However, the axe failed to penetrate Alexander's iron helmet, and could only strike the helmet with roughly 20 pounds of force per square inch; 89 pounds per square inch being the minimum amount of force required to inflict a lethal skull fracture. The battle starts with five Taliban militia climbing over a small hill leading to an abandoned car lot. He pulls out the targe and tries to finish him with the war hammer, but Shaka rolls out of the way. Through a window, he sees Saddam standing behind a wall with only his left arm visible. The rapier/main gauche combo delivered five kill strikes against a gel torso in 16 seconds while the dao delivered five kill strikes against two pig carcasses in only seven seconds. Corts holds his ground and reaches with the poleaxe, pulling the hooded man down from horseback. The edge was given to the Flammenwerfer 41, since it did not require its victims to fall in or activate a trip wire to be effective, and was capable of clearing out areas and neutralizing booby traps, thus preventing any form of surprise attacks. In the end, the bat was given the edge for its sheer power. One tries to hack at him with a Mongol saber, but he deflects the blow and stabs him through his leather lamellar with his Falcata. Both warriors did not bring one of their weapons in the final battle (the Pirate's boarding axe and the Knight's halberd.). The edge was given to Crazy Horse for his tactical abilities in using the terrain to his advantage, outmaneuvering the enemy, and using their numbers and inability to coordinate and resupply against them. This was factored in due to the legendary regimens of each warrior. The remaining Pirate roars in victory and walks away. While the RGD-5 was powerful at a wide range, the Nail Bomb (despite being an improvised weapon) was given the advantage due to the high killing power of its shrapnel. He hides on the hill behind the SWAT van, slowly approaching it with his Remington 870 shotgun. He gets back up and swings the Sagaris, but the Celt parries and hits him twice with the Burda Club. (Persia) in victory. The range of the claymore and its performance proved to be the deciding factor, giving it the edge. This match-up is the most lopsided time-wise, with Sun Tzu traditionally believed to have been alive between 544496 BC (during the Bronze Age), and Vlad III between 14311476 AD (during the Middle Ages), a difference of 1927 years between Sun Tzu's death and Vlad's birth. The stingray spear caused severe damage, but not as much as the twin hooks, and the twin hooks were given the edge for this and re-usability, as the stingray spear was deemed a "one shot" weapon. The two brothers hug each other and then run off to steal whatever they can from the museum. The SAS and Navy SEALs are highly trained, disciplined, and motivated soldiers who undergo rigorous training to prepare for their roles. After this test, the hosts gave the edge to the composite bow. He drives the Spear harder through the leather armor and forces the Celt to the floor. When both were tested on horseback (on both stationary and moving targets), the Sword of Mars dealt four killing blows in 34.5 seconds. The shotgun was given the edge due to its superior killing power. He parries the oncoming swing and hits the Cartel thug in his stomach. SAS has three regiments one of which is regular, the other two reserve (civilian). The legionnaire frees his knife and swings his knife 180 degrees, causing the Gurkha to jump back. They're the ultra-elite Special Forces of the Russian military and mostly operate in foreign territory, performing deep reconnaissance, diversionary attacks, and sabotage missions. Pirate team: Michael Triplett (Pirate Weapons Master), David Hernandez (Sword Fighting Instructor)Pirate weapons: Cutlass, Boarding Axe, Blunderbuss, Flintlock Pistol, Grenado Pirate armor: None. The Makarov won due to its shooter's skill despite having a smaller magazine. For military tactics, Pancho Villa's "Ferocious Blow" was compared to Crazy Horse's "Hit and Run". After completing this initial training, candidates are sent to the regiment as troopers, where they undergo further basic training related to their specialty. Crazy Horse quickly holsters his revolver and gives chase. The Taser was the first and, to date, only weapon on Deadliest Warrior to be tested on a living subject. The repeating crossbow fired 20 shots in the span of 30 