Randy Clark, by Imagine if that standard were applied regularly or in any other criminal case. If life was fair, such scum would leave a trail of slime behind them so the rest of us could sort them out. Powell has advocated fiercely for Flynn since taking on the former three-star Army general as a client, and she bluntly attacked Sullivans outspokenness as evidence of his bias. Julie Kelly, by And the problem is that, when it comes to that left-wing diva, Meghan Markle, its hard to believe most of what she says. On Tuesday morning, the case was assigned to a judge who, during the Trump era, has been viewed as particularly unsympathetic to current occupant of the White House: U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, the judge overseeing retired lieutenant general Michael Flynns never-ending Trumpworld passion play. As Joe Biden constructs his new administration, individuals from the Obama administration are quietly resurfacing in positions of power. Appearing on Yahoo! A private citizen who wishes he was president again, Donald Trump is in trouble. Judge Sullivan is the recipient of many honors, including the Ollie May Cooper Award awarded by the Washington Bar Association, the Thurgood Marshall Award of Excellence awarded by the Howard University Alumni Association, and the Howard University Distinguished Alumni Award awarded by the President and Board of Trustees of Howard University. The whistleblower also says the election was rigged as well as 2018 and some 0f 2016. The corrupt judge who inserted himself into the General Flynn case, who insinuated the General was a traitor, has a lifestyle that matches his actions in court. (Snip)But at the same time as the challenges with tuition for many of Howards students, Judge Sullivan worked with President Frederick to get Jim Comey as a guest speaker for a $100,000 fee. Nick Arama, by Yes it does if it isnt true , but you will never see the Judge defend himself because it is true. This guy is far from "non-partisan." And for Sullivan, thats what should count. Sullivans extraordinary action recalled to many his excavation of one of the Justice Departments worst scandals a decade ago the botching of a campaign finance investigation into Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). I'm cynical enough at this point to believe that the hoopla over the 2000 election in Florida was experimenting going on to rig elections after that, which certainly includes ramping up various cheating methods for 2008, 2012, and 2016. misconduct, legal observers say. This is what life in the swamp looks and feels like. Debra Heine, by I suspect Sullivan's behavior goes much deeper than a speaking engagement for Comey. Gabe Kaminsky, by With the relaxed border policies of President Joe Biden, overwhelming numbers of migrants are rushing the U.S. border, according to Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The D.C.-born son of a police officer is a graduate of Howard University School of Law and the longest-serving active federal judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Conrad Black, by Far more importantly, the pardon demonstrated the wisdom of U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivans refusal to dismiss the case against Flynn. The defense should ask for a writ of prohibition removing Sullivan from the case and assigning another judge under 28 USC 144. Miranda Devine, by He graduated in 1968 from Howard University, where he also Legal experts say Sullivans actions in recent weeks open the door for proceedings that could help the judge and public understand why Flynn has now insisted he is innocent after earlier admitting guilt under oath. The theme for the conference was Rejuvenating Juvenile Justice - Responses to the Problems of Juvenile Violence in the District of Columbia. On September 28, 1994, Judge Sullivan was appointed by Chief Judge Wagner to chair the Task Force on Families and Violence for the District of Columbia Courts.. Legal Fellow and Manager, Meese Center for Legal Studies, Election Law Reform Initiative Manager, Senior Legal Fellow. Under the law, nothing could have stopped the president. Unmasking is the process whereby a U.S. citizens identity is revealed from collected surveillance. The exact condition of the victim is unknown, however, the episode was serious enough that the dogs were subsequently moved to Wilmington (Snip) Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution grants the president an exceptionally broad pardon power over federal offenses, with virtually no caveats. Apparently I'm missing the connection in this article. After overturning Stevenss 2009 conviction of lying on disclosure forms, the judge named a special prosecutor who found that at least two federal prosecutors withheld evidence that would have acquitted the nations then-longest-serving senator. Sullivan, 72, is no stranger to Washington controversies. This is a disjointed rambling interview that looks almost like a composite, but if true: Holy Smokes! Maybe the bare allegations contained in the criminal complaint was enough for you. Its a power grab. In a June 6 letter to Barr and his deputy, Powell said she was joining Flynns