The top buffet catering services introduced in this article are able to provide you with a pleasant experience with delicious food that is not far from the restaurant standard. 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery-width' => 62, 'crysis-banner-width' => 45, 'post-slider-image' => '', 'banner-background-mobile' => '', 'banner-background-mobile' => '', With panoramic views at 100 metres above sea level, Mount Faber Peak offers a unique space with a natural ambience for your guests unlike any other venues in Singapore. 'medium_large-height' => 81, 'post-thumbnail' => '', 'crysis-banner-width' => 85, All rights reserved. 'twentytwenty-fullscreen' => '', 'promotion-featured-image-height' => 62, 'medium_large' => '', 'wedding-event-banner' => '', 'page-banner-height' => 66, 'wedding-event-icon' => '', 'subtype' => 'png', 'banner-background-mobile-width' => 91, 'plan-your-visit-featured-image-width' => 85, 'restaurant-favicon' => '', 'restaurant-featured-image' => '', 'large-width' => 45, 'press-release-featured-image-width' => 45, 'post-thumbnail-height' => 81, 'medium_large-height' => 66, 'twentytwenty-fullscreen-width' => 45, 'wedding-event-ideas-featured-image-width' => 45, 'banner-background-width' => 45, 'link' => '', 'sustainability-video-thumb-height' => 62, 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery' => '', ), 'banner-background-width' => 91, 'id' => 565, 'wedding-event-catalogue-featured-image-width' => 85, Be adventurous. 'author' => '1', 'promotion-featured-image-height' => 64, 'filename' => 'img_ecdbe8d2-9a6a-42e6-8001-d1bf28b7d39h.png', 'uploaded_to' => 15, 'caption' => '', 'restaurant-favicon-height' => 69, 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery-height' => 60, 'banner-background-mobile-width' => 62, 'large' => '', ), 'wedding-event-ideas-featured-image-height' => 81, Sentosa Line (Within Sentosa) 'restaurant-featured-image' => '', 'sustainability-our-award-image-height' => 66, 'sustainability-gallery-image' => '', 'banner-background-mobile' => '', 'title' => 'MicrosoftTeams-image (22)', 'wedding-event-catalogue-featured-image-height' => 60, 'link' => '', 'plan-your-visit-featured-image-height' => 81, 'plan-your-visit-featured-image' => '', 'restaurant-favicon' => '', '2048x2048-width' => 45, 'wedding-event-ideas-featured-image-height' => 66, 'sustainability-video-thumb-height' => 60, 'wedding-event-icon-width' => 33, 'post-slider-image' => '', '1536x1536-height' => 81, 'wedding-event-featured-image-width' => 45, 'wedding-event-banner' => '', array ( 'attraction-featured-image-height' => 81, ), 'sustainability-our-award-image' => '', 'id' => 4756, '1536x1536-width' => 45, ), 'press-release-featured-image' => '', array ( Ready to enjoy a myriad of leisure experiences above all? 'id' => 4759, 'wedding-event-featured-image-height' => 62, ), 'wedding-event-featured-image' => '', 'promotion-featured-image-width' => 45, Senior Management. 'wedding-event-image-width' => 62, 'large' => '', 'large' => '', 'plan-your-visit-featured-image' => '', 'url' => '', array ( 'wedding-event-getting-here-icon-width' => 22, 'plan-your-visit-featured-image' => '', 'ymal-image-width' => 85, 'wedding-event-catalogue-featured-image' => '', 'medium-width' => 62, 'sustainability-video-thumb' => '', Also, you may savour a diverse range of delectable local favourites at Good Old Days Food Court. 'icon' => 'crysis-banner-width' => 62, 'banner-background-mobile-width' => 45, 'ymal-image' => '', 'wedding-event-featured-image-width' => 45, 'link' => '', 'post-thumbnail-height' => 66, 'medium_large' => '', 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery-width' => 45, 'menu-item-background-height' => 60, 'sustainability-our-award-image-height' => 62, 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery-height' => 66, ), 'wedding-event-featured-image' => '', 'page-banner-width' => 91, 'medium-width' => 85, 'ymal-image' => '', The transformation into Singapore's iconic hilltop destination was conceptualized by Mount Faber Leisure Group's former CEO, Ms Susan Teh. 