seconds, and was shown capable of penetrating the chain part of Vlad's plated chainmail although it was a glancing wound. Deadliest Warrior premiered on April 7, 2009 at 10 pm ET. He then pulls out his Pilum Javelin and charges at the Rajput, causing him to flee. It was agreed that the Armalite was the more accurate weapon, but the AK-74 was the more durable weapon; hence, the result was a draw. The edge was given to the Persian spear since it was not a disposable missile weapon, like the lancea, and had a thinner tip to facilitate deeper penetration. squad is sneaking through the lot, using the cars as cover. According to the given statistics, the Green Berets had a negligible size advantage of 2inches and 5lbs, with Spetznaz having an equally negligible advantage in lighter gear at 2lbs. The Gladiator takes out a sling and hurls a stone at the Apache, who easily dodges it. One enters the hallway and gets in a gunfight with one of the Green Berets. The size differential between these two warriors is not listed. Navy Seal vs. Israeli commando - International Skeptics Forum The Viking picks up his great axe and rushes at the Samurai. The new format (except for Vampires vs. Zombies) is a squad on squad battle of 5 vs. 5 (reserved only for modern matches in past seasons). Ivan laughs at the prisoner's pain as Corts, who has dismounted from horseback, shows concern and signals for his men to take position with their Arquebuses. leader runs into the bus and pulls out a nail bomb. was a SEAL,left, and worked in the field in th CIA for 12 years, before retiring a few years ago. One VC concentrates its fire and kills a Nazi soldier with his MAT-49 submachine gun. However, the Ninja's gear was 50lbs lighter. The 4 IRA members inside start to load up on weaponry for their battle and look for cover for when the Spetsnaz team arrives. For mid-range weapons, the Aztec Jaguar's maquahuitl took the edge over the Zande Warrior's makrigga. The ild cut apart a pig carcass in 10 strikes, visually severing the ribcage and spinal cord. For mid-range weapons, the Type 68 was tested against the M4 Carbine in eliminating six targets inside a command post. weapons: Webley Revolver, LPO-50 Flamethrower, AR-15 Armalite, HK G3 Sniper Rifle, Nail Bomb, Slingshot, Spetsnaz representative: Sonny Puzikas (Former Spetsnaz Operative)Spetsnaz weapons: Makarov Pistol, Saiga Shotgun, AK-74 Carbine, Dragunov Rifle, RGD-5 Grenade, Ballistic Knife. Ivan smirks at the condemned as he rises from his kneeling position. This is the third episode with no long-range weapons. armor: None, C.I.A. The Apache pulls out his tomahawk and swings at the Gladiator. Attila, Scythian axe and shield in hand, bounds toward him. Knight statistics: Height: 5 feet, 11inches Weight: 180lbs Gear Weight: 70lbs. The velocity of the ninjato was measured and while the results were not specifically stated on the show, it was stated that the ninjato's velocity surpassed that of the Spartan's dory spear. He drops it and picks up an Uzi. The Musketeer shot by the Pole Gun is assisted in getting back onto his feet, only to be shot in the head by another Ming Warrior's Pole Gun. Dr. Armand Dorian claimed that a person struck with such a blow would die within 30 seconds. For long-range weapons, the Zande Warrior's kpinga took the edge over the Aztec Jaguar's atlatl and tlacochtli. The pursuit lasted for 9 days and stretched for 200 miles which left the Rus' and Kipchak's disorganized, tired, and blindly determined which led to them being trapped and defeated, by a waiting army of 18,000 Mongolians, in an ambush on the banks of the Kalka River. Under heavy fire and outgunned, Saddam calls for a retreat as he, his bodyguard, and the last checkpoint guard fall back inside the building. The Gladiator advances with his trident while the Apache tries to avoid the weapon. The Somali Pirate eventually manages to shoot Escobar in the left shoulder, who falls to the floor and lies motionless. At the Battle of Kalka River, the Mongols, using only a small force of 2,000 Mongolian cavalry, agitated a sizable force of 30,000 Rus' and Kipchak's into attacking them and kept them focused on trying to pursue them by constantly launching hit-and-run attacks and denying them the opportunity for a battle. A nearby NKSOF hears the commotion and goes to investigate. He effortlessly blocks the taiaha before hooking it and pulling it from the Mori's hands. The