Once I started smoking it, the licorice scent I noticed in the tin became prominent in flavor. I've not had many burly based blends, actually only a couple, Mac Barens Golden extra and London blend. It is rather stout (not overwhelmingly so, however). Don't get me wrong. I found Heinrich's all but unsmokable in any conditions, preparations, or pipes, while DSK is quite enjoyable when treated nicely. I'm a fairly new pipe-smoker (2 yrs), and I don't smoke too often. One of my favorites as there is nothing else quite like it. Half of the flake looks like Reiner Golden while the other half resembles Dark Star -- but again, as one flake! Upon opening the tin, there was a rather sharp smell in there that I didn't agree with too much, however having popped the top for about two weeks, the scent is gone replaced by a lovely tobacco smell. Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky Pipe Tobacco is a unique mix of selected ripe Virginia tobaccos and Dark Fired Kentucky tobacco gives this blend its characteristic and unmatched taste. Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky is different from all other tobaccos I have smoked. I'm rather surprised at this tobacco, because for something called Dark Strong Kentucky I really expected something different from what I found in the tin. Wow, what a mistake that would have been. Very nice presentation. Is Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky discontinued? What are some - Reddit Great looking two tone flakes of Burley and Virginia. Nic is mild to medium. It does tend to get sour/acrid towards the end, I guess it's the Burley talking. Tobacco selection: Blending fine black cavendish with the irresistible qualities of Kentucky burley gives this flake a look, taste and feel uniquely its own. I had tried Heinrich's version and was not crazy about it as I find the black licorice casing was too present and the strenght of the tobacco mild to medium. Medium to full in strength, Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky gives off an attractive room note and produces a strong, rich flavor. The only package size I saw in several cities and several tobacco stores in each was the 100g tin; opening that I was rather surprised by the sweet and fruit-essence tin note. Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky Tin | pennsouls It is only available in 100g, but a good gamble. Mild nicotine. Never becomes overwhelming and is overall very satisfying for a lover of Burly and Virginia. Exhausted rooster tobacco. $11. Pipe. youtube. . . Next. 00 $11. Aged Nonetheless Its a nice flavorful blend with some anise overtones but an overall nutty burley flavor. The flavour combines the virginia and burley so well with a flavour ranging from nutty to raisin and fig. This came as a very nice surprise. Orlik factory produces over 400 different tobaccos under many famous and popular brand names. And delightful it is. DSK, once rubbed out, smokes easily and leaves a dry bowl. Heinrich's has a strong presence of black licorice, and as I noted in my review of same, translates into the smoke. I highly recommend this tobacco. Rubbed out and dried for a few minutes, it packs and lights easily. Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky Pipe Tobacco - Cigars International High quality, clean burning, and delightful. Appearance: This one gets the nod for ?oddity? one thing about pipesmokers; we are all individuals. In fact, the smoke has a lightly sweetened Virginia and burley flavor. Just pops right in perfectly for anything around a group 3-4. I repeat, cheap! It goes very will to coffee, thea or a glas of brandy but not to reed vine or white vine. Again, I want to return to this. It tastes like it will knock you off your feet, but then it doesn't. Easy / clean burn from top to bottom no bite, no acrid taste when damp.For me ? I am smoking through a generous sample given to me by a friend. Some good earthy flavors, a little dark spicy fruit, with the bright Virginia poking through. The tobacco is of high quality and due to the cut, you will not find any twiggy or woody bits mixed in with the tobacco. Hot=bitter. This blend burns clean leaving a mildly grey ash in the bottom of the bowl. Age When Smoked: aged in jar for nearly one year, Purchased From: 2 oz tins from pipesandcigars. I expected more dark strong Kentucky. A nice blend but I will not cellar it too hard. Instead I can taste the citrusy Virginias and the sweet black cavendish, and the brown sugar casing thats mentioned by other reviewers. Like many flakes it takes a little more effort, but is very rewarding for it. Not even a tiny peck. I found that it was best fully rubbed out in a Size 3-4 Dunhill briar. I think this smokiness in DSK comes from the dark, fired Kentucky leaf generously provided. I will update both of these reviews very soon, but for now I'll say that I am currently enjoying OGS quite a bit and to he honest I'm a little baffled.. pleasantly. Great flavor. I found this to be a very full, rich smoke that immediately became one of the main players in my rotation. It is everything I could want in a tobacco. To start, this blend is not for me personally, but I endeavor to judge it fairly. Smells wonderful; molasses, brown sugar, hay, and a little prune on the nose. 