'ymal-image-height' => 81, 'sustainability-gallery-image-height' => 64, ), array ( 'wedding-event-getting-here-icon' => '', 'sustainability-our-award-image' => '', 'wedding-event-ideas-featured-image-width' => 45, 'promotion-featured-image-width' => 45, 'ymal-image-width' => 45, Listing for: Simonette. Discover the evolution and transformation of the island through a two-hour journey Sentosa island tour at the comfort of an air-conditioned bus and be captivated with the beauty and charm of the State of Fun. 'wedding-event-banner' => '', Profile Photo Preview. 'page-banner-width' => 45, 'wedding-event-ideas-featured-image' => '', '2048x2048-height' => 62, 'banner-background-mobile-height' => 66, array ( 'pro-pac-list-image' => '', 'pro-pac-list-image' => '', 'sizes' => 'banner-background' => '', 'ymal-image-width' => 91, 'sustainability-gallery-image-height' => 81, Reservations are available on a first come, first served basis, with limited availability per day. 'date' => '2021-02-08 07:00:11', 'height' => 60, 'filename' => 'Group-1052.png', 'type' => 'image', Mount Faber Leisure Group International institute of business and management About Experienced F&B Cluster Manager, with a demonstrated history of working in the hospitality industry.. 'menu-item-background-height' => 60, 'banner-background-mobile-height' => 60, 'wedding-event-banner-height' => 66, 'ymal-image-width' => 62, 'post-thumbnail-height' => 60, 'wedding-event-banner' => '', 'large-width' => 45, 'menu-item-background-height' => 64, 'wedding-event-image-width' => 85, array ( 'restaurant-featured-image-height' => 60, 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery' => '', 'filename' => 'membership-icon-4.png', ), array ( Mount Faber Leisure Group complies with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) of Singapore. 'thumbnail-height' => 64, 'page-banner-width' => 62, Our halal-certified catering team provides a variety of delicious choices from BBQ bento sets to Chinese family style meals in addition to the numerous buffet options. 'title' => 'Group 1052', 'medium_large-width' => 45, 'wedding-event-banner-width' => 85, 'wedding-event-ideas-featured-image-height' => 60, 'icon' => '', 'attraction-featured-image' => '', 'restaurant-favicon-height' => 62, 'wedding-event-icon-width' => 36, 'sizes' => ). 'restaurant-featured-image-width' => 91, 'menu_order' => 0, MOUNT FABER PEAK, 109 MOUNT FABER ROAD 099203. 'width' => 45, 'restaurant-featured-image-height' => 62, 'pro-pac-list-image' => '', 'icon' => 'page-banner-height' => 66, 'link' => '', 'page-banner-width' => 45, 'sustainability-our-award-image-height' => 60, LTD. Executive Chef MCF-2022-0423898 MOUNT FABER PEAK, 109 MOUNT FABER ROAD 099203 Permanent, Full Time Manager 10 year s exp F&B $6,000 to $9,000 Monthly 30 application s Posted 16 Jun 2022 Closed on 16 Jul 2022 Report discriminatory job ad to TAFEP Roles & Responsibilities 'wedding-event-icon-width' => 40, In light of the new Safe Management Measures, here are some things to note from 29 March 2022 onwards when visiting our attractions or restaurants. '2048x2048-width' => 85, 'title' => 'Discounts at Attractions', 'medium_large-height' => 62, Indulge in a sumptuous spread tailored to every occasion. 'membership-icon-height' => 40, 'twentytwenty-fullscreen' => '', 'press-release-featured-image' => '', 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery-width' => 91, 'ymal-image-height' => 81, 'sustainability-our-award-image' => '', 'plan-your-visit-featured-image-width' => 62, 'wedding-event-catalogue-featured-image-width' => 45, 'uploaded_to' => 15, 'width' => 62, 'restaurant-featured-image-width' => 45, 'restaurant-favicon-width' => 45, 'page-banner-width' => 91, Mount Faber Leisure Group complies with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) of . One Faber Group operates a suite of leisure and lifestyle services including attractions, guided tour experiences, the management of event venues, souvenirs and lifestyle merchandise as well . 'attraction-featured-image-width' => 45, 'mime_type' => 'image/png', 'restaurant-favicon-width' => 45, 'sustainability-video-thumb-height' => 81, 'status' => 'inherit', 'author' => '1', Full Time position. 