Musketeer with the musket starts to go around the rock, but the leader stops him, pulling out a grenade. For short-range weapons, the bowie hunter was tested against the jambiya in eliminating two targets. Crazy Horse ducks down and disappears into the grass. The SWAT captain slowly approaches the GSG9 member to make sure he is dead, then turns and removes his goggles. The machete cleaved off the arms and severed the throat of a gel torso as well as demonstrated the. After the charge is finished, Ivan notices that Corts managed to cut him on his right cheek. Under cover, the other two SEALs check their friend for signs of life, but the SEAL is already gone. One Spetsnaz soldier sees a seal walking on a platform and takes him out with his AK-74. In a nearby field, Crazy Horse and his fellow brave have dismounted and are navigating the tall grass with rifles in hand. Despite the results being close, this is the most lopsided match-up of season 3. It explodes, causing panic and confusion for the Spetsnaz soldiers inside. There is no equivalent to the Navy SEALs : r/MURICA - Reddit The two stop in the middle of a field while the Samurai grabs a hold of the handle of his Katana. The Samurai gets up and grabs his naginata. In the last 20 years. The battle begins in the remains of a completely abandoned city. This was the first ever squad-on-squad battle in the show. Not all candidates who begin SEAL training will complete the program, and some may choose to drop out or be forced out during the process. Black eggs containing both crushed glass and pepper juice were thrown at a Spartan helmet where it was proved to be blindingly effective. The Navy SEAL quickly gets up and points his Sig Sauer P226 at the two Israeli Commandos, waiting for one of them to make their move. It hits him in his helmet, dazing him. This is the first battle where a small beep accompanies the counter, indicating that a warrior is dead. The Ninja is the second warrior to have more weapons than his opponent (Ninja 5, Spartan 4). Back up on the ridge, the Comanche readies his bow and arrow and fires downward to the unsuspecting Mongol. The Gladiator pulls out his shield and breaks the arrow from earlier off. He quickly makes his way in and kills the first Spetsnaz man he sees with his M4A1 Carbine. Vlad the Impaler team: Vaclav Havlik (Medieval Sword Master), Brahm Gallagher (Vlad Historian)Vlad the Impaler weapons: Kilij, Halberd, Steel Crossbow, Hand CannonVlad the Impaler armor: Plated mail, Steel Helmet, Steel Shield, Sun Tzu team: Johnny Yang (Chinese Martial Arts Champ), Tommy Leng (Ancient Chinese Weapons Expert)Sun Tzu weapons: Jian, Zhua, Repeating Crossbow, Flaming ArrowsSun Tzu armor: Leather Lamellar, Bronze Helmet. Due to a communications breakdown and inability to hit the attacking Sioux/Cheyenne raiders, Crazy Horse launched a frontal attack while Crook's forces were reloading and managed to outflank and overrun them, forcing General Crook to withdraw and resulting in the annihilation of Custer's 7th Cavalry at the Little Bighorn. The sniper quickly vacates the area, hauling away the sniper rifle while the spotter crawls to avoid any further engagement and takes his AKM assault rifle. Team 6 and the SAS are both also extensively trained to conduct deniable undercover operations where their very presence is unacknowledged. With that off the way, the lone mafioso lights up a cigar, content with his victory, and prepares to leave, with another contract under his belt. For Mid Range weapons, each team ran a simulation: rescue a hostage from three enemies, while securing three bystanders. For long-range weapons, the MP 28 was tested against the MAT-49. This is the fifth episode to have a tie in weapons edges. He struggles to free his weapon, but the Aztec Jaguar quickly reacts by slashing across the Zande's hip with his Tecpatl knife. The edge was given to the burda for its simplicity, portability, and the failure of the chariot scythe. The ball and chain struck the ice sculpture in a manner that would have crushed the windpipe and broken the sternum on a person, possibly contusing the heart. The LPO-50 (or rather, since the LPO-50 is banned in the US, a substitute flamethrower) burnt its targets at temperatures of 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. The other Cartel henchman continues to fire his M60, but it gets jammed. As the rest of the small legion falls