'is harmfull to health'. The tobacco took the light okay, and burned consistently, which relights being needed more frequently past the halfway mark. Takes the light easily and burns readily, but slow and cool. I'll be getting more of this to cellar. Dark Strong Kentucky is now just Dark Kentucky so the ?confusion? This is one of the rare tobaccos that my wife doesn't turn her nose up at. Pipe Used: Cobs and a Virginia dedicated briar. Hmm, nutty, sweet, and very tasty - not complex, just tasty. Similar Blends: Prince Albert - Prince Albert, John Middleton, Inc - Carter Hall, Orlik Tobacco Company A/S - Golden Sliced (Red). The room note is not remarkable in ant way. Excellent stuff, highly recommended. Especially anyone who is into pipesmoking. I like to try new tobaccos so when I saw this one on sale at P&C I had to buy some. There is not much more to say about this blend. First-rate fire-cured Kentucky burley, baptised with a little Virginia to keep it from being wholly back-roads wild. I have bought a few tins for the cellar and plan to keep a tin open as part of my regular tobacco rotation. My first review of it was after a sample. Subscribe to The Country Squire Newsletter. I like the flavors here. Smell from a freshly cracked, slightly aged tin is of a little fermentation smell mixed with licorice. Sweet molasses sort of taste, with just a slight spicy edge to it. Blow the smoke to an uninhabited corner or the LSW will complain! However, with the rapid proliferation and widespread availability of numerous stellar VA/KY blends, DSK now has a much harder row to hoe. Although I'll still revert to my VA and VA/Perique flakes purchased in bulk @ less unit cost for my regular smokes, this blend could easily be an all day favorite for me. Except for ES and DSK having cigar notes, they really diverge in taste. I am not a big fan of really strong flakes and I thought this one was great! The taste, though, is very nicely rich. I call this the big brother of Three Nuns, as they are in many ways alike. But it is very pleasant, nonetheless, and there is a good amount of dark-fired to qualify the blend as burley based. WARNING: Smokingpipes.com does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. this has a silkly smooth subtle brown sugar/chocolate taste that is a subtle compliment to the burley and virginias. Don't be deceived by the name - not too strong. Does well with DGT. If you are more of a Va smoker, as am I, dig out one of your poor maligned cobs and see just how good they can be. People who are fans of rich, robust blends containing dark-fired Kentucky are very familiar with Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky. I could taste a bit of molasses and maybe licorice, and it was just a very nice, pleasant flavor with fluffy white smoke. Beautiful presentation in the tin. If you're a Burley lover, it's worth a try. It's an interesting variation on the stronger burley/dark-fired blends I normally gravitate towards. Upon opening the tin, you notice right away that this is gonna be different -- Flakes that are two tone! To look at the flake you would think you would be blown away by nicotine, such is not the case (for me anyways). There was no bitter in the profile, and it never tasted ashy. Lots of kentucky taste here with a good nicotine kick! Lots of burleys out there are bitter, but this one certainly is not. Nice, two tone flakes with real tobacco flavor with just a bit of licorice and it was good and fresh. Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky Pipe Tobacco - Mom's Cigars It is very smooth, almost creamy. To the sweet Virginias and dark-fired Burley the blenders added vanilla, which makes the sweet taste like vanilla ice cream and the dark take on a chocolatey tone. A person who has no problem setting their tobacco out to dry ahead of time may have no problem with DSK , but I enjoy readier to smoke tobacco. 