#8. Plank holds are a great drill for softball pitchers to boost core strength. Warm-up Drills Warm-ups are a must for any pitcher! Pitching from the stretch is an essential skill for all pitchers. Products. Try this drill. Smooth release creates speed, height and movement for effectiveness. This is the kind of exercise that you hardly notice doing after awhile. This tool is specifically meant to help your pitcher feel a good load and get a really STRONG push and glide off the rubber! Peer pressure works wonders here. You cannot have your pitcher throwing pitches that cause damage to her arm or elbow. Enough said here!! If you are a right handed pitcher then you would face to the right of the rubber and put your knee on towel which is on the rubber. First we throw 8 balls into a net concentrating on wrist snap. If she goes to either side, she was off-stride or off-balance. Next you will put your other knee facing home plate. Now with one strike, your zone should expand a bit. I got this game from ASU Head Softball Coach Linda Wells. If running is not your thing then you can ride a bike, kick box, aerobics or swim doing these for 30 minutes to one hour. Youll find the basketball workouts and drills youre looking for to take your game to the next level. The following drills can help with pitching from the stretch: Change-ups surprise or fool batters and give an edge in a game. If you are catching the pitcher, having that bright colored twine powerline, going from home plate to 10 feet in front of the rubber, will make itmuch easier to tell if the pitcher is off the power line without distractingyou from the ball coming at you. I have had pitchers add between 2 & 4 feet to their delivery motion and end-up distance. 1) From an open-hipped position (front foot toward the target/catcher), the pitcher does a snap drill, driving the back knee in to the front knee. Then you will do the windmill motion. You should be able to catch the returning ball without stepping left or right. Have her throw a pitch at 100 percent, then 60 percent, 100 percent, 80 percent, 80 percent, 60 percent, 60 percent, 100 percent, 60 percent, etc. This website uses cookies and third party services. You can also divide the distance between the 40 percent and 100 percent lines into two equal parts and establish 40 percent, 70 percent and 100 percent distances. This guide provides hands-on instructions so that pitchers of all levels can better their core strength, control, and trajectory. Raise the leg in a fluid motion, as if in an actual pitch, until parallel to the ground. Once your pitcher can do 3 sets of 10 reps, increase the weight and start with 1 set and work up. There are two ways to avoid doing this. The release of the ball is incorrect due to the pitcher working on the riseball, (that is another discussion for another time), and the pitcher not using her glove to aim at the target. This starter program should go for 5 to 6 months for maximum results and convert to sprint training during season. They are invaluable. Bend at the hips and knees to push off the mound like you would push off to sprint or steal a base. Make it the strike zone for your height. To power workouts and games, and to ensure a strong recovery, elite athletes take care to eat properly and to hydrate before, during and after workouts and competitions. Next we throw 8 balls concentrating on arm speed. She has to throw 100 to 150 pitches every night, PERIOD!! Before each pitch take, a deep breath, wink or do whatever is comfortable in order to get relaxed. As Doug worded it to me when I first worked with him, think about most really good pitchers youve seen. Softball Pitching 107; Softball Throwing 20; Products Club or League Administrators. Rock back into each foot until you feel level. Online statistics. Your pinky can be tucked or lightly resting on the side but not actually gripping the ball. Many pitchers will throw a certain pitch for an off-speed pitch and that is all. One of the drills that I have the pitchers do is: Stand next to a wall, approximately 4 to 6 inches away, feet angled at a 45 degree, then go through the motion of either slingshot or windmill. Softball Pitching Drills JOE'S LONG TOSS The following speed drill also works for accuracy, while building arm strength. You can use PVC pipe, batting tees, or even hooks on a wall to fashion the ropes to your liking. Stand with feet apart and arms at 90-degrees. Rewind the tape and watch it a few more times and you might also discoverthe pitcher leaning at the waist to the opposite side of the power line totry and compensate for the error and still hit reasonably close to thetarget. In this guide, well look at some warm-up drills for softball pitchers. Do up to three sets, with 60 seconds rest between each set. If you want to become a better football player, regardless of your position, youll need to develop a high level of conditioning. Find a solid concrete or foundation brick wall; a handball court wall is ideal. One, use what I call the ever increasing strike zone: with no strikes on you, decide to hit a pitch only if it is in a specific zone for me it is chest high in front of the plate and if the ball is there, hit it, and more importantly if it isnt there, dont swing. Repeat this drill in both directions. When done correctly, each pitcher can throw 50 pitches in a very short time. If any other rotation is being imparted to the ball, the ball will not drop. During this drill, the player snaps her wrist as quickly and violently as possible. Run and Drag Begin as if you were on the mound with your feet staggered and your throwing arm foot slightly in front. Throw 5 change-ups, then throw fastball-change, fastball-change. If the line wavers or is non-existant, the rotation is incorrect and more rotational work is needed. If so, stop and reset. As Doug worded it to me when I first worked with him, think about most really good pitchers youve seen. Place your mitt in a position where you can conceal your pitch signals. If the pitch is not where you want it but is still a strike, dont worry. For some pitchers, this motion is shortened and they come right out of the glove. You can adjust the size and weight of the medicine ball to your skill level. This has increased velocity, improved mechanics, etc. Sports performance training is the physical and mental process of working toward specific athletic, performance or fitness goals through a regimented program. Plant your heel to balance quickly. Place the pads of your fingers on the . When the drill starts, the