Any planet that falls close to one of these points in the solar return chart will be extremely important. This year, my natal 8th house is the new ascendant (Taurus). Of all the planets, Neptune is the one that functions best in the symbolic world and in your Solar Return Chart, the symbolism of Neptune comes to the fore. However I am in the 8th house My sun is in the 9th house. Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change Dramatic emotional displays are a good thing, sometimes. Alternatively, there can be an increased need to express yourself and to discuss your personal life with others. Hard aspects to Pluto suggest very intense emotions and a strong will. She always hides in small placeswhats she going to do when shes is 6 feet tall!I keep asking myself where IS the obsessiveness in me but fact #1 Im Aquarius with a 3 degree conjunction to my mars and with Saturn just a few degrees away from it Im about as FREE thinking as one can get and in no way fanatical maybe too freedom oriented but I have that saturn which I believe is the breaking point for me well thats a deep subject I agree with this posting whole heartedly-GOOD ONE!!! To make it clear, the thing I disagree with is the suggestion people should travel somewhere where they think theyll get a better SR chart than the one they would otherwise have. You have a zest for life, and your infectious energy can rouse the passions of others. If you actually read what I wrote you will see that the opinion about Moon conjunct Mars is ALAN LEOS opinion on the aspect, and not mine. Solar Return chart MARS - VENUS Aspect The Sun can also be an indicator of men/masculinity in general and it has been argued that this is particularly so in a womans chart. In terms of emotional orientation, this position can go one of two ways: you more easily give voice to your feelings or tend to rationalize your emotions to the point of not really knowing your hearts desires. If I wanted to talk about something it would take him 2 days to reply because he said that he has to read and re read things so he doesnt get defensive. Dont get me wrong, I try to talk first, always, but she gets to be so stubborn that she will not get off of her high horse. To better understand the emotional changes, you use a Lunar Return Chart. Yes, the comment about pointing swords at throats with his mom is very true. Transits/progressions to the solar return are iffy, with the exception of a few techniques. The Solar Return chart is a summary of the year ahead. Pluto is telling you to relinquish something you thought was dear to you and allow something new to take its place. They point to major, memorable periods in the life cycle. This can be a year of vague feelings and distinct moodiness. You are more perceptive than ever, and better able to size up both people and situations you deal with. Moon - Mars Aspects in the Natal Chart | Cafe Astrology .com Your solar return can also reflect all of the terrain that the sun rules in astrology: your core identity, confidence, self-esteem, self-image, sense of self, identity, and life path. Either sexual relations become more intense and you discover new levels of intimacy, or you are affected by a decrease in this area. This can take the form of being called upon to express yourself. Very important rules for Solar Returns - Astrology online This was just before she was diagnosed with breast cancer! This relative was like a mother to me and we were very close. If the Moon is afflicted, you may feel behind schedule and you may have difficulty keeping up with the pace of your life. The eighth also rules taxes, debt, and insurance matters. If the Moon is mostly challenged, emotional chaos may be the theme of the yearfeeling put upon, ignored, or deceived by others. The only way to deal with this, as you will have also seen on TV, is to employ some serious help to get you to clean up your act. Such matters often require us to deal with issues that span the emotional spectrum and may be difficult for us to deal with. Your sensitivity to the expectations of others may dominate your emotional life this year. I was doing some research and came across the article and reading through it with the comments has given me many insights. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are incredibly close to each other, usually but not always in the same [], Squares are challenging aspects in any synastry chart, including Sun square Sun synastry. There can also be some tendency towards being nervous and restless. And as we know, sex-eee is the supreme aspiration of the great bulk of womanhood! For example, in a year when a woman announced her separation from her husband, she was in the position to explain herself and her situation to those around her. The nearby Jupiter at 17 degrees Aries exactly square Saturn in the 12th at 17 degrees also would definitely aggravate the tendencies of this planetary pile-upI allow a 7-9 degree orb for Saturn and Jupiter. starcrazypie astrology, Book Launch | Solar Returns: An Introduction, Solar Returns: Understanding The Houses Made Easy, Mercury Retrograde Alert: February 17th March 30th 2020. This is a year when you can expect the unexpected. You may be more socially active or do some work with the public. A short while ago I posted an article analysing the Solar Return Houses and this post is the follow up to that. Neptune will show you where you are not seeing things as clearly as you should, where you may experience misunderstandings, where you need to be more grounded, where you may experience things that are misplaced from your emotions to your house keys. The sign of the Solar Return Moon can be interpreted rather similarly in terms of the modalities. Your emotional state is one in which you may feel isolated on an emotional level, and it is a time when you need to gather strength. The OCD cleaner from Hell. Watch out most particularly for transits that take place when the transiting Moon will be in your natal Moon signyou didnt say if you were talking about progressed aspects, but if you were, then watch carefully around the time the aspect becomes exactthe riskiest days for things to happen with this conjunction will be when the transiting Moon is in the same sign as your NATAL Moon. In general, with the Moon in the background in your Solar Return chart, you tend to have a stronger hold on your emotions than usual. Restlessness is probable. You can stand up for yourself and your family or fight for a cause you care about. The Moons house position may therefore show you areas of your life where you need to learn to handle stuff better. Hard aspects to Uranus have the effect of speeding up the emotional reactions. Ah, Venus, everybodys favourite planet why wouldnt she be? When found in fixed signs, the native possesses much emotional strength. You are emotionally restless, looking for new experiences. On page 7 of our Solar Returns Feature, we compare books and suggest resources for interpreting Solar Returns. Overall, a very overkill type of person and epitome of display behavior with a tendency to inflate his reputation as being more good than it really is. Saturn is, in other words, the complement to Jupiter the moment we look hard at ourselves and realise we need to step up to the plate. Conjunct the natal moon increases the emotional component. 2024 Dec 18 09:19, Mag -1.1 The Solar Return Moon draws you unconsciously towards areas that need looking after or where you feel looked after both sides of an interpretation are possible and most likely probable in your Solar Return Chart for the Moon is reliable in its unreliability. On the other hand, you may hustle to land that big account or client thereby . If you . In her book Planets in Solar Returns, Mary Fortier Shea describes the connection between the natal and solar return chart as follows: The issues are defined in the solar return. Moon in the solar return chart | AstroGarden - ProBoards Neptune conjunct Venus synastry is a powerful aspect that can create an intense connection between two individuals. I would like to know more about it. Forced me into therapy (where they declared me sane and her not), tried to force me to become emancipated, put me in a foster home, and allowed sibling violence to me unpunished. Pluto in Libra has, I have observed, a particular and markedly sadistic liking for causing trouble in other peoples relationships. MARS - VENUS Aspect in Solar Return. If you depend on someone on a financial level, even in a small way, there may be cause for concern. You may start something new, but dont count on it developing into a committed relationship for this year. I used to think I could save the world.. now as I mature I see its not always realistic. The house position of the Moon, then, can reveal some areas of lifes ups and downs in the year ahead. My Saturn return began in February 2022. There can be some domestic confusion this year. You may move, or help someone move in or out of your home such as a parent or grown child. Multiple planets in the 5th House can point to an exciting new love affair or attraction (especially if the Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars are in the 5th). Pluto in the 5th, especially if it is aspecting the Moon, Venus or Mars, can point to an all-consuming, obsessive new attraction. I also have a passion for art or design and Making beautiful things. The eighth house Moon squared Mercury on the Midheaven, and because the affair was known amongst her friends and colleagues, she had to deal with her personal life becoming public. Fluctuations surrounding money may occur, but more likely you are more sensitive to them. Would someone mind going a little more