defense and called for an independent Justice Department review of his case. In the immortal words of Private Pyle, "Surprise, surprise." LUCAS: Emmet Sullivan was born and raised in Washington, D.C., the son of a Metropolitan police officer. Crickets. Jeff Mordock, by It never should havetaken this longfor Sullivan to dismiss the case, and frankly, itnever should havecometo this. It would kill any self-respecting bloodhound to follow it, though. Im not the judge, Trump said, but I have a different type of power.. Judge Emmet Sullivans Biden was holding an event to announce the nomination, Democrat Senator Joe Manchin (WV) appears to have started to shift his views on the filibuster with remarks that he made on two news shows on Sunday morning.The shift from Manchin comes after he has repeatedly stated that he would not vote to end the filibuster, despite pressure from the far-Left. There would, rightly, be an outcry. Judge Emmet G. Sullivan was born in Washington, D.C., and attended public schools in the District of Columbia until his graduation from McKinley High School in 1964. In 1968, he received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from Howard University and, in 1971, a Juris Doctor Degree from the Howard University School of Law. Part 3-Whistleblower: Judge Emmet Sullivan and Joe Biden. Judge Emmet Sullivan Puts Donald Trump On The judge is best friends with the head of Howard University who apparently has pulled some sketchy stuff (described in article). A Whitestown judge has been censured for lending the prestige of his office to assist his son regarding pending criminal charges in 2013, the state Commission on Judicial Conduct announced Wednesday. And now, it appears hes only dismissed the case because Trumps pardon made it moot. 1, it is time to examine the condition of American democracy. Bottom line Barack Obama, and the Deep State conspirators absolutely do not want General Flynn, who knows where all the Obama-Biden era foreign policy fiascos and intelligence related bones are buried, with all criminal charges against him dropped, out there before the November election telling the American people about those corrupt episodes and how he was screwed, blued, and tattooed by the Obama directed White House, CIA, and FBI conspirators. President Biden on Monday seemed to forget Defense Secretary Lloyd Austins name at a White House eventcalling the Pentagon chief the guy who runs that outfit over there. Biden was announcing the nomination of two female generals to lead US military combatant commands. Upon graduation from law school, Judge Sullivan was the recipient of a Reginald Heber Smith Fellowship and was assigned to the Neighborhood Legal Services Program in Washington, DC, where he worked for one year. Sullivan on Wednesday appointed former federal judge John Gleeson to oppose the departments request to abandon its two-year-long prosecution and exonerate the former national security adviser. Conservatives on social media have been using Blue Anon to describe Democrats who believe in various government-sanctioned conspiracy theories, leading some on the Left to attempt to censor the potent term. Federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan last week finally got around to doing what he should have done months ago. Judge Emmet Sullivans Jeff Carlson, by The very first sighting of Blue Anon on Twitter was in August 2018, (Tweet)Aaron Mat, a left-wing investigative journalist, and the Federalists Mollie Hemingway helped popularize the term two years later. AND will he GO to PRISON with COMEY? Bush to the D.C. Court of Appeals. I think its a great thing that the judge is looking into that situation, Trump told reporters at the time. Sullivan was disposed to do it, shared his views with his circle of friends, who suggested a way to persecute Flynn without a DOJ prosecutor. The order was issued by District Judge Emmet Sullivan of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. In a burglary trial in the mid-1980s early in his career, Sullivan walked off the bench in disgust after a police officer gave conflicting testimony, friend Roscoe C. Howard Jr. has recalled. Following that, if it becomes necessary, an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court where it is doubtful that the Democrat conspirators will have enough votes, will again end up with a decision that will squash the Flynn persecution once and for all before the November election. 