runner on third must make it to second base before the fielder can retrieve and throw all three balls to second base. The stripe gives instant feedback to the player and is easy for the catcher to see and determine what rotation has been imparted to the ball. Rotate outward, then inward. RELATED:Squash the Bug and Other Softball Batting Tips That Dont Work. MICKEY MOUSEThe only true way to get accuracy is to have the pitcher throw pitches, pitches and more pitches. When the pitcher throws at that height over the plate, the umpire should call that pitch a strike. In the normal delivery, the hands separate and the ball hand moves back and up in a rocker motion. Make sure your pitcher is pointing her glove at the target with the wrist pointing up, which will in turn point the glove webbing straight up. This can be done anywherein a car, bus, rain, snow, summer, winter, etc. She has to throw 100 to 150 pitches every night, PERIOD!! Good muscle memory is gained by drills, drills and more drills. Keep the ball parallel to the drive leg when releasing, shoulders square to the baseball diamond, and wrist snapped up or follow through (whole hand higher than elbow). However, batters today are getting smarter and better and learning to go with those outside pitches. She hates them!!! The Power Push will prevent leaping as it reinforces getting the heel up and pointing the toe down. The first 2 players to hit the bucket gets to be team captains for the scrimmage that day. Stretch your thumb back so it is in line with your middle finger. To the batter it seems as though its that same pitch (the strike) over and over. Put a pile of single sheet newspapers in an area you would normally walk by the most times during the day. Keep your arms loose and relaxed. An 80mph pitch is not very impressive if you cant throw it for a strike. They loosen up the shoulder area and strengthen small muscles with precise movements. PITCHERS WALLOne of the drills that I have the pitchers do is: Stand next to a wall, approximately 4 to 6 inches away, feet angled at a 45 degree, then go through the motion of either slingshot or windmill. Practice using your fingertips to develop spin. Put your weight on the inside balls of your feet. As I coach younger girls, I used 1 1/2 finishing nails and used every other seam (84 nails). Begin every spin with a four-seam fastball grip. . Then do the drill two more times with moderate intensity. You dont need a catcher, a coach or even a softball park to practice your pitching. Throughout, keep eyes focused on a target ahead. The first mistake is pivoting on your drive/drag leg, which limits the amount of power that can be transferred from your lower body into your pitches. This is especially true in younger pitchers (12-15). 5 Things Every Parent Should Know Before Their Child Joins a Sport. Whats a good drill to teach young pitchers to stay tall after a pitch/release, DD started to lean after pitch was released, she wasnt doing it now shes starting to . Continue moving back and increasing the arc of the pitch until you cannot get it across the plate anymore. Then I like to climb the ladder, meaning, throw the next pitch slightly higher than the one before. We try to end each of our practices with a speed/strength drill. If you are working with a pitcher and you are the one catching for her, itstough to see exactly what is going on with the stride foot when it touchesdown. Warm-ups are a must for any pitcher! Basketball is a fast-paced sport that requires explosive strength, top speed, agility and fine-tuned on-court skills. The reason for this is that the pitcher is not waiting for a ball to be thrown to her. In most cases, the pitchers are merely sliding their hand under the ball to give the proper rotation for the riseball, however, if you want a riseball that RIPS, try this. Injuries are part of the game, but in a pitcher they are nevitable. Whether you want to become a stronger skater, develop your stick-handling skills, buy better gear or eat healthier, youll find everything you need at STACK.com. Heres a tip a coach told me about quite a number of years ago. First, I would suggest to all athletes that building their stamina and leg strength comes in the off season. It is important to continue keeping the wind-up at 100 percent full speed, but gently slow it down at the last moment. When youre balanced, move to an overhead position. It will increase forearm strength also. Set up three cones in a triangle formation, with each cone about 10 feet apart. Again take three to four more giant steps back, mark your line, and throw from there. After warming up with 3 ball we go directly to the tempo drills. Extend your glove side leg while dragging the toe of your throwing side leg. #5. Never let them see you sweat!!6. See how they can boost your playing skills! Using this exercise really helped me in my pitching. Ok that was a bit harsh. This drill helps improve infielder footwork and agility. Now, have the pitcher throw her slowest change-up several times and draw a line at an average distance where the ball comes back and hits the ground. Using this exercise really helped me in my pitching. Two myfavorites came to me from Doug Gillis, US National Mens team member. If it crosses the plate, move back 5 feet and toss another one. Q: How often should I practice these drills? It will not take long for her to figure this out, as she will catch on to this quickly. Enough said here!! If you have the room, do the long-toss drill. Every time you walk by, grab a sheet and wad it up, using only one hand. Plank holds are a great drill for softball pitchers to boost core strength. Set up and take your pitching stance with a ball and glove or bat. I have to remind my pitchers who are just now learning how to throw a rise ball, that the lower body mechanics for a rise ball should not be carried over to a fast ball. This will get everything ready for your next practice or game! You want the distance to be from the rubber to where the batter would hit theball, usually around two feet in front of the back tip of home plate. Then in this position throw a minimum of 30 full-blast fastballs. Drill correctly to boost arm strength, accuracy, power, and control. Keep your form throughout. They are walk-ins, meaning that they are thrown while walking into the pitch. Figure out a routine for yourself to follow for practice and games. Windmill drills help with key fundamentals like using core muscles, arm motion follow-through and form.
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