in depth on this for me? Intense? Well, so it is, but Jupiter asks you to work hard too even if you dont feel like it. The action may be physical, mental or even spiritual whatever it is you need to do its the act of doing thats important to Mars. Thanks for the insight! A trine to Mars suggests emotional vitality and strength. You are a sexy lover and fierce fighter that needs a constructive outlet for your passions. Solar Returns: The Moon. You may feel that others attempt to manipulate you. A Lunar Return Chart uses the time and date that the Moon reaches the point of your natal Moon and your current location. Couples benefit from coordinated efforts. House placement counts for a lot too, as you know! Her writings and personal consultations focus on applying practical astrological analysis to the real world. I have outlets to express the angry side of the aspect otherwise as stated it does turn inward and becomes destructive (to self!). You may find it difficult not to let your strong emotions out, which has given this aspect a reputation for providing emotional rashness and a hot temper. Changes with regards to a partner's finances may affect the native seriously. This conjunction significantly combines their energy. What Your Solar Return Means In Astrology - Shape In your Solar Return Chart, Venus signifies parts of your life you may wish to improve in some way, either aesthetically or in terms of your own value system. Solar Return. Her Sun is also square her moon and semisquare her Pluto. I did say that much depends on the Sign; funnily enough I did speculate on what it would be like to have this aspect in Scorpio! What does it mean for this May 29 full moon to be exactly conjunct my natal Mars in 8deg Sag 1st house? Over optimism, feeling as though the world owes you, over enthusiasm and indulgence are as Jovian as the distant shores that, in a positive frame of mind, you may be tempted to explore. I offered it as a counterbalance to the omnipresent annoying Newage tendency to sugarcoat everything. I am a sag rising, and my saturn, neptune and pluto are in my first house in capricorn. So, ideas, speech, written communications, short journeys, mediation will be part of the bag. You are more sensitive to your environment than usual, and you may not feel quite as equipped emotionally to handle the ups and downs of life. If Saturn is sitting in the 6th House, but is close to the 7th House cusp, the time frame when it transits over the 7th House cusp can indicate the beginning of the relationship and the restrictions on it. Its position in the Solar Return chart shows the emotional condition of the native for the year. Things associated with Mars will appear with great immediacy in the house where Mars is situated for the Solar Return year. The emotional responses are considerably different when the Moon is in the background of the chart (behind the angles but not close enough to be considered conjunct an angle in the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth houses, or the cadent houses). In your Solar Return Chart, Venus can symbolise several things and its not all about love. Natal Pluto Conjunct (Full) Moon : r/AskAstrologers - Reddit moon and mars in the solar return 12th house entering my natal 9th house will occur in the year 2014/5. However, is this joviality justified? Or it may be that you and your new love are simply not ready to go public. The planets in your Solar Return Chart show you what is going to happen and the house placements show you where, so its very useful to read both articles for insights into interpreting your own Solar Return Chart. In the birth chart, if the moon is in the hidden 12th House, it can resemble how we disregard our own needs. Thanks, Sara .! A chart is cast for the moment the Sun returns to the exact degree (and sign) it was when you were born. I am sure that since joining the UN, she has been able to add to her >cough-cough< "collection"! Fast reflexes combined with aggressive instincts bring danger from risk-taking. The solar return and planets (nn conjunct moon and Saturn) all fell into my natal 4th house. Which didnt help me in the past with Finding work. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. 2. You are not as given to quick emotional reactions. When she was two, she slapped another colleague in the face during a conference! As Uber once put it, (I hope Im quoting this right) One is free of the tyranny of oestrogen. Sensitivity to ones reputation, or feelings of being in demand, can figure prominently this year. On page 5 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offer interpretations of the Solar Return Sun in aspect to other Solar Return planets and points. because virgo is debilitating for venus, but jupiter is good right? 