7 oz. Nice small good looking flakes here. That's just me. They are accompanied by sweet VAs and a nutty, smooth, well-rounded Kentucky. If you aren't into much heavier Kentucky blends, this may be right up your alley. Pipe Used: best in an old, thin-walled Belgique, Age When Smoked: a couple of months, out of a current tin. I think moderation and patience is key with this blend. Also the pipe I was using was a bulldog with a deep chamber. I'm a burly lover, as well as an admitted corn cob snob, and this has quickly become my favorite blend. A great tasting and smelling tobac (chocolate - molassis - raisons - fresh baked bread) to the smoker. The flavoring is certainly strong. The topping does not hamper the natural flavor profile of the Virginia and burley leaf and I found the taste of the tobacco to be full and satisfying. I guess I'll have to keep both of them around. This is the tobacco that sold me the capacity of burley. Lights pretty easily and once it is going no relights. Overall not bad. I picked up a tin of DSK for Christmas and tested several bowls. Nice sweetness and no tongue bite, this tobacco is a masterpiece. Is this an aromatic? I'll be brief, as many fine reviewers have described this tobacco very well. Heinrich's smokes a bit hotter with the licorice taste getting bitter toward the last third of the bowl and tastes a little artificial. The name is somewhat inappropriate. Though, I find Erinmore slightly superior to Dark Strong Kentucky in comparison. I don't usually go for Danish style tobaccos, but this and Golden Sliced are pretty darn good and the price is always right for the 100gr tin. I only smoke it to change the pace once In A while from my non aromatics. These are excellent flakes that fold for easy loading and smoking. Leather, mild spiciness, hay, and dark fruit on the palate. Dark Strong Kentucky 1.75oz Tin. Too bad its no longer in production. Also had just a shade more red Virginia and licorice. I rubbed some of the tobacco out and packed it in my Bjarne Brandy Glass, the tobacco was a little moist, but not to the point I could not light it up. A full creamy luxurious smoke wafted unto my tongue. My only reservation is that while finishing the tin and the flakes drying a bit I lost some of the flavour. Mid Bowl: Approaching mid-bowl, the fullness tends to build the toothsome mixtures of butter, nuts and Burley develop in strength slowly along predictable lines. The Cavendish is not obtrusive; rather, I pick it up more as a smoothing, body-boosting component. The Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky (DSK) is one of the most prolific and popular blends on the market. What DSK delivers is very different. You can read about that in many of the reviews here. Word has it that negotiations are ongoing for Stokkebye to continue production of this fine flake in bulk form under another name, but that hasn't occurred at this writing. Pipe Used: Dagner Holligan, Savinelli Second, Peterson x106, For old-tyme flake smokers. It's a good smoke, smooth and a good amount of billowing smoke. (Dark Kentucky)! The blend has a chocolate and smoky note. London mixture burns down to the bottom of the bowl,leaving a fine,dark grey ash. I usually don't like Danish tobaccos, but this one is good (although a bit TOO delicate for my taste). I have to rain on this parade. Needed some relights. The flakes are presented neatly in the tin, and their appearance is quite unique: dark Kentucky outer with a stripe of golden Virginia through the middle. I feel misled and ripped off. Im a novice pipe smoker recently set loose amidst a veritable cornucopia of tobaccos to sample and I must say, after several sessions with this particular variety, it has grown to be a favorite. As expected, the initial flavor very Burley, with a thick silky mouth feel, notes of butter and nuts. If you like a stout tobacco and good Burley flavor, DSK deserves a try. Occasionally get a little bit of licorice. This is a blend I had been eyeballing for awhile, and finally found a local guy who would get it for me. Not your usual burley blend, recommended, and I would buy more. These days almost no one remembers what pipe smoke might even smell like. Comes in one of the best working tins I've seen. As I smoked along the black cavendishes did mellow the smoke for me blending with the burleys well in the end.My wife and daughters wondered What the Heck I was smoking , since I am mainly an Aromatic cavendish burley smoker.Still was very glad to experience this tobacco after having been recommended to try this.I have smoked the Orlik Golden Sliced which is a totally different blend than this. Bacon! sometimes gets soapy aftertaste, mild and cased. At the match, I definitely get the Virginia up front, but the taste is primarily Burley. The blend starts nutty with lots of grassy VA sweetness. It