There's a lot of dead bodies (mostly Sith) spread around that can be hit up for items, but there's one sith soldier in the southeast corner of the area, near a locked sewer entrance. Medical Clinic: Zelka offers you a quest in here to bring him the Rakghoul Serum; you'll find this later during the main story. Once back in the corridor, go slightly forward and through a door to your left. Where can i find some? You enter from the Lower City at the east end of the Pazaak room. All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. Oh hello there. Taris Companion Guide Walkthrough - Kotor 1. Kill the Duros: In order 1, 5, 2, 3, 5. Level up to at least 5 to make the battle easier. This item can be turned in to either Zax the Hutt in the Lower City Cantina or Zelka in the Upper City South. However, there are a few quests you can complete in the Undercity and Lower Sewers, and once you've gone beyond to the Upper Sewers you don't really want to return. The other leads down a pathway which will open into another circular room, this time where you'll have to fight a malfunctioning (but still quite deadly) droid. At a ratio of 0.25 or less, you will pass easy checks at a 40% rate, but medium and hard checks will be impossible. Oh, good. Computers: The northern one lets you proceed to the second part of the Black Vulkar Base; the computer in the main room lets you access all the security commands and cameras. © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. 2. Thank you my husband was one of those banished because he had the rakghoul disease. [12] Knights of the Old Republic - Rakghoul Serum (Light Side The serum is on the dead sith trooper corpse, it's aside of another corpse and some rubble if i remember well so you might have missed it. I actually found that he was far more difficult to kill as a level 2 scout, simply because once Bendak is stunned scoundrels can do sneak attacks, whereas scouts have no such benefit. However, the Sith armada had taken notice of the planet and invaded. Try to keep your vitality maxxed out and energy shields up constantly because if one of his hits doesn't kill you outright a second hit will., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. If you want to have your phone out while you play and don't feel like scrolling through a guide with no pictures - you can simply use the map locations on this page instead. Since rakghoul fiends are visually indistinguishable from other rakghouls except for the label, pay close attention: if they start running towards you, focus all fire on the fiend, and make sure the sturdiest member of your party is leading and ready to engage in melee combat if they manage to close the distance. You'll need this item for a Side Quest given to you by Matrik in the Lower City East Apartments. Level 2 scoundrels will find this very difficult so don't be afraid to use concussion grenades to help you stun him to have your Sneak attack take effect. A cutscene will take place in which Mission will automatically unlock the door for you. He also . Where is the Rakghoul Serum in the Sith base? Collect the Pass Card or hack the computer in the base to disable the turrets and enter the Garage Kandon Ark & Swoop Accelerator: You will be given the option when speaking with Kandon to betray Gadon and ally with the Vulkars or to stay on the Hidden Bek's team. But to finish the quest named "Infected Outcasts" I need to locate and heal the two . You move closer to the light side of the Force by giving it to him: You can move even closer to the light side of the Force by declining: Zelka now sells items from his inventory at 20% discount, the value of which may exceed that of the reward, depending on cost and amount of what is bought. Talk to her, calm her down and tell her that if she helps you find a way into the Vulkar base, you'll help her. I swear! 1. In a far off part of the. In order, here are the passwords you need to put in to open the box: 1. You can use Persuade on Holden and convince him to lift Dia's bounty then return to her and you'll receive Credits as a reward or Light Side Points if you accept no reward. The Sith had so many encounters with the rakghouls that they ran out of serum by the time Revan entered the Undercity, although some troopers who were killed still had serum samples on their corpses. As you work your way around, you might run into the odd Rakghoul victim screaming for your help. Now chuck a poison grenade and then RUN! Items Also note that if you extorted money from Zelka previously (see above quest) then you cannot give him the serum. Rakghoul Serum. If you didn't use it you may want to purchase some from him afterwards. He'll tell you that there are two other journals located in the sewers that he needs. If you approach or speak to him: Items can be bought here for 25% less than elsewhere on Taris, but you only receive half for any items sold. Once their shields are up, it's best to switch to melee weapons for physical damage. Taris Companion Guide Walkthrough - Kotor 1 - Almarsguides Reward: 125 XP & 400 Credits. Questions? We explore the highest level of the sewers and find the Rakghoul Serum. The controlled infection was spread to a subject, the antibodies were collected, a new and improved serum was created, and once again, it was produced in masses. When things calm down, make sure to comb the bodies of the dead foes for any goods they may be carrying. The salvage droids by the crashed Republic escape pod share no insight into it: Protocol Droids can be more talkative and informative, although you don't need to speak to one. You can still collect the bounty on his head if you help him since Zax will assume he is