29 Apr 2023 17:27:54 OH and perhaps when you have done as much for orphaned children and stricken communities you can be so harshly negative of Angelina Jolie. I can handle that but I do so much differently. The positions of the other planets at that moment and location are mapped in the chart as well. Uranus (liberation) can suggest difficulties establishing a commitment with someone youd like to have a relationship with. The solar return chart is a forecasting technique that offers an overall view of one year. SR Mars in the 1st house: This year you may have a hard time holding back your reactions to things and may come off as impulsive. Why? Venus in the hidden 12th House suggests that there may be something secret about the new relationship. The Moon in the Solar Return . Your Solar Return Mars is about action and where Mars is found you will be fired from the starting blocks and have to run. Your ability to step back and watch what is happening around you before reacting emotionally will benefit you, especially if you are usually a more emotionally reactive or impulsive person. Its quite apparent to me that to the majority of women the OUTSIDE of their heads is the priority, and NOT the INSIDE. I have observed that afflicted Air Signs often tend to show mental disturbances that correspond to the characteristics of each sign: Libra is manic-depression, Gemini is narcissism manipulation, deception, and split personality, and Aquarius is sociopathy. A trine to Venus suggests some support from the partner or the social life this year. 2026 Nov 02 13:40, Mag +0.8 Wherever Uranus lands in your Solar Return chart you can expect the unexpected for Uranus is all about change and, being a wholly impersonal planet, Uranus really doesnt care what that change is as long as its change. 2022 Jun 22 19:08, Mag +0.5 Grand aspect patterns bring about major changes in life, as will any natal aspect pattern repeated in the SR. . So, the Sun shows your main focus for the year but also shows you the part of your life where you really need to focus on yourself. The angles are defined as the four corners of a chart: the ascendant, descendant, midheaven, and nadir. I was realy angry and felt so powerless. SR Moon in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th. anger, even when it is fully justified. Has a kid I dont think he likes very much or just parenthood. Ive this aspect. If you want to compare it to your natal chart, focus on conjunctions, then look at oppositions, squares, trines, and sextiles (in that order). In other words, you can mark this occasion in your own way and make it exactly what you need. 2023 Jan 31 04:29, Mag -0.4 It is a period of dreams for the futurean excellent year in which to come up with progressive new ideas. Thank-you for a brilliant site and a fantastic learning opportunity. Changes in the sex life are often evident. His is 21 Libra trine Venus in Gemini and the Sun is in Gemini though in a very early degree. This position of the Moon can go in one of two directions in terms of emotional orientationyou may adopt a business-like approach to your emotional life, or you might bring your emotions into your professional life. Work? I hear you say, I thought that was Saturns domain?. If the Moon is mostly supported (for example, by trines and sextiles to other points), then you possess more emotional strength than ever this year. Your heart is with your family and your home this year. . Where Mercurys wings settle you will be thinking about the activities associated with that house for most, if not all, of that Solar Return year. Sometimes this happens one day earlier than your birthday. Astrologer Mary Fortier Shea describes progressing the solar return Moon until it aspects a solar return or natal planet, and noting when a solar return planet transits over a solar return house cusp (to pinpoint major changes). PS. This enables you to plan, make decisions and take actions that affect your life during the year and possibly beyond. Generally, there is more social activity, and your sensuality is strong this year. I do well in sales and my own business. Pluto is also in the 1st House in my natal chart. I find that interpretations are clearer when the solar return chart is viewed by itself. Occasionally, there is concern about the health of a loved one and fear of death. I could go on, but you get the idea! This is a rather passive position of the Moon in the Solar Return chart in that the native does not feel an onslaught from the outside, although the native can nevertheless be very busy adapting to the environment and preparing for things to come. There is no mystery here why the destination and colonization of Mars has become a paramount enterprise. Each of us is born to be the hero of our own life story; but often, timidity or false modesty persuades us to hand over that role to others. This can be a year of endings of some sort, especially with regards to something that has become very much a part of everyday life. I see this as a generally negative event in his life that will fester up a very nasty type of karmic return. You are more assertive and enthusiastic, and also more willing to let go of the past. Women are programmed ALL their lives to conceal any anger or rage they might feel; not ladylike, you understand! 