definitely tasted of burley, and there's just enough of the virginia to sweeten it, but it has a nice aged character and aroma. Similar qualities, different casing. If you had reserves about smoking burley tobacco in the past, you owe yourself of try of this tobacco. It is a blend of high-quality tobaccos pressed into a cake and then sliced into "flakes", producing a rich, high-quality smoke, a good nicotine hit, and a tobacco that is not too complex. But for the full dark-fired flavor experience, I still haven't found anything I like as much as HH Old Dark Fired. Similar Blends: Peter Heinrich's Dark Strong Flake.. What makes it fun lies in the fact that, from one pipeful to another its strenght will vary, depending on the proportion of DFK that ends up in the bowl. It looks and smells good in the tin, and takes a couple of lights when in whole flake form. The bottom of the bowl is still pleasant, and the ash is a fine dark gray which coats the pipe well. Takes to the match well in both preps. Take it for a spin and you be the judge. When I opened the tin I got a strong note of molasses and sweet hay. In terms of flavor, it reminds me a little of a smoother, more refined Superior Round Slices. I can count on it to be a pleasant smoke every time I load a bowl. Minimal relights. Still, there were a few things never seen in Germany, such as this blend. Orlik DSK - Virginia/Kentucky with a topping of Licorice and Molasses. 2001-2023 STC Holdings LLC, a division of Mac Baren USA. First off,I was a bit scary of this,thinking its being too strong and punchy to my likings,but it turned to be opposite, Well worth paying the extra moeny to have it sent from England. But back to the tobak. I have a 200 gm tin of Heinrich's and after the arrival of DSK I compared the two. Tin aroma: First, these flakes are beautiful. This is definately good and is worth a try but if you would like to try a virginia burley flake that is wonderful and superb try the 111 flake by Paul olson( another blended flake by Peter Stokebye). This one comes a little moist. This is my favorite burley after Barbary Coast. Age When Smoked: new out of tin, and aged 1 year. Maybe I'll see ya back here in a year with another star. Agree that it's a great all day smoker. Half the flake is medium brown tobacco and half is dark tobacco. Virginias with dark fired Kentucky tobacco. If you can get this, try it. I think this is what C&D was trying to do with Safe Harbor Flake, but fell very short on their flavor and flake quality. The Kentucky get toasty but not the strong burley taste some dislike. It's not "strong". The VA soon sharpens and it and the Cav sweeten, and the Cav also sours, as it is smoked down. I've been a little put off by other descriptions of the typical Kentucky pepperiness (?) Surely, it's no Edgeworth Slices, but it is a very good blend on its own merit. DSK is strong, but not like 1792 or Royal Yacht, which are stronger. It's got a nice full but not overwhelming flavor and aroma, toasty and caramel-like. The Virginias are sweet and a little heavy. The flakes always are at the right moisture level for immediate packing, burn extremely well and the nicotine is medium, making it an ideal all day smoke for the Kentucky amateurs. The room note was wonderful, to my nose--the kind of smell that drew me to pipe smoking in the first place. $11.99. Gawith Hoggarth & Co Bobs Square Cut Pipe Tobacco - 500g The tin note is appealing with a hint of sweetness. It has a piquant deliciousness that keeps you puffing away it made me want to smoke it a bit too hard to be sure to take it slow. I love burley blends, and I smoke more burley than anything else. I like it and for under $8 a tin you could do alot worse for more $$$. Certainly one to try. Since it's a flake, it does rub out nice and easy. With a name like "Dark Strong Kentucky" you might assume it is a very strong taste and might not be for you. In fact, in the past I would have given it 4 stars. Very rich and deep taste, and very well behaved. Rating for those interested in numbers * stars. In fact, I don't have three tins of a whole lot in my cellar. They fire up on the second light and burn nicely. When I first open the tin, I am not surprise or anything, I packed it as normal routine, but something happened after I start to light the tobacco and my draw it was a eye opener for, good taste, no tongue bite all the way, it really wake me up an d make my day. Select all. =================================================================================================Update, 3 October 2003 Dear Brethren of the Briar. I didn't know this had a licorice topping and interpreted the taste as a fermented yeast, malt, and