back, the Gurkhas start to advance, taking position in front of the sandbags and continuing to lay down covering fire as two Gurkhas run up through the camp, dodging small artillery fire and jumping over the barbed wire barricade. The Navy SEALs are trained to operate in any environment and climate from the desert to the Artic. The Ninja is the shortest warrior featured in Season 1, and is tied with the Samurai as the lightest. The edge was given to the Semtex for its greater explosive force. He swings it around and hurls a rock at the Zande Warrior, but misses him yet again. The chakram severed a simulated neck while the scorpion demonstrated its superior range by delivering four kills at 25 yards and one kill at 50 yards. Both are highly trained, both are going to be in incredible shape, both are going to have extensive hand . Should throw in Russian Spetsnaz, and Sayeret Matkal with SAS and Delta Force, theyre at least as good. Saddam Hussein is the thirteenth warrior of thirteen to win after scoring more kills at mid range and long range. The Centurion makes his way to a more open area, only to be met with one of the Rajput's Chakram discs. . "Deadliest Warrior: The Aftermath" Navy SEAL vs. Israeli - IMDb They soon hear a strange noise and see Hannibal, who is mounted upon a war elephant and being accompanied by 4 Carthaginians: 3 foot soldiers and a single horseman. He soon is overwhelmed and runs back to the corridor where the rest of the zombies have begun to come through the other exits, blocking all paths of escape. The edge was given to the repeating crossbow for its superior rate of fire. The panel was indecisive as to which knife was better and considered both weapons to be equally effective, resulting in a draw. The Navy SEAL leader runs across the open area, drawing and exchanging fire with the other two Commandos. Both men's stabbing speed was determined to be slightly less than the punching speed of the average Olympic boxer. The squad's captain looks into his binoculars and sees 4 GSG9 members approaching from the other side of the area. He investigates and finds the Maori warrior performing his "Ka Mate" haka. Capone quickly ducks for cover behind a desk right before the rifleman finishes the last man on Capone's team with a shot from the Winchester. The Spartan stands in a forest with his shield and spear in hand. The grenade explodes, killing two soldiers. Additionally, burn injuries were deemed to be far worse than gunshot wounds, giving the IRA the edge. As he retrieves his hat, Napoleon dismounts and engages him. The Comanche rolls, dropping his lance as he also avoids a circular slash. For explosive weapons, the C4 was tested against the Semtex. The Persian Immortal, standing over the dead body, raises his spear and yells, "Parsa!" The Waffen SS leader then finds his team's Kubelwagen and runs to it, finding a Flammenwerfer 41 flamethrower in the back. For the makrigga, the weapon was tested on a 300-pound piece of beef filled with animal blood and entrails. The Knight manages to tackle the Pirate but is encumbered by his armor. For short-range weapons, the Celtic long sword was tested against the sagaris. Saddam and his bodyguard quickly exit the vehicle as one Khmer Rouge rebel fires at the car with his RPD, shooting the gas tank and causing the motorcade to explode. A bonus clip not in the original broadcast shows the elephant taking down several targets while charging at a speed of 24mph. Joan's Full Plate only reduced her mobility by 14% and deflected a blow from the Norman Broadsword while William's Chainmail Hauberk reduced his Mobility by 27% and was pierced three times by the Arming Sword. The Viet Cong leader is set ablaze, fires one wild shot into the air, and slumps to the ground, screaming before dying. Its 17. As the Taliban member enters the bus, the I.R.A. The Spetsnaz soldier behind the barrel calls for his team to run after the IRA. The long sword decapitated a gel torso in three hits at 74mph, breaking through the spinal cord on the first swing and through the cheekbone on the second swing. In retaliation, Hannibal orders his horseman to ride on and attack with Soliferrums. The rapier struck through a synthetic eyeball(cutting it in half) and stabbed into the brain, stabbed the throat and severed the jugulars and the carotid artery, and stabbed between two ribs and pierced the heart. The Rajput then swings his