will also increase, and you will have a strong interest in the fields of religion, philosophy, law, metaphysics, and in advanced science. General: A Solar Return chart is a chart calculated for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position (within 2 days of one's birthday). You will be inclined to want to improve your body and your health this year. Are you and your love interest meant to be? If you are already extroverted and changeable by nature, you should be careful not to go to extremes. When Uranus crosses the 4th house cusp, and a solar return confirms it, it's one of the surest signs that you'll be moving house. 5- Another area of focus this year can be found by determining which natal house is effectively brought to the Ascendant. Consequently, you will search for situations and people who can offer you material and moral security. You may find yourself having the desire to acquire beautiful or expensive things to a greater degree than you are used to. (1) Interpreting Solar Returns by James A. Eshelman. You need some form of excitement (intellectually the most often) like you to need to breathe. Immediately, I honed in on a few standout features involving the angles: Solar Return Jupiter is conjunct the Ascendant (rising) in the Solar Return chart, and it opposes a conjunction of Mars and Neptune on the Descendant. It doesn't focus on specific transits or timing (although there are a couple of timing indicators that can be used) but it does provide a snapshot of events. The Solar Return Ascendant sign shows your overall temperament, attitude, and approach to life in the year ahead. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. On page 3 of our Solar Returns Feature, more techniques for fine-tuning a Solar Return analysis. It is also the planet of brilliance, paradigm shifts, new insights. If we had looked at the Solar Return chart before the events happened, we would not have been able to predict what actually happened. During this period you may come in contact with intuitive and sensitive people who will share with you their hunches and visions of things to come. Under this influence you are inclined to become lazy as far as physical exercise is concerned, which could lead to circulation problems. You will be inclined to idealize anyone you meet. During this period you will find yourself wanting more stability in your life. They are major players as angles are the most personal points of your chart. She struggled with guilt (did she ignore signs he may have been displaying? You can open your mind to new information, and you can share what you know and think with . It will be a year to work on those emotions and undo the blockages that have stood in your way too long. You will feel a desire to expand your sphere of interest beyond that with which you are familiar. This type of individual gives full rein to their genius with a disregard for custom and tradition and a wish to be free of the restrictions or limitations of being influenced by society's guidelines. You may break out of your shell this year and express a new you. Your birthday horoscope is a wheel-shaped chart indicating the positions of the planets in relation to the earth at the time of the yearly return of the Sun to the exact position it held when you were born. That is because their cause is psychosomatic. On the other hand, there could also be disagreements, arguments, or even separation from certain friends and acquaintances. Love is in the air. How important would you say your solar return chart is? (We know the sign, of course, because it will be at the exact natal position). Your desire for independence will be strong, along with a desire to travel and become acquainted with distant lands. It can be a year when you alienate others with a seemingly hardhearted manner, or when you break friendships or cut off specific social activities. You will be looking for people who can be your friend and understand the efforts you are making to improve your position in life and earn more money.
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