molasses like in a dark bread. That something else I now realized was the charateristic taste of burley. This is some interesting looking tobacco. Tin note is beautiful and packed with rich anise and molasses. And you will know it as soon as you open the tin. Pretty good, really, if you give it some room to work its magic: in confined spaces, the room note may be too strong. This just has a little more going for it. It took a few charring lights and a couple of relights before it was all over. This is a great smoke. I have just received great news. I was disappointed in my expectation, but not in the actual product. Taste, the molasses top note was present but there is a nuttiness and sweetness to the KY, the VA had some notes of hay and there was a non citrus fruit like sweetness that may have been from KY. A very good blend that is not overly complex and slightly sweet. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ! I went and bought the last two tins at my local shop, and I'd highly recommend you do this as well ASAP. After going through a few tins of Golden Slice I was ready for a bit more body. This is a very macho smoke, full in taste and a good amount of nicotine as well. Very nice smoke. Note: After smoking this tobac. I can also detect a mild anise flavored casing I have not experienced until the release of this product. This is a non-aromatic, medium to full in strength dark fired Kentucky tobacco. There is a flavoring of maybe liquorice or anise as well that's done lightly. Aged cakes of red Virginia and fire cured dark Kentucky pipe tobaccos give this full bodied, flavorful flake an unusually rich and naturally spicy taste. This is just a very solid taste treat, rich and sweet. This is everything its name implies. For the economy of space I will refer you to the review of Tantric which I believe is right on the money, with the exception that IMO this tobacco is lightly scented. Solid reliable stuff. The visible appearance in every way is identical - size/thickness/texture of flake, color, the way the two different tobaccos (Va and Kentucky) are merged together producing a very nice striated pattern. Kind of burns a little on the hot side but overall a good one to try. DSK is not as good as either, and they are only somewhat similar, but sometimes this Orlik blend is for me a passable stand-in. You almost want to carry it around in a pouch to show everyone. It seems dry in the tin, but is actually fairly moist this way, rubbing it out will change the moisture retention drastically. It is a nice addition to my cabinet and weekly rotation. ES and DSK are also cased for added sweetness and flavor. Aroma: Baked fig bars, maraschino cherry, dark chocolate, clover honey, rosemary, pomegranate, danish pastries, blackberry jam, grape juice concentrate. I believe there might be some Black CA as well, which softens the spicy, fired qualities of the DFK. Recommended. It didn't sound like this would be my kind of tobacco at all. This tobacco is very sweet an d has a nice mellow molasses taste. Not at all! I let it dry out for a bit and then it smokes nice and easy. Why? I'll keep a tin around for when the craving strikes and a couple in the cellar to see how it ages. The chosen sauces are only slightly sweet and impart a dark flavor rarely found in the vanilla/fruit/spice/Old Spice- dominated aromatic genre. Lovely aroma and flavor of stewed fruit. This is definitely a nice burley/virginia blendthe tanginess of the VA is unmistakable. Each flake consists of some medium mottled leaf (looks like red and golden virginia), and some very dark leaf (probably dark fired burley). can finally stop. The virginias bring an unsweetened, "breadish" taste that balance out the blend's sweetness. The tobacco has a distinct Dark Fired aroma. For an unadulterated virginia/kentucky blend go for G.L. Update 8/26/06: I now consider this my top burley, though there are several I'd still like to try. It wow'ed pretty wow without too much WOW. But friends don't let the label on the tin scare you away from this most excellent blend. Nice smoke! A whole new experience with my $50 beater Peter. You must try it! I am quite happy that this classic is back on the shelves. The dark fired is there, and it makes itself known, but doesn't dominate at all. The aroma was interesting. Not only because of the brilliant blending, but because Orlik seem to use the absolute best quality in tobacco, and this is a feeling I get, with all of their non- aromatics. The taste is something to remember: deep, nutty and smoky. Gawith Hoggarth & Co Kendal Kentucky Vintage Cut Pipe Tobacco - 500g. It's taken a minute to develop my palate. The nicotine