The intensive inspections program instituted after the [Gulf] war uncovered evidence that the Iraqis had, in fact, been considerably further along in developing nuclear weapons than U.S. intelligence had estimated before the warAs long as the inspections effort continued and the sanctions were strictly enforced, his opportunities to resume the programs for weapons of mass destruction would be very limited. 37,770,554 questions answered * weegy But the choice between security and values was real. cit., p. 13. [1] Winston S. Churchill, Memoirs of the Second World War An abridgement of the six volumes of The Second World War, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1959, p. 12. Within the vast body of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) that exists today, LOAC is the field of law that governs all international relations concerned with armed conflict, and is comprised of all international law relating to the existence and conduct of all armed conflict and military occupation. Still is to this day. Added 10/28/2021 4:10:29 PM This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. [10] Non-international armed conflict, ICRC Casebook How does Law protect in War?, 2019,, (accessed 23 April 2019). Twenty-six countries ratified the Conventions in the early 1990s, largely in the aftermath of the break-up of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and the former Yugoslavia. Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions covered, for the first time, situations of non-international armed conflicts. Reuters. International Committee of the Red Cross.Geneva Conventions. About a third of those were questioned using enhanced techniques. Among those contingents theoretically permitted by their governments and Rules of Engagement (ROE) to actually conduct these riot control operations, moreover, a substantial number of these national contingents were ill-trained, ill-equipped and ill-prepared to actually conduct riot control in actuality. The sanctions were not working, the inspections were unsatisfactory, and we could not get Saddam to leave by other meansBased on what I read and my knowledge of Saddams behavior in the 1980s and early 1990s it seemed highly likely to me that he had resumed working on weapons of mass destruction, that the sanctions were largely ineffective, and that the man was a very dangerous megalomaniac. All of the passengers of the four civilian flights were killed, in addition to thousands of civilians of 115 different nationalities who were working in the buildings. Your email address will not be published. clearly illegal under the LOAC to an ordinary person with ordinary common sense).[14]. In sum, Non-International armed conflict (NIAC) largely concerns intra-State conflict that is, armed conflict that occurs within the territory of a State. 31, 32; 61-62 in Geneva Convention II, pp. Adopted in 2005 to add another emblem, the "red crystal," to the list of emblems used to identify neutral humanitarian aide workers. [15], CIL refers to practices in warfare that are so consistently upheld and adhered to by a majority of States on the world stage that they have become generally regarded as law. when the government is obliged to use military armed forces against dissident insurgents, instead of simply the police force; or (2) non-government dissident groups must possess organized armed forces sufficient to render them parties to the conflict, meaning that they are operating under some kind of command structure and have the capacity to sustain military operations within the State. Adding to these legal rights, Article 75(3) of API states, moreover, that Detaining Powers are obligated to release detainees only when the circumstances justifying the arrest, detention or internment have ceased. This is a principle supported by CIL which also allows that detainees may be held in detention against their will if there is a good reason to do so, and as long as reason requires (API Art 75(3) and ICRC Customary IHL Rule 99, in NZDF LOAC Manual, ibid., pp. The CIA interrogation program saved lives. Humane treatment includes: be treated with respect for their dignity as human beings. The Conventions apply to all cases of armed conflict between two or more signatory nations, even in the absence of a declaration of war. Internal security emergencies within a State, i.e. regular wars. [28], Between 2001-2006, Al Qaeda terrorists and local/foreign extremist insurgents captured in the territories of Afghanistan or Iraq committing acts of terror or violence against either Allied coalition forces or the new national governments, their forces, or their civilian population, were classed by the United States (U.S.) as non-State and unlawful Enemy combatants of International armed conflicts between States under the LOAC (where unlawful Enemy combatant means persons not entitled to combatant immunity who have committed acts in violation of the laws and customs of war during an armed conflict).[29]. terrorist attacks, do not comprise armed conflict and are therefore not governed by the LOAC on Non-International armed conflict. [4] J. Derbyshire (MAJ, New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF)), 149.335 Introduction to LOAC, in Section One: Introduction to LOAC and Historical Development, 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, Centre for Defence Studies, Massey University College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2008, p. 5. Given that most armed conflicts today are non-international, applying Common Article 3 is of the utmost importance. Updated: August 21, 2018 | Original: November 17, 2017. Finally, it discusses how occupiers are to treat an occupied populace. Source. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks against New York and Washington D.C. in the United States in September 2001, America and its coalition of allies went to war against the Al Qaeda terrorist network that had planned and carried out those attacks, and also those States who either hosted and gave refuge to, or materially supported, the terrorist networks leaders and members. Israel/Palestine, Operation Protective Edge (Gaza, 13 June - 26 August 2014), Libya, Report of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2014/15). This paper also sets out international law requirements governing prisoners of war and so-called "unlawful combatants," including humane treatment, interrogation and prosecution. The principle of humane treatment requires that the wounded and sick, prisoners of war, civilians and other persons protected by IHL are treated humanely at all times. Geneva, 6 July 1906. International Committee of the Red Cross.Treaties, States, Parties, and Commentaries: Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977. International Committee of the Red Cross.Treaties, States Parties, and Commentaries: Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), 8 June 1977. International Committee of the Red Cross. The legal classification of an armed conflict as either an International or Non-International armed conflict still determines which laws of war apply in any given conflict today. [23] However, because CIL is based on historical experience and general international consensus with regard to legal obligations, norms and practices during armed conflict, it is continually changing as modern conflict evolves, meaning that the CIL legal obligations of States may change without any formal notification at all. disturbances and tensions such as riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence, or other acts of a similar nature, e.g. Despite the U.S. Supreme Courts rulings in 2006 and 2008, however, strong arguments can and have still been made that the former inter-State, International armed conflict classification was, and is, the correct and rightful classification for these extremist and indiscriminately violent detainees captured during the GWOT. Common Article 3 the article common to all four of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 which alone treats Non-International armed conflict requires that, in addition to humane treatment for all military personnel hors de combat or taken Prisoner of War in International armed conflicts, all persons not taking an active part in hostilities within a Non-International armed conflict be likewise treated humanely in all circumstances, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, birth, wealth or any other similar criteria. Some of these LOAC obligations have been so universally ratified and accepted as customary norms worldwide over the last century, that they have become extremely powerful and are now internationally regarded as binding on, This blog is a brief overview of the LOAC, Customary International Law, and the challenges posed to both by modern armed conflict today. 169-171). It is binding on you as a member of thearmed forces of your State. As a direct result of the CIAs use of the enhanced interrogation techniques on the terrorist detainees at Guantanamo, over the period of 5 years between 2001-2006, the United States is credited with having saved the lives of countless hundreds of innocent, non-combatant, American and foreign citizens from planned Al Qaeda terrorist attacks around the world. It was considered that this LOAC classification change would not only give more formal legal protection to the captured terrorists and extremist insurgents, but also automatically rule out any further use of enhanced interrogation techniques to extract actionable intelligence from the detainees no matter how effective or successful they were which advocates of the classification change deemed inhumane and a form of torture illegal under CIL (see endnote for a discussion on torture, and refer to American President George W. Bushs argument provided in endnote #30 above). Former President George W. Bush explains the rationale of his decision to adopt the enhanced interrogation techniques in his presidential memoir of his term from 2000-2008, stating: At my direction, Department of Justice and CIA lawyers conducted a careful legal review. It requires that the wounded, sick and shipwrecked be collected and cared for. b. [19] To give humane treatment is to act with consideration, respect and mercy for the basic welfare of other human beings under your power in any given situation. Russia-Ukraine War Russia's Top Diplomat Hints at a Prisoner Swap for Afghanistan et al.). Trailer #12: SEAL Team Low-Impact (High-Risk) (2022, Series 6, Episode 1) [American SOF Forces, Burkina Faso/Mali]. The agreements originated in 1864 and were significantly updated in 1949 after World War II. That view was reinforced by his boasting and his behavior, intended to persuade his own people and his neighbors of that success. Equal treatment for women in State armed forces: Three practical Over 190 states follow the Geneva Conventions because of the belief that some battlefield behaviors are so heinous and damaging, they harm the entire international community. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While it is true that the criminal behaviour of terrorist unlawful combatants never negates the obligations and duties of lawful combatant military personnel to act in an upright manner in their own decisions and actions (the law of Tu Quoque/You also being no defence for crimes committed against the LOAC), by respecting, adhering to, and upholding the LOAC themselves in their comportment at all times within an armed conflict, the basic lack of reciprocity in the ongoing criminal nature, behaviour and deliberate intent of terrorist and terror-using combatants does continue to challenge and frustrate contemporary thinking on the matter. The extreme, Islamo-fascist terrorists and insurgents of today do indeed present a new and different brand of non-State and unlawful Enemy combatant in armed conflict in modern times, that was certainly not envisaged in the drafting of the Geneva Conventions in 1949 or the IAC and NIAC Additional Protocols in 1977. Despite being signatory to the Conventions, there are some notable and often-criticized U.S. cases involving conduct that would otherwise be prohibited by the Conventions, such as Hamdi v. Rumsfield(2004). According to the American Red Cross, the new articles also added provisions to protect: Article 9 of the Convention specified the Red Cross has the right to assist the wounded and sick and provide humanitarian aid. The Law of War requires humane treatment for military personnel who are out of combat (hors de combat) due to capture by enemy forces. To suggest that our intelligence personnel violated the law by following the legal guidance they received is insulting and wrong. in the 1970's, any form of terrorism violates the human rights agreements and expectations ratified by many nations. Under this classification of the LOAC, Taliban and Al Qaeda militants were not entitled to the Prisoner of War (PW) protections given to lawful combatants under Geneva Convention III, nor entitled to any protections from any of the other three Geneva Conventions (regarding lawful combatants that are hors de combat on land or at sea, and protections given to civilians), that together govern International Armed Conflict. Another technique was waterboarding, a process of simulated drowning. The negligence exhibited by many of these national military contingents during these international security campaigns, in neither acting to protect the lives of non-combatant civilians targeted by hostile combatant forces, nor acting in defence of civilian property and places of worship and cultural heritage targeted for destruction by hostile combatant forces, in fact constitute failures to uphold and enforce the very laws of war now known collectively as the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). The riots were essentially a deliberate attempt to conduct reverse ethnic cleansing against the Kosovar Serb population, in direct if belated retaliation for the Serb ethnic cleansing that had been carried out against pro-independence minorities during the previous decade from 1991-1995 in Bosnia and Croatia (see blog #23 Caveat Chaos in Kosovo: Divided Allies & Fettered Forces in NATOs KFOR Operation during the 2004 Kosovo Riots). Namely: (1) The unimpeded killing of non-combatant civilians in all three international security operations; (2) The commission of genocide and crimes against humanity against thousands in Rwanda and Bosnia; and. FM 27-10 Chptr 3 Prisoners of War - 11) The Law of War requires humane treatment for military personnel who are out of combat (hors de combat) due to capture by enemy forces. That view was reinforced by his boasting and his behavior, intended to persuade his own people and his neighbors of that success. With respect to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, they were negotiated after World War II. The circumstances of each will determine whether it legally and factually meets the qualifying conditions as an armed conflict (international or non-international). Subsequently a preventative pre-emptive war took place in Iraq against Saddam Husseins dictatorship during 2003, which: firstly, had been meeting with senior Al Qaeda leaders; secondly, was cooperating with and housing Al Qaeda members at a chemical and biological weapons-testing laboratory situated at an Iraqi base near the Iranian border (including the notorious Al Qaeda attack-planner, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi); and thirdly, was strongly suspected internationally of having stockpiles of illegal biological and chemical Weapons of Mass destruction (WMD),in addition to nuclear material from its nuclear development programme, that, given the regimes long and proven record of support for terrorism, it was feared Saddam might easily give or sell to Al Qaeda terrorists to enhance and further their attacks in America and around the world (see endnote). 