sword and cuts the head of the Dolabra off from the handle. The Siege Cannon inflicted heavy damage on a wall with its first three shots and bored a large hole into a gel dummy with the fifth shot, despite missing it with the fourth. Army Ranger hand-to-hand combat: Special Operations Combatives Program, North Korean Special Ops team: Charles Joh (SWAT CDR/Tactics Specialist), Ji Jay Kim (Fmr South Korean Marine), Thomas Rix (Fmr U.S. Intelligence Officer), Grand Master Ho Jin Song (9th Degree Black Belt)North Korean Special Ops weapons: Type 68 AKM, PSL, Anti-Personnel Box MineNorth Korean Special Ops hand-to-hand combat: Hapkido and Tae-kwon-do hybrid. He quickly sets up the detonator and then hides in the back and waits for the Israeli Commandos. The rifleman waits for Capone to make his move, unaware that Capone is pulling the pin from his MK2 "Pineapple" Grenade. Shaka manages to stab Wallace in his waist, forcing him to stumble back. For mid-range weaponry, footage for season one reviewed the IRA's LPO-50 Flamethrower against the Spetsnaz's Saiga Shotgun. The Samurai begins to savagely hit the shield with his kanabo, and manages to chip off a portion of the shield, injuring the Viking's arm. Both styles of fighting were deemed to be equally effective but were factored into the simulation as X-factors, not weapons. Al Capone's men come out of cover and begin chasing them, with Capone dusting off his hat and following close behind. The M4 hit the pig target with all 30 rounds in 34s while the Micro Galil fired only 23 rounds in 48s, achieving 21 hits and two grazes. He then swings his knife, slashing through the legionnaire's throat. Suzie, not being a trained war elephant, was egged on by her trainer, Hayden Rosenaur, throughout the testing. The RGD5 was detonated inside of a washing machine surrounded by standees and managed to take out one standee and put a piece of the machine in another standee at 40 feet. He hears the Ninja and turns to see him spinning the ball and chain from his kusarigama. Joe Ferrante performed an impromptu demonstration of the bat on the same torso and caused more damage in one swing (though this would have been inaccurate because the skull was already broken). The general falls back again, as Vlad pulls off his gauntlet, revealing that the Zhua managed to cut his forearm. The Iraqi soldier takes his RGD-5 grenade and lobs it to the pillars, killing one Cambodian insurgent and stunning another to his knees. For mid-range, the Vampire claw was matched against a horde of Zombie hands. The leader runs down a flight of stairs, drawing the attention of the Commando. As the warriors ride past each other, Corts ducks under Ivan's wild swing and thrusts his sword forward, puncturing Ivan's neck. The conquistadors calmly hold their ground as one of the Spaniards takes an Alabarda from his horse and hands it to Corts. As he gets close, he draws his ninjato. The Shaolin monk watches as the Maori dances in front of him. Somali Pirate team: Abdi Ali (Somali Native/Army Veteran), Haji Ukajh (Somali Refugee/Weapons Expert)Somali Pirate weapons: Grappling Hook, AK-47, PKM Machine Gun, RPG-7Somali Pirate armor: None, Medellin Cartel team: Michael Corleone Blanco (Son of Medellin Cartel Boss), Kenny "Kenji" Gallo (Former Cocaine Smuggler)Medellin Cartel weapons: Machete, Mini Uzi, M60 Machine Gun, Car BombMedellin Cartel armor: None. Shaka slashes Wallace's leg with his iklwa, forcing Wallace back. Vlad walks a little way and sees the general's armor nearby and takes his shot. Although the staff managed to take out clay pots with amazing speed and precision (four pots in 2.643 seconds), the taiaha showed more strength by taking out two cow spines (which are three times thicker than a human spine). The kopis completed the test in 25.75 seconds; the kopis decapitated one meat "neck" and cut through the spinal cord on the other. The last conquistador then rides on with his sword drawn. The Ninja jumps onto a tree and prepares to lunge at the Spartan with his sword. Eventually, the Shaolin throws his twin hooks to the ground and springs into a fighting stance with his staff. Napoleon's army fires their cannon first and takes out another one of Washington's men, but a man of their own is decapitated as Washington's army fires their cannon. man, killing him. Meanwhile, the Ranger group marches slowly up a drainage ditch when one ranger trips a box