strength is mild to medium. There is a hay like quality and overall the smoke is pleasurable. Nice blend. Folded or rubbed, it's gre at either way. Anyway, they rub out easily enough and, after a bit of drying time, light ok. I think if you're a puffer, this could get rancid, you need to take this one slow. This surprised me somewhat. It has been an enjoyable smoke. Apparently, both flakes are produced by Orlik. The tin contains very dark square flakes with golden stripes: their dark, caramelized aroma reminds of dried plums and is very delicious. I got round to trying it as it was quite well discounted by one of our tobacco specialists here (UK) Quite simply, it's the taste that I've always dreamed of finding, but haven't until now that is. Burns moderate with few relights. From time to time, I also like to add a touch of Perique to take it an extra mile. Now the details. I really like this one. Notify Me! Join over 18k members to reviewexclusive content. Not as strong as H&H Classic Burley Kake but tastier. Published review content of this website is considered the $10.99 Save 8%. If a friend asked what he should try, I can't imagine this being on my list of suggestions. My only complaint would be the tendency to burn hot and gurgle. The major difference to me is the tin note. Though there is some dark fired in this blend, it's accounts for a 1/3 maybe? Has a deep brown sugary, almost spicy molasses esque note to it and smoked like a creamy dream. Burn is not great, but it burns well enough. When I come back to it, it's even better. Upon opening the tin one is greeted with an attractive ensembal thin rectangular slices with contrasting golden and dark tobaccos, along with a light topnote of fermented fruit, that seems to evaporate after a few days. It definitely has its place. A mellow and delicate flavor providing a satisfying smoke. Likewise for DSK. I had no issue rubbing it out and gravity packing the tobacco. Similar Blends: Peter Heinrich's Dark Strong Flake. . It's delicious. And, it may miss entirely after this. $10.99 Save 21%. It burns well when rubbed out, and may take some relights if you just press a couple of flakes in the bowl. probably even better than OK, but preferred. It's quality baccy, just not an easy light smoke. This is what was recommended. The flake in this tin, is beautiful. The blend consists of orange Virginia, dark air cured burley and fire cured Kentucky tobaccos. In all fairness, the liquorice develops strength as the bowl burns, but never domineers the smoke NEVER; it's always mild. The unlit flavor is rich, slightly sweet, and very pleasant. Also, it is fragile, like many continental virginia flakes, and so it will leave lots of "crumbles" in the bottom of the tin or jar, which are wasted as far as I'm concerned, because they do no smoke well at all. Yak. The bowl has a distinctive "flash" of sweet on first light. Don't judge a book by its cover! To understand the greatness of this once unavailable flake, i t's important to understand dark-fired Kentucky Burley. That is, assuming you have never seen Peter Heinrich's Dark Strong Flake which looks identical. Similar Blends: Nothing I've ever had before.. Those favored tobaccos mu st now share company with this fire cured Kentucky blend. However the underlying tobacco is not what I would call strong. The dark parts are Kentucky and Cavendish, and the light stripe is flue cured, lemon VA. Tin note is mostly soft, dark chocolate over soft licorice, along with molasses and a breath of vanilla. Auction #2656 [Mr. Blandings] | TinBids.com I suspect that the dark "Kentucky-stripes" in the flake are actually Black Cavendish, because this blend blend is cased and Kentucky is hard to detect. Received a tin as a gift. Give it a try. The dark and light striped flakes are quite attractive and will look like something you have never seen before. I got overzealous the 1st couple bowls, didn't really get a bite, just less flavor & a lot of heat. The tin note is very coffee-like with a dark molasses sweetness to it. Personally, I have to be comfortable while smoking, or I'm just not going to bother. Our Little River, SC showroom, Low Country Pipe & Cigar, is open 10am-7pm US/Eastern Monday - Saturday at 2 Hwy 90 East, Little River SC, 29566. Sure was tasty and kept on giving throughout the bowl. The tin says "not for the beginner." But It smokes like a mess. Mild flavored tobaccos, mostly regular VAs and some Kentucky, Licorice and Molasses toppings almost equaling the mild blend. I found them to be correct. This is a mellow and pleasant blend of select Virginias with some dark fired Kentucky.
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