100, April 24, 1863) was the military law that governed the wartime conduct of the Union Army by defining and describing command responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity; and the military responsibilities of the Union soldier fighting the American Civil War (1861-1865) against the Confederate States of America. Between 2001-2006, Al Qaeda terrorists and local/foreign extremist insurgents captured in the territories of Afghanistan or Iraq committing acts of terror or violence against either Allied coalition forces or the new national governments, their forces, or their civilian population, were classed by the United States (U.S.) as, Under this classification of the LOAC, Taliban and Al Qaeda militants were, This absence of legal entitlement to the LOAC protections afforded to lawful armed combatants was strengthened further by the fact that these Islamist terrorists and insurgents conducted their operations out of uniform, failed to distinguish themselves from the civilian population thereby exposing innocents to harm, deliberately targeted innocent civilians themselves in terrorist attacks, forcibly used civilians as human shields to protect themselves from legitimate military responses provoked by their attacks, and, In short, as terrorists or terror-using insurgents in conflict theatres i.e. Additionally, the rights of interned persons were specifically enumerated, providing protections for those charged with crimes during wartime. Counter to expectation, it has in fact been Non-International, rather than International, armed conflict that has predominated in theatres of conflict around the world since the end of WWII, and which still continues to represent the majority of armed conflicts today. The Conventions apply to all cases ofdeclared warbetween signatory nations. They charged that Americans had committed unlawful torture. All cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance. In IACs, the principle gives rise to a number of explicit rules, such as those prohibiting torture, rape and sexual violence and exposure of prisoners of war to public curiosity. Department of Defense Briefing on Humane Treatment of Iraqi and U.S when the government is obliged to use military armed forces against dissident insurgents, instead of simply the police force; or (2) non-government dissident groups must possess organized armed forces sufficient to render them parties to the conflict, meaning that they are operating under some kind of command structure and have the capacity to sustain military operations within the State. The four conventions, as most recently revised and expanded in 1949, comprise a system of safeguards that attempt to regulate the ways wars are fought and to provide protections for individuals. I directed the CIA not to use them. During this sudden uprising, violence was unleashed by angry Albanian mobs against the minority Serb population throughout Kosovo Province. futhermore, the animosities generated by terrorism make the postwar peace more difficult to preserve. Their interrogations helped break up plots to attack American military and diplomatic facilities abroad, Heathrow Airport and Canary Wharf in London, and multiple targets in the United States. Humane treatment | How does law protect in war? - Online casebook no One of the treaties created during the 1949 Convention, this defined "Prisoner of War,"and accorded such prisoners proper and humane treatment as specified by the first Convention. I took a look at the list of techniques. *For an excellent documentary discussing the CIAs use of enhanced interrogation techniques on captured terrorists detained at Guantanamo prison, and presenting, However, while this is a clear and generally accepted definition of torture, there is still. JKO Joint Staff Law of War (Abridged) I Hate CBT's As a result, the Geneva Conventions were expanded in 1949 to protect non-combatant civilians. Of immediate relevance for the operation of military medical services, the ICRC's 2016 Commentary observes that the Article 12(4) obligation requires planning and analysis of the military healthcare system, andcruciallyrequires parties to 'consider how the roles and patterns formed by the social, economic, cultural or political ., medical personnel, facilities and equipment, wounded and sick civilians accompanying military forces, civilians who take up arms to fight invading forces, hospital ships cannot be used for any military purpose nor captured or attacked, captured religious leaders must be returned immediately, all sides must attempt to rescue any shipwrecked personnel, even those from another side of the conflict, theyre only required to give their name, rank, birth date and serial number when captured, they must receive suitable housing and adequate amounts of food, they must not be discriminated against for any reason, they have the right to correspond with family and receive care packages, the Red Cross has the right to visit them and examine their living conditions. It grants the ICRC the right to offer its services to the parties to the conflict. [16] Derbyshire, 149.335 Introduction to LOAC, in Section One: Introduction to LOAC and Historical Development, 149.335 Law of Armed Conflict, ibid., p. 13. Indeed, the international order continues to be founded on the 1648 Westphalian principles of State sovereignty, sovereign jurisdiction over territorial integrity and the principle of non-intervention, that has survived intact over many centuries despite many crises and upheavals to the system, not least WWI, WWII, the Cold War Superpower confrontation, and even the post-9/11 world. To suggest that our intelligence personnel violated the law by following the legal guidance they received is insulting and wrong. History and Legal Status of Prisoners of War - National Park