2027 Dec 29 11:53, Mag +1.1 My Moon/Mars= 6* Sco, complicated by 8*Merc+10*Nept, in 3rd. In these cases, the Moon is essentially in the middleground of the chart. Strength, passion, and courage are your strong points, but an indomitable will and tendency toward manipulation bring enemies and hinder success. Have fun with your interpretations best wishes, Sara. Aspects to Libran Pluto should be carefully considered when taking relationships into account in someones chart! Mars/Pluto also in the charts of those who have been abused. Maybe in Mars/Moon you are then allowed to express the rage! What is especially despicable (aside from her using refugees as publicity tools) is the fact of her using her CHILDREN to cover her DRUG DEALING. This doesnt mean it will never happen, but not in the current solar return year. You are seeking emotional excitement, whether this is a deliberate or subconscious thing. Interesting about the choice of using birthplace, home location or place you are on the SR itself, as I hadnt read any suggestion except using the place you are at the time, and thats your least preferred. She told my ex I was bipolar (I am not, but she wanted to label me that) which influenced custody and ruined my daughters life, and the lie lingers 20 years later. I never had the nerve to ask him directly if he had also done so with his MOTHER! The solar return chart can be interpreted against the natal chart, as long as the natal chart is positioned outside the solar return chart. Michael Moore supports same-sex marriage, abortion, and LGBTQIA rights. This is also true when the Sun is conjunct a Solar Return angle. How you willrespondis implied by the natal chart.. Solar Return Moon hard aspects to the Sun have been discussed on the Solar Returns: Aspects of the Sun page. These aspects happen when two celestial bodies are 90 degrees apart. This is a busy period in your life when you might work behind the scenes. MOON CONJUNCT URANUS in your yearly Solar Return chart Your urge for affection may be temperamental, but insistent when active. Solar return outer planets (especially if they are not accompanied by personal planets) in the 7th House can be tricky. Changes with regards to a partners finances may affect the native seriously. Even working out which options to go for in selection was confusing, but youve started me off. And, you use only one-degree orbs? In some cases, people with this position of the Solar Return Moon take a more motherly approach to their work, or their work moves in the direction of nurturing or intuitive activities. She can also be read as your significant other or symbolise other important relationships both personal and professional as Venus is at home as much in the business world as she is in a beauty salon. Moon conjunct Mars maximum orb 730. Get our new posts and free monthly horoscopes sent to your inbox. They have drawn massive followings not just because of their musical ability but, notably, of how they give their abundant energy to the crowds. You tend to enjoy making connections with others this year, but, particularly if the Moon is challenged in your Solar Return chart, you could take on more projects and interactions with others than you can manage. I also have saturn in libra R 11th house with pallas libra R. Full 11th house. Solar return Venus in the 9th House (exploration) is sometimes seen when you are in an existing relationship but want to explore new, romantic territory. Conversely, Pluto can also ask you to let down your defences and surrender yourself to your greatest fears whatever they may be thus enabling you to grow and renew yourself in the process. People with Moon conjunct Mars in their natal charts can actually feel warm. This could range from cleaning your house to giving a loved one an invigorating massage. You look to satisfy your sweet tooth for pleasure. Women are programmed ALL their lives to conceal any anger or rage they might feel; not ladylike, you understand! If the Moon is mostly challenged, you could be struggling with indecision about where your life is headed. SR Venus & Mars conjunct Natal Venus & Mars - Astrologers' Community She doesnt do SQUAT for anyone but HERSELF; if you actually pay attention to what she is doing, it is readily apparent she is USING the poor to get PUBLICITY; plus she (AND the CIA) has created a complete MEDIA FACADE to hide the fact that she is a DRUG MULE for them!
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