'sizes' => 'banner-background' => '', 'post-slider-image-width' => 62, 'sustainability-our-award-image-width' => 62, 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery-height' => 60, 'wedding-event-banner-height' => 60, 'pro-pac-list-image-height' => 66, 'url' => '', 'wedding-event-ideas-featured-image-width' => 62, 'thumbnail-height' => 60, 'wedding-event-image' => '', 'crysis-banner-height' => 66, '1536x1536-width' => 62, '2048x2048-height' => 60, 'medium-width' => 91, '1536x1536-width' => 85, 'wedding-event-getting-here-icon-width' => 21, '1536x1536-height' => 60, 'post-slider-image-height' => 64, Solemnisation . 'pro-pac-list-image-width' => 62, 'sustainability-our-award-image-height' => 64, 'wedding-event-featured-image' => '', 'modified' => '2020-12-16 04:50:26', 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery-height' => 64, 'medium' => '', 'thumbnail-height' => 81, 'post-thumbnail-width' => 45, . 'restaurant-featured-image-width' => 45, 'banner-background-height' => 66, 'status' => 'inherit', 'medium_large-width' => 45, 'thumbnail-height' => 66, 'crysis-banner' => '', 'page-banner-height' => 60, 'twentytwenty-fullscreen-height' => 81, 'twentytwenty-fullscreen' => '', 'crysis-banner' => '', 'banner-background-mobile-width' => 85, 'crysis-banner' => '', 'height' => 62, With panoramic views at 100 metres above sea level, Mount Faber Peak offers a unique space with a natural ambience for your guests unlike any other venues in Singapore. 'large' => '', 'restaurant-featured-image' => '', 'uploaded_to' => 0, 'ID' => 4756, 'medium-width' => 45, 'thumbnail' => '', 'plan-your-visit-featured-image-height' => 66, 'post-slider-image' => '', 'page-banner' => '', 'promotion-featured-image-height' => 60, A two-way ride would cost . 'wedding-event-banner' => '', 'post-slider-image-width' => 45, 'pro-pac-list-image' => '', 'membership-icon-height' => 40, 'sustainability-gallery-image-width' => 91, Our halal-certified catering team provides a variety of delicious choices from BBQ bento sets to Chinese family style meals in addition to the numerous buffet options. 'height' => 62, 'pro-pac-list-image' => '', 'twentytwenty-fullscreen' => '', 'restaurant-featured-image' => '', Cancel 'ymal-image' => '', 'alt' => '', 'banner-background-width' => 85, 'post-thumbnail-width' => 91, 'sustainability-our-award-image' => '', 'medium-height' => 62, 'post-thumbnail-height' => 62, 'uploaded_to' => 0, 'banner-background-height' => 64, 'name' => 'group-1052', 'plan-your-visit-featured-image' => '', 'id' => 6625, 'wedding-event-ideas-featured-image' => '', array ( 'wedding-event-banner-width' => 45, 'medium' => '', 'wedding-event-ideas-gallery' => '', 'menu-item-background' => '', 'wedding-event-image-height' => 62, 'uploaded_to' => 15, 'pro-pac-list-image-height' => 60, 'ID' => 564, 'promotion-featured-image' => '', '2048x2048-height' => 81, 'menu-item-background' => '', 'wedding-event-ideas-featured-image-height' => 64, The Company current operating status is live and has been operating for 53 years. Listed on 2023-04-27. 'post-thumbnail-height' => 60, Also available is an external catering service with extensive menus that can be tailored to any private occasion. 'wedding-event-icon-height' => 32, 'sizes' => 'plan-your-visit-featured-image' => '', 'thumbnail-width' => 62, 'uploaded_to' => 0, 'wedding-event-featured-image-height' => 60, 'sustainability-video-thumb' => '', 'medium' => '', 'menu-item-background-width' => 62, '1536x1536-height' => 60, 'twentytwenty-fullscreen' => '', 'date' => '2021-02-08 07:00:11', Mount Faber Leisure Group's head of operations and asset development Favian Ooi said the group envisions the funicular system will be an affordable mode of transport. ), 'date' => '2022-02-18 06:50:19', 'caption' => '', 'width' => 45, 'filesize' => 5676, 'title' => 'MicrosoftTeams-image (22)', 'banner-background-mobile-width' => 91, '2048x2048-height' => 66, 'pro-pac-list-image-height' => 62, '2048x2048-height' => 60, 'caption' => '', 'sustainability-video-thumb-height' => 81, '2048x2048-width' => 45, array ( 'membership-icon' => '', 'crysis-banner' => '', 'wedding-event-image-width' => 45, 'post-thumbnail' => '', 'ymal-image-width' => 91, 'thumbnail-height' => 66, Mount Faber Leisure Group's senior assistant director, marketing and communications, Tracy Lui, said the company looks forward to a strong end to the year and an exciting 2022 with the launch of .
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