landmine, sending him flying. According to the listed statistics, the Spartan had a size advantage of 6inches and 30lbs. Both squads emerge in different locations as the SEALs come up a flight of stairs near a turbine, while the Commandos weave their way through various machines. It is pointed out that the maquahuitl inflicted tearing wounds as opposed to cutting wounds, with the former causing greater bleed-out. Shaka Zulu's height and weight are not listed. The two warriors glare at each other, waiting for the other to make his move. While the Green Beret was able to navigate the same course in less time (completing the course five seconds sooner than the Spetsnaz) and also without friendly casualties, the Green Beret was only able to kill one target, leaving one target able to fight back in wounded condition and the final target nearly unscathed. He gets in the driver's seat and begins honking the horn to get the rocket Pirate who chose to stay outside. However, he hesitates, and the Spartan holds out his sword and impales the Ninja when he jumps. Attila rides in with a lasso and tries to throw it around the neck of his foe, but Alexander catches it. Behind him, Roosevelt inhales deeply and draws his Bowie Hunter knife, preparing to show down with Lawrence. For military tactics, Hannibal's "Double Envelopment" was compared to Genghis Khan's "Feigned Retreat". At a Japanese hotel's reception, a couple's filing in for the night, before being ambushed by the Yakuza from one cornerand the Mafia right on the other exit of the hotel. KGB 004 kneels down to the deceased CIA 001 and steals the camera film as CIA Agents 004 and 005 storm the lobby with silenced MAC 10 submachine guns. The US Army Rangers are the second warrior to get the edge in explosive weapons and win (The other is the IRA). The Roman Centurion then takes his Dolabra and charges at the Rajput. The SAS . The Persian Immortal jumps off his chariot with his spear and shield just before the Celt swings his Sling around and throws a rock. It cuts into the Samurai's stomach and leaves him frozen in place. The last Oprichnik charges at Corts with his saber drawn. Frank USN a reminder that the SAS have four troops that rotate roles one of those roles being amphibious so the SAS is maritime trained but SBS is designated to water full time. The Zande Warrior pumps his fists into the air, yelling in victory. This is the first battle between two historical individuals to be featured on the show. The Spetsnaz leader tries to push him away, but is constantly pushed into walls. The Mori frantically swings at the Monk, who grabs his arm and pulls the mere club from his hand. The Persian Immortal yells in pain and swings, forcing the Celt to pull out his Lancea. He is set on fire and desperately tries to shoot in random directions, but dies before he can make a hit. Alexander approaches Attila and is promptly stabbed through the neck. For long-range weapons, the Gatling gun was tested against the Vickers machine gun in eliminating 18 targets with 250 rounds. For long-range weapons, the repeating crossbow was tested against the steel crossbow. The Korean leader gets to his feet as the Ranger leader does the same and tries to kick the M4 away from his hands. Both sides continue to fire on each other until all three Koreans fall back into the facility. The Spartan swings the Shield into the Samurai's face and knocks him to the ground. The Celt throws his head back in pain, giving the Immortal enough time to flip the Spear again and stab the Celt in the chest. Yakuza statistics: Height: 5 feet, 6inches Weight: 150lbs Gear Weight: 10 pounds. However, the war hawk was stuck for several seconds in the second bone skull and had to be shaken off before moving on to the ballistics skull. 1 Spartan Vs Knight. The aara, when wielded against three targets, was only able to kill one and inflict minor injuries on the other two. For short-range weapons, the shoe knife was tested against the garrote. The Mori watches as the Shaolin begins to twirl his staff around. Shaka rolls away and waits with his iklwa and axe in hand for Wallace, who draws his claymore. Washington orders his sharpshooter to take out Napoleon's mounted lieutenant, which he does. A bonus scene not shown in the original broadcast available at showed some additional X-factors that went into the simulator.
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