dead. You may want to use the serum in other sidequests in the Undercity before you give it to him. There's another entrance to the sewers further away to the southeast, in the corner on the left. ago You have 2 primary locations that you can turn the serum in depending on which route you want to take, Light Side or Dark Side. The Nerve Enhancement Package may be worth buying for any character with Implant Level 2 and using melee weapons, or lightsabers offensively, since it gives them Immunity: Mind-Affecting without . The reward is worth it, and I strongly advise all characters to take part in this quest whether they be light or dark. Explanations and videos are included for both outcomes. It is imperative that you try to stun him as much as possible. The Sith governor said I could keep this medical facility open. Immediately have the party unleash laser fire on them to kill them quickly, before they have much of a chance to damage you. How do you defeat the rakghouls? :: STAR WARS Knights of the Old Scan this QR code to download the app now. I was wondering why this mercenary wasn't hostile at first. If you make one mistake though he could kill you in one hit as energy shields don't protect against vibroblade damage. Alternatively, you can accept the reward or try to persuade him to give extra: If you succeed in persuading him to give extra, you also get the same 20% discount as declining the reward; if you fail, you can still decline or accept it. Weapons Ideally your main character should leave any party members within throwing range, approach in Solo mode and allow enough time during dialog for all three to get close, then when a grenade is thrown only you need to run back out of the explosion's area of effect. Best duel I've ever seen! There's a small gated-off part of the city with Rakghoul-infected villagers running around. 171. Armor Upon searching it, you'll find a journal which you can return to Rukil as evidence of her fate: Rukil tells you the history of the Outcasts: Igear now approaches you as you pass him on your way back to the Village Gate: The two remaining journals can both be found in the lower sewers. Don't forget to loot Davik's body after the confrontation for some really good items! 11. You'll have the option of killing him for Dark Side Points, letting him go provides no reward or Light Side Points. Difficulty greatly depends on gear and levels. You must do the grenade first, otherwise the Synthesized Odor will bring the enemy over to the bone pile and nothing will happen. 2. I know where it is. If you threaten him before speaking to him about rakghoul serum, then you won't be able to give it to him or sell it to Zax; if you threaten him afterwards, you still won't be able to give it to him but you will be able to sell it to Zax. If you speak to him: If you speak to him again without discovering the fate of Malya: You'll find an Outcast corpse out in the Undercity to the northwest of the village gate. Don't worry, if I hear anything you Sith will be the first to know for a price of course. He speaks a hell of a lot of craziness but eventually cuts to the chase - his apprentice, Mayla, has been lost in the sewers and he'd like for you to find her. Should we help people or get some credits? There is no way to earn Light Side Points from saving him. Our blind first playthrough of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic conti. For more information check out my Promised Land Journals Side Quest. Ithorian Encounter: After visiting Lower City and returning to Upper City you'll be able to witness this event. All rights reserved. 7. Dia's Bounty: She offers an easy Side Quest which requires you to go to the Lower City Cantina and speak with Holden. Mini-Games Revan finds the serum on the body of a Sith soldier in the Undercity. He sells "scrap" (which is really just talk for cheaper supplies). On him, you'll find the all-important Rakghoul Serum, in addition to 2 Antidote Kits, a Beam Splitter, 2 Medpacs, a Heavy Combat Suit and a Blaster Rifle. Zax & Taris Bounties: On Taris there will be a total of 5 bounties that you can collect for xp and Credits, all of which get turned in at Zax. Then, leave this room and go back to the prior corridor. Although the resulting dialog is identical, you only move closer to the light side of the Force if you speak to Hester: They now leave. When you talk to him, he'll tell you more of the Promise Land story. Practically a 1 hit kill even on low levels. Hit him with everything you've got. You Sith don't bother us on Davik's business and we don't bother you! If you're feeling like a nice guy and want some Light Side points (and hey, they can't hurt, there's plenty of opportunity out there for Dark Side points if that's what you're jonsing for), go into the Undercity's village. Me? Cut Off Point: When you leave Taris Infected Outcasts?? - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Don't use attacks that take time. They each have an Advanced Medpac which they'll use when reduced to less than 50% Vitality. It's a big city-planet with an Upper City for the wealthy and a Lower City for the poorer and seedier residents. You can't use the run around strategy like Marl, so it's best to close the distance ASAP if you're going melee. Remember this is IF your grenade hits. The serum was given to a Jedi, and eventually made its way into the hands of a Republic doctor. Dark Side Points: For the most Credits and Dark Side Points give the serum to Zax the Hutt in the Lower City Cantina. Place the Synthesized Odor and a Frag Grenade in the corpse pile and the Rancor will eat it and blow up.
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