Service Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War This Convention protects wounded and infirm soldiers and medical personnel who are not taking active part in hostility against a Party. Some highlights of these rules are: Male and female prisoners of war received expanded protections in the Convention of 1949 such as: Articles were also put in place to protect wounded, sick and pregnant civilians as well as mothers and children. Common Article 3 requires the humane treatment of all persons taking no active part in the hostilities - this includes persons who have laid down their arms, or are hors de combat (i.e. The Geneva Conventions providefor universal jurisdiction, as opposed to a more traditional (and limited) territorial jurisdictionthat was designed torespect thesovereignty of States over their citizens. In addition to nationally ratified laws of war (e.g. Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1977 adds further to this understanding, outlining further in Article 1(4) that self-determination movements of a native population against another States colonial domination, alien occupation or racist regime (discriminating against and/or persecuting one or more ethnic races within the State) may also be considered an International armed conflict under International Law, in accordance with the principles enshrined in the UN Charter.[7]. The LOAC also permits the handcuffing or physical restraining of persons for the purpose of interrogating them, as well as isolation methods, so long as these are temporary measures used only when strictly necessary militarily (Ibid., p. 35). PDF Updated January 13, 2005 - Federation of American Scientists unlawful. Specifically, it prohibits attacks on civilian hospitals, medical transports, etc. If judges are honest and the compass of justice truly points north in law-abiding nations, to whom members of the armed forces belong, then any individual member of the Armed Forces who disobeyed superior orders that were manifestly illegal under the LOAC, in order to uphold the binding obligations and rights under the LOAC, ought not fail to be exonerated of any crime or wrong-doing during any subsequent civilian or military trial. In sum, Non-International armed conflict (NIAC) largely concerns. CIL is considered binding on all states, regardless of whether or not the practices have been enshrined in international treaties or, if the practice is already within international legislation, whether all or a majority of States, have signed on to them. It recognizes that the application of these rules does not affect the legal status of the parties to the conflict. The Protocol stated all people not taking up arms be treated humanely and there should never be an order by anyone in command for no survivors.. PDF DoD Directive 2310.01E, 'DoD Detainee Program,' March 15, 2022 But years later, once the threat seemed less urgent and the political winds had shifted, many lawmakers became fierce critics. Still is to this day. Nations party to the Convention may not use torture to extract information from POWs. This blog is a brief overview of the LOAC, Customary International Law, and the challenges posed to both by modern armed conflict today. After we implemented the CIA program, we briefed a small number of lawmakers from both parties on its existence. Non-International armed conflicts typically involve civil wars in which: (a) the government of a State is using its regular armed forces to fight against one or more identifiable, dissident armed groups operating within the territory of the State; or (b) armed and hostile fighting is taking place between dissident, rival armed groups within a State, that does not involve the government, but nevertheless requires the government to act to restore security and stability to the State. Krivdo, CJSOTF-A Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan A Short History 2002-2014, Office of the Command Historian, 2016,, (accessed 1 May 2019) and J. Satya, The Clearest 9/11 World Trade Center Footage on the Internet,, 5 August 2018,, (accessed 1 May 2019). The Geneva Convention was a series of international diplomatic meetings that produced a number of agreements, in particular the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, a group of international laws for the humane treatment of wounded or captured military personnel, medical personnel and non-military civilians during war or armed conflicts. The severest of these interrogation tactics was supervised waterboarding a technique used on 3 of the highest ranking, most knowledgeable and most obstinate Al Qaeda terrorists in American custody (see endnote). Within this resiliently-enduring Westphalian system, State and Non-State actors continue to form the basic building blocks of the international system today, and the fundamental parties and actions within a conflict can be identified even within very complex conflicts, meaning that categorisation of wars into International and Non-International armed conflict can still take place. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! But as the years went by, Saddam became much more aggressive in limiting the reach of the inspectors, and the inspections for all practical purposes ended in 1998. terrorist attacks, do. The horrific suffering Dunant saw impacted him so greatly he wrote a first-hand account in 1862 called A Memory of Solferino.
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