5/25/2020 11:31:16 AM. Which made the Justice Departments decision to drop the charges so perplexing. Judge Sullivans Long-Overdue Dismissal of Flynn Case Reveals Steven Nelson, by UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF Kate Bennett, by If the government and Flynn do not prevail, before either Sullivan or a higher court, the result could put the onus on Trump to pardon his former aide. Flynn began seeking to void his guilty plea to lying about his contacts with Russias ambassador related to easing U.S. sanctions and about his undisclosed lobbying work for Turkey before President Trump took office. In 1968, he EMMET G. SULLIVAN, judge; son of Emmet A. Sullivan and Eileen G. Sullivan; born in Washington, DC; graduated McKinley High School, 1964; B.A., Howard University, He has also been recognized for his achievements by the District of Columbia Public School System, the Judicial Administration Division of the American Bar Association, and the District of Columbia Judicial Disabilities and Tenure Commission. Dismissal of misconduct complaint against D.C.'s Judge Sullivan However, passing the Flynn pardon off onto the Justice Department would have been an attempt to deputize prosecutors in carrying out a political favor for the president. What Are Illegal Chinese Communist Government Police Stations Doing in the U.S.? The United Front functions as Chinas premier influence and propaganda organization, raising flags with the U.S. governments Economic and Security Review Commission. President Biden has announced the formation of a commission to study the feasibility of giving reparations to every black American as a way to make up for that slavery thing that The New York Times tells us America couldnt have existed without. "Cuomo's Gotta Go," said Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) on Twitter on Tuesday. Plain and simple, in arguing for leniency, Judge Sullivan was asking the police for a very personal and very significant favor, Emery wrote. Natalie Winters, by Cuomo in 2022. 0:53. Sullivan officially dismissed the Justice Departments Sullivan gained widespread attention in 2009 after the Justice Department asked the court to wipe out former Sen. Ted Stevens convictions on federal conflict-of One member of the 10-person commission, attorney Richard Emery, dissented from that opinion, arguing that Daniel Sullivan should have been removed from office. Carlin referred to the Capitol melee as an example of violent extremism. So Howard doesn't need HBCU money from taxpayers. But even as Biden christened the exploratory committee, one of his own senior advisers declared that black America aint gonna wait on no committee or study.(Snip)Were going to start acting now, White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond told Axios last week. (DOMINIC BRACCO II/For The Washington If you had any doubts that Meghan Markle is a manipulative piece of work, her bombshell Oprah interview Sunday night dumping on the British monarchy would set you straight. Its been almost a year since Flynn first asked to withdraw his guilty plea andmore than seven monthssince thegovernment itself movedto dismiss the charges against him because, as Sullivan noted, the Justice Department said (1) Mr. Flynns false statements to the FBI agents were not material to any investigation; (2) the government is doubtful that it could prove the falsity of Mr. Flynns statements; and (3) the government has no substantial federal interest in penalizing a defendant for a crime that it is not satisfied occurred and that it does not believe it can prove beyond a reasonable doubt.. . CNN and MSNBC, WaPo or NYTs, will not be able to ignore it. Sullivan's ruling will take effect in 14 days. Wait let me go put on my shocked face. His son Emmet Jr. has a T-shirt operation that produces anti-Trump gear. The judge is best friends with the head of Howard University who apparently has pulled some sketchy stuff (described in article). Worth a read and a look at some of the Sullivan familys shenanigans The judge is best friends with the head of End of story. He was admitted to practice law before the United States Supreme Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, the United States Court of Military Appeals, the United States Tax Court, and the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. The two German Shepherds belonging to President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were returned to the Biden family home in Delaware last week after aggressive behavior at the White House involving Major Biden, two sources with knowledge tell CNN. Who was running against DJT was totally irrelevant as long as the Neo Communists can gain power and control. That, wisely, is not the case here, where the Constitutions doctrine of separation of powers divides those responsibilities between the judicial and executive branches. So, why did it take this long for Sullivan to dismiss a prosecution that the parties agree never should have been brought in the first place? Larry O'Connor interviewed Sidney Powell on WMAL last Friday, who said she still has "some secret weapons" on her team. Betsy McCaughey, by Emmet Gael Sullivan will be 75 on June 4, 2022. He has been a judge serving on U.S. District Court of the Washington DC District since being appointed by Bill Clinton in 199 4. One of his most notable cases he presided over was in 2015, involving Hillary Clintons private email server while she was serving as Obamas Secretary of State. After weeks of hype, CBS finally televised Meghan Markle and Prince Harrys interview with Oprah. & . On November 25, 1991, Judge Sullivan was appointed by President George Bush to serve as an Associate Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. If congress cannot impeach this judge with all this coming out